#!/usr/bin/env python ''' convert a betaflight unified configuration file into a hwdef.dat currently very approximate, file requires cleanup afterwards must be run from within a source tree as it relies on other other python files code by Andy Piper ''' import sys, re import argparse timers = {} timers_by_name = {} resources = {} features = [] chip_select = {} chip_select_by_type = {} defines = {} functions = { "SPI" : {}, "MOTOR" : {}, "BEEPER" : {}, "SERVO" : {}, "LED" : {}, "SERIAL" : {}, "SPI" : {}, "I2C" : {}, "ADC" : {}, "CAMERA" : {}, } settings = {} dma_noshare = {} # betaflight sensor alignment is a mysterious art # some of these might be right but you should always check alignment = { "CW0" : "ROTATION_YAW_270", "CW90" : "ROTATION_NONE", "CW180" : "ROTATION_YAW_90", "CW270" : "ROTATION_YAW_180", "CW0FLIP" : "ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_270", "CW90FLIP" : "ROTATION_ROLL_180", "CW180FLIP" : "ROTATION_ROLL_180_YAW_90", "CW270FLIP" : "ROTATION_PITCH_180", "DEFAULT" : "ROTATION_NONE", } parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("convert_betaflight_unified.py") parser.add_argument('-I', '--id', type=str, default=None, help='Board id') parser.add_argument('fname', help='Betaflight unified config file') args = parser.parse_args() def convert_pin(pin): pinnum = str(int(pin[1:])) return 'P' + pin[0] + pinnum def error(str): '''show an error and exit''' print("Error: " + str) sys.exit(1) def get_ADC1_chan(mcu, pin): '''return ADC1 channel for an analog pin''' import importlib try: lib = importlib.import_module("STM32" + mcu + "xx") ADC1_map = lib.ADC1_map except ImportError: error("Unable to find ADC1_Map for MCU %s" % mcu) if pin not in ADC1_map: error("Unable to find ADC1 channel for pin %s" % pin) return ADC1_map[pin] def write_osd_config(f, bus): f.write(''' # OSD setup SPIDEV osd SPI%s DEVID1 OSD1_CS MODE0 10*MHZ 10*MHZ define OSD_ENABLED 1 define HAL_OSD_TYPE_DEFAULT 1 ROMFS_WILDCARD libraries/AP_OSD/fonts/font*.bin ''' % bus) def write_flash_config(f, bus): f.write(''' # Dataflash setup SPIDEV dataflash SPI%s DEVID1 FLASH1_CS MODE3 104*MHZ 104*MHZ define HAL_LOGGING_DATAFLASH_ENABLED 1 ''' % bus) def write_imu_config(f, n): global dma_noshare global dma_pri bus = settings['gyro_' + n + '_spibus'] sensor_align = 'gyro_' + n + '_sensor_align' if sensor_align in settings: align = settings[sensor_align] else: align = 'CW0' f.write(''' # IMU setup SPIDEV imu%s SPI%s DEVID1 GYRO%s_CS MODE3 1*MHZ 8*MHZ ''' % (n, bus, n)) c = 0 for define in defines: for imudefine in ['USE_GYRO_SPI_', 'USE_ACCGYRO_']: if define.startswith(imudefine): imu = define[len(imudefine):] c = c + 1 if c == int(n): if imu == 'ICM42688P': imudriver = 'Invensensev3' elif imu == 'BMI270': imudriver = 'BMI270' else: imudriver = 'Invensense' f.write(''' IMU %s SPI:imu%s %s ''' % (imudriver, n, alignment[align])) dma = "SPI" + bus + "*" dma_noshare[dma] = dma def convert_file(fname, board_id): f = open("hwdef.dat", 'w') lines = open(fname, 'r').readlines() mcu = "" mcuclass = "" board_name = "" flash_size = 2048 for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] if line.__contains__('STM32'): result = re.search("STM32(..)(..) ", line) mcuclass = result.group(1) mcu = result.group(1) + result.group(2) if line.startswith('board_name'): board_name = line.split()[1] if mcuclass == "F4": if mcu == "F405": flash_size = 1024 reserve_start = 48 elif mcuclass == "F7": if mcu == "F745": flash_size = 1024 reserve_start = 96 elif mcuclass == "H7": reserve_start = 384 else: mcuclass = "F4" mcu = "F405" flash_size = 1024 reserve_start = 48 # preamble f.write(''' # hw definition file for processing by chibios_hwdef.py # for %s hardware. # thanks to betaflight for pin information # MCU class and specific type MCU STM32%sxx STM32%sxx # board ID for firmware load APJ_BOARD_ID %s # crystal frequency, setup to use external oscillator OSCILLATOR_HZ 8000000 FLASH_SIZE_KB %u # bootloader takes first sector FLASH_RESERVE_START_KB %u define HAL_STORAGE_SIZE 16384 define STORAGE_FLASH_PAGE 1 ''' % (board_name, mcuclass, mcu, board_id, flash_size, reserve_start)) for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] if line.startswith('resource'): a = line.split() if a[3] == 'NONE': continue # function, number, pin pin = convert_pin(a[3]) resource = [ a[2] , pin, a[1].split('_')[0], a[1] ] resources[a[1]] = resource if resource[2] in functions.keys(): functions[resource[2]][resource[1]] = resource if (resource[3].endswith("_CS")): chip_select[resource[1]] = resource chip_select_by_type[resource[3] + resource[0]] = resource[0] print("resource: %s %s %s %s" % (resource[0], resource[1], resource[2], resource[3])) elif line.startswith('timer'): # parse the comment, bit hacky but seems to work # # pin A08: TIM1 CH1 (AF1) pindef = lines[i+1].split() # timer A08 AF1 a = line.split() # function, number, pin pin = convert_pin(a[1]) timer = [ pin, pindef[3] , pindef[4] ] timers[pin] = timer timers_by_name[pindef[3]] = pin print("timer: %s %s %s" % (timer[0], timer[1], timer[2])) elif line.startswith('feature'): a = line.split() features.append(a[1]) print("feature: %s" % (a[1])) elif line.startswith('set'): a = line.split() settings[a[1]] = a[3] print("settings: %s %s" % (a[1], a[3])) elif line.startswith('#define'): a = line.split() defines[a[1]] = a[1] print("define: %s" % (a[1])) #open(fname, 'w').write(''.join(lines)) # system timer if 'TIM2' in timers_by_name and mcuclass != 'H7': f.write("\nSTM32_ST_USE_TIMER 5\n") elif 'TIM5' in timers_by_name: f.write("\nSTM32_ST_USE_TIMER 2\n") f.write("\n# SPI devices\n") # PIN FN SPI spin = -1 for spi in sorted(functions["SPI"].values()): if (spin != int(spi[0])): spin = int(spi[0]) f.write("\n# SPI%s\n" % spin) f.write("%s SPI%s_%s SPI%s\n" % (spi[1], spin, spi[3].split('_')[1], spin)) f.write("\n# Chip select pins\n") for cs in chip_select.values(): f.write("%s %s%s_CS CS\n" % (cs[1], cs[2], int(cs[0]))) beeper = list(functions["BEEPER"].values())[0] f.write('''\n# Beeper %s BUZZER OUTPUT GPIO(80) LOW define HAL_BUZZER_PIN 80 ''' % beeper[1]) f.write("\n# SERIAL ports\n") usarts = "SERIAL_ORDER OTG1" uartn = 1 for uart in sorted(list(set([uart[0] for uart in functions["SERIAL"].values()]))): while (uartn < int(uart)): uartn = uartn + 1 usarts += " EMPTY" name = ("USART" if int(uartn) < 4 or int(uartn) == 6 else "UART") + uart usarts += (" " + name) uartn = uartn + 1 f.write(usarts) f.write(''' # PA10 IO-debug-console PA11 OTG_FS_DM OTG1 PA12 OTG_FS_DP OTG1 ''') # PIN FN UART serialn = "" for uart in sorted(functions["SERIAL"].values()): if (serialn != uart[0]): serialn = uart[0] name = "USART" if int(serialn) < 4 or int(serialn) == 6 else "UART" name += serialn f.write("\n# %s\n" % name) # no need for all UARTs to have DMA. Picking the first four is better than nothing dma = "" if int(serialn) > 4: dma = " NODMA" f.write("%s %s_%s %s%s\n" % (uart[1], name, uart[3].split('_')[1], name, dma)) f.write("\n# I2C ports\n") i2cs = "I2C_ORDER" i2cn = 1 for i2c in sorted(list(set([i2c[0] for i2c in functions["I2C"].values()]))): i2cs += (" " + "I2C" + i2c) i2cn = i2cn + 1 f.write(i2cs) # PIN FN I2C i2cn = "" for i2c in sorted(functions["I2C"].values()): if (i2cn != i2c[0]): i2cn = i2c[0] name = "I2C" + i2cn f.write("\n# %s\n" % name) f.write("%s %s_%s %s\n" % (i2c[1], name, i2c[3].split('_')[1], name)) # PIN FN I2C f.write("\n# Servos\n") servon = 0 for servo in sorted(functions["SERVO"].values()) + sorted(functions["CAMERA"].values()): f.write("%s %s%u OUTPUT GPIO(%u) LOW\n" % (servo[1], servo[2], int(servo[0]), servon+70)) f.write("define RELAY%u_PIN_DEFAULT %u\n" % (servon + 2, servon+70)) servon = servon+1 f.write("\n# ADC ports\n") # PIN FN ADC adcn = "" for adc in sorted(functions["ADC"].values()): if (adcn != adc[0]): adcn = adc[0] name = "ADC" + adcn f.write("\n# %s\n" % name) if (adc[3] == "ADC_BATT"): f.write("%s BATT_VOLTAGE_SENS %s SCALE(1)\n" % (adc[1], name)) f.write('''define HAL_BATT_VOLT_PIN %s define HAL_BATT_VOLT_SCALE 11.0 ''' % (get_ADC1_chan(mcu, adc[1]))) elif (adc[3] == "ADC_CURR"): f.write("%s BATT_CURRENT_SENS %s SCALE(1)\n" % (adc[1], name)) f.write('''define HAL_BATT_CURR_PIN %s define HAL_BATT_CURR_SCALE %.1f ''' % (get_ADC1_chan(mcu, adc[1]), 10000 / int(settings['ibata_scale']))) elif (adc[3] == "ADC_RSSI"): f.write("%s RSSI_ADC %s\n" % (adc[1], name)) f.write("define BOARD_RSSI_ANA_PIN %s\n" % (get_ADC1_chan(mcu, adc[1]))) # define default battery setup f.write("define HAL_BATT_MONITOR_DEFAULT 4\n") f.write("\n# MOTORS\n") nmotors = 0 # PIN TIMx_CHy TIMx PWM(p) GPIO(g) for pin, motor in functions["MOTOR"].items(): timer = timers[pin] nmotors = max(nmotors, int(motor[0])) # for safety don't share the _UP channel dma_noshare[timer[1] + '_UP'] = timer[1] + '_UP' f.write("%s %s_%s %s PWM(%s) GPIO(%s)" % (motor[1], timer[1], timer[2], timer[1], motor[0], 49+int(motor[0]))) # on H7 we can reasonably safely assign bi-dir channel if mcuclass == "H7" and (int(timer[2][2:]) == 1 or int(timer[2][2:]) == 3): f.write(" BIDIR # M%s\n" % (motor[0])) else: f.write(" # M%s\n" % (motor[0])) # LEDs f.write("\n# LEDs\n") for led in sorted(functions["LED"].values()): if (led[3].endswith('_STRIP')): pin = led[1] timer = timers[pin] nmotors = nmotors+1 f.write("%s %s_%s %s PWM(%s) GPIO(%s) # M%s\n" % (led[1], timer[1], timer[2], timer[1], nmotors, 49+nmotors, nmotors)) continue ledn = int(led[0]) f.write(''' %s LED%u OUTPUT LOW GPIO(%u) define HAL_GPIO_%s_LED_PIN %u ''' % (led[1], ledn-1, 89+ledn, chr(ledn+64), 89+ledn)) # write out devices if settings['blackbox_device'] == 'SPIFLASH': write_flash_config(f, settings['flash_spi_bus']) if 'max7456_spi_bus' in settings: write_osd_config(f, settings['max7456_spi_bus']) if 'baro_i2c_device' in settings: for define in defines: if define.startswith('USE_BARO_'): baro = define[len('USE_BARO_'):] f.write(''' # Barometer setup BARO %s I2C:%s:0x76 ''' % (baro, int(settings['baro_i2c_device']) - 1)) else: f.write("define HAL_BARO_ALLOW_INIT_NO_BARO 1\n") f.write(''' # IMU setup ''') if 'gyro_1_spibus' in settings and 'GYRO_CS1' in chip_select_by_type: write_imu_config(f, "1") if 'gyro_2_spibus' in settings and 'GYRO_CS2' in chip_select_by_type: write_imu_config(f, "2") if len(dma_noshare) > 0: f.write("DMA_NOSHARE") for dma in dma_noshare.keys(): f.write(" " + dma) f.write("\n") f.write("DMA_PRIORITY") for dma in dma_noshare.keys(): f.write(" " + dma) f.write("\n") # postamble f.write(''' # no built-in compass, but probe the i2c bus for all possible # external compass types define ALLOW_ARM_NO_COMPASS define HAL_PROBE_EXTERNAL_I2C_COMPASSES define HAL_I2C_INTERNAL_MASK 0 define HAL_COMPASS_AUTO_ROT_DEFAULT 2 define HAL_DEFAULT_INS_FAST_SAMPLE 3 # Motor order implies Betaflight/X for standard ESCs define HAL_FRAME_TYPE_DEFAULT 12 ''') f.close() def convert_bootloader(fname, board_id): f = open("hwdef-bl.dat", 'w') lines = open(fname, 'r').readlines() mcu = "" mcuclass = "" board_name = "" flash_size = 2048 for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] if line.__contains__('STM32'): result = re.search("STM32(..)(..) ", line) mcuclass = result.group(1) mcu = result.group(1) + result.group(2) if line.startswith('board_name'): board_name = line.split()[1] if mcuclass == "F4": if mcu == "F405": flash_size = 1024 reserve_start = 48 elif mcuclass == "F7": if mcu == "F745": flash_size = 1024 reserve_start = 96 elif mcuclass == "H7": reserve_start = 384 else: mcuclass = "F4" mcu = "F405" flash_size = 1024 reserve_start = 48 # preamble f.write(''' # hw definition file for processing by chibios_hwdef.py # for %s hardware. # thanks to betaflight for pin information # MCU class and specific type MCU STM32%sxx STM32%sxx # board ID for firmware load APJ_BOARD_ID %s # crystal frequency, setup to use external oscillator OSCILLATOR_HZ 8000000 FLASH_SIZE_KB %u # bootloader starts at zero offset FLASH_RESERVE_START_KB 0 # the location where the bootloader will put the firmware FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB %u # order of UARTs (and USB) SERIAL_ORDER OTG1 # PA10 IO-debug-console PA11 OTG_FS_DM OTG1 PA12 OTG_FS_DP OTG1 PA13 JTMS-SWDIO SWD PA14 JTCK-SWCLK SWD # default to all pins low to avoid ESD issues DEFAULTGPIO OUTPUT LOW PULLDOWN ''' % (board_name, mcuclass, mcu, board_id, flash_size, reserve_start)) f.write("\n# Chip select pins\n") for cs in chip_select.values(): f.write("%s %s%s_CS CS\n" % (cs[1], cs[2], int(cs[0]))) for led in sorted(functions["LED"].values()): f.write(''' %s LED_BOOTLOADER OUTPUT LOW define HAL_LED_ON 0 ''' % led[1]) break f.close() fname=args.fname if args.id is None: board_id = input('Board id? ') else: board_id = args.id convert_file(fname, board_id) convert_bootloader(fname, board_id)