# Message definitions for the ArduPilot Mega binary communications protocol.
# Process this file to generate protocol.h, using:
#    awk -f protogen.awk protocol.def > protocol.h
# Messages are declared with
#     message <MESSAGE_ID> <MESSAGE_NAME>
#       <MESSAGE_NAME> is a unique name by which the message will
#		       be known.
#       <MESSAGE_ID> is the message ID byte
# Following a message declaration the fields of the message are
# defined in the format:
#    <TYPE> <NAME> [<COUNT>]
#       <TYPE> is a C type corresponding to the field.  The type must be a single
#       word, either an integer from <inttypes.h> or "char".
#	<NAME> is the name of the field; it should be unique within the message
#	<COUNT> is an optional array count for fields that are arrays
# Each message causes the definition of several items in the APM_BinComm
# class.  Note that <MESSAGE_NAME> is uppercase, and <message_name> is
# lowercase.
#    BinComm::<MESSAGE_NAME>
#	An enumeration with the value <MESSAGE_ID>
#    BinComm::<message_name>
#	A structure which corresponds to the layout of the message payload.
#	In a message reception callout function the messageData pointer can
#	be cast to this type to directly access specific elements of the
#	message.  Do not modify fields in the structure in this case.
#    BinComm::send_<message_name>(<TYPE> <NAME>[, <TYPE> <NAME>...])
#	A function which takes arguments as listed in the message definition
#	and which constructs and sends the message.
#	The send_<message_name> functions queue data for transmission but
#	do not wait for the message to be completed before returning, as long
#	as there is space in the Stream buffer for the message.
#	These functions are not re-entrant, and must not be called from an
#	interrupt handler.
#    BinComm::unpack_<message_name>(<TYPE> &<NAME>[, <TYPE> &<NAME>...])
#	A function which unpacks the message.  Use this instead of casting
#	to the structure when you intend to use most of the values from the
#	message.  Must only be called inside the message reception callout
#	function, as it references the message receive buffer directly.

# Acknowledge message
message 0x00	MSG_ACKNOWLEDGE 
	uint8_t			msgID
	uint16_t		msgSum

# System heartbeat
message 0x01	MSG_HEARTBEAT 
	uint8_t			flightMode
	uint16_t		timeStamp
	uint16_t		batteryVoltage
	uint16_t		commandIndex

# Attitude report
message 0x02	MSG_ATTITUDE 
	int16_t			roll
	int16_t			pitch
	int16_t			yaw

# Location report
message 0x03	MSG_LOCATION 
	int32_t			latitude
	int32_t			longitude
	int16_t			altitude
	int16_t			groundSpeed
	int16_t			groundCourse
	uint16_t		timeOfWeek

# Optional pressure-based location report
message 0x04	MSG_PRESSURE 
	uint16_t		pressureAltitude
	uint16_t		airSpeed

# Text status message
message 0x05	MSG_STATUS_TEXT 
	uint8_t			severity
	char			text		50

# Algorithm performance report
message 0x06	MSG_PERF_REPORT 
	uint32_t		interval
	uint16_t		mainLoopCycles
	uint8_t			mainLoopTime
	uint8_t			gyroSaturationCount
	uint8_t			adcConstraintCount
	uint16_t		imuHealth
	uint16_t		gcsMessageCount

# System version messages
	uint8_t			systemType
	uint8_t			systemID

message 0x08	MSG_VERSION
	uint8_t			systemType
	uint8_t			systemID
	uint8_t			firmwareVersion	3

# Flight command operations
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED

	uint8_t			action
	uint16_t		itemNumber
	int			listLength
	uint8_t			commandID
	uint8_t			p1
	uint16_t		p2
	uint32_t		p3
	uint32_t		p4

message 0x22	MSG_COMMAND_LIST
	int			itemNumber
	int			listLength
	uint8_t			commandID
	uint8_t			p1
	uint16_t		p2
	uint32_t		p3
	uint32_t		p4

	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED

# Parameter operations
message 0x30	MSG_VALUE_REQUEST
	uint8_t			valueID
	uint8_t			broadcast

message 0x31	MSG_VALUE_SET
	uint8_t			valueID
	uint32_t		value

message 0x32	MSG_VALUE
	uint8_t			valueID
	uint32_t		value

# PID adjustments
message 0x40	MSG_PID_REQUEST
	uint8_t			pidSet

message 0x41	MSG_PID_SET
	uint8_t			pidSet
	int32_t			p
	int32_t			i
	int32_t			d
	int16_t			integratorMax

message 0x42	MSG_PID
	uint8_t			pidSet
	int32_t			p
	int32_t			i
	int32_t			d
	int16_t			integratorMax

# Radio settings and values
message 0x50	MSG_TRIM_STARTUP
	uint16_t		value	8

message 0x51	MSG_TRIM_MIN
	uint16_t		value	8

message 0x52	MSG_TRIM_MAX
	uint16_t		value	8
message 0x53 	MSG_SERVOS
	int16_t			ch1
	int16_t 		ch2
	int16_t 		ch3
	int16_t 		ch4
	int16_t 		ch5
	int16_t 		ch6
	int16_t 		ch7
	int16_t 		ch8	

# Direct sensor access
message 0x60	MSG_SENSOR
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED

# Simulation-related messages
message 0x70	MSG_SIM
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED

# Direct I/O pin control
message 0x80	MSG_PIN_REQUEST
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED

message 0x81	MSG_PIN_SET
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED

# Dataflash operations
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED
message 0x91	MSG_DATAFLASH_SET
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED
# EEPROM operations
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED

message 0xa1	MSG_EEPROM_SET
	uint16_t		UNSPECIFIED