using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO.Ports; using System.Threading; using Timer=System.Windows.Forms.Timer; namespace ArducopterConfigurator.PresentationModels { public class MainVm : NotifyProperyChangedBase, IPresentationModel { private readonly CommsSession _session; private bool _isConnected; private MonitorVm _selectedVm; private string _selectedPort; private string _apmVersion; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _connectionAttemptsTimer; private SessionStates _connectionState; public MainVm(CommsSession session) { _session = session; _session.LineOfDataReceived += _session_LineOfDataReceived; MonitorVms = new BindingList { new FlightDataVm(session), new TransmitterChannelsVm(session), new MotorCommandsVm(session), new CalibrationOffsetsDataVm(session), new AcroModeConfigVm(session), new StableModeConfigVm(session), new PositionHoldConfigVm(session), new AltitudeHoldConfigVm(session), new SerialMonitorVm(session) }; ConnectCommand = new DelegateCommand( _ => Connect(), _ => _connectionState==SessionStates.Disconnected && AvailablePorts.Contains(SelectedPort)); DisconnectCommand = new DelegateCommand(_ => Disconnect(), _ => IsConnected); RefreshPortListCommand = new DelegateCommand(_ => RefreshPorts()); ConnectionState = SessionStates.Disconnected; AvailablePorts = new BindingList(); } private void RefreshPorts() { AvailablePorts.Clear(); foreach (var c in SerialPort.GetPortNames()) AvailablePorts.Add(c); } void _session_LineOfDataReceived(string strRx) { // If we are waiting for the version string if (ConnectionState==SessionStates.Connecting) { // then assume that this is the version string received ApmVersion = strRx; ConnectionState = SessionStates.Connected; _selectedVm.Activate(); } } public ICommand ConnectCommand { get; private set; } public ICommand DisconnectCommand { get; private set; } public ICommand RefreshPortListCommand { get; private set; } public BindingList AvailablePorts { get; private set; } public enum SessionStates { Disconnected, Connecting, Connected, } public SessionStates ConnectionState { get { return _connectionState; } set { if (_connectionState != value) { _connectionState = value; IsConnected = _connectionState == SessionStates.Connected; FirePropertyChanged("ConnectionState"); } } } // provided for convenience for binding set from the session state prop public bool IsConnected { get { return _isConnected; } private set { if (_isConnected != value) { _isConnected = value; FirePropertyChanged("IsConnected"); } } } public string SelectedPort { get { return _selectedPort; } set { if (_selectedPort != value) { _selectedPort = value; FirePropertyChanged("SelectedPort"); } } } public void Connect() { _session.CommPort = SelectedPort; // Todo: check the status of this call success/failure _session.Connect(); ConnectionState = SessionStates.Connecting; _connectionAttemptsTimer = new Timer(); _connectionAttemptsTimer.Tick += _connectionAttemptsTimer_Tick; _connectionAttemptsTimer.Interval = 1000; //milliseconds _connectionAttemptsTimer.Start(); } void _connectionAttemptsTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_connectionState != SessionStates.Connecting) { _connectionAttemptsTimer.Stop(); return; } // once we connected, then get the version string _session.Send("!"); } public void Disconnect() { _session.Send("X"); _session.DisConnect(); ConnectionState = SessionStates.Disconnected; } public string ApmVersion { get { return _apmVersion; } private set { if (_apmVersion != value) { _apmVersion = value; FirePropertyChanged("ApmVersion"); } } } public BindingList MonitorVms { get; private set; } public string Name { get { return "Arducopter Config"; } } public void Select(MonitorVm vm) { if (_selectedVm==vm) return; if (_selectedVm!=null) _selectedVm.DeActivate(); _selectedVm = vm; _selectedVm.Activate(); } } }