using ArducopterConfigurator.PresentationModels; using NUnit.Framework; namespace ArducopterConfiguratorTest { [TestFixture] public class AltitudeHoldVmTest : VmTestBase<AltitudeHoldConfigVm> { [SetUp] public void Setup() { sampleLineOfData = "0.800,0.200,0.300"; getCommand = "F"; setCommand = "E"; _mockComms = new MockComms(); _vm = new AltitudeHoldConfigVm(_mockComms); } [Test] // For whatever reason, for Altitude the properties are sent in P, D ,I // order, but received in P,I,D order public void UpdateStringSentIsCorrect() { _vm.P = 1.0F; _vm.I = 2.0F; _vm.D = 3.0F; _vm.UpdateCommand.Execute(null); Assert.AreEqual(1, _mockComms.SentItems.Count); Assert.AreEqual("E1;3;2", _mockComms.SentItems[0]); } [Test] // For whatever reason, for Altitude the properties are sent in P, D ,I // order, but received in P,I,D order public void UpdateStringReceivedPopulatesValuesCorrectly() { _vm.Activate(); _mockComms.FireLineRecieve(sampleLineOfData); Assert.AreEqual(0.8f, _vm.P); Assert.AreEqual(0.2f, _vm.I); Assert.AreEqual(0.3f, _vm.D); } } }