using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; using System.IO; using ArdupilotMega.Controls.BackstageView; using ArdupilotMega.Arduino; using ArdupilotMega.Comms; using log4net; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace ArdupilotMega { public partial class _3DRradio : BackStageViewContentPanel { public delegate void LogEventHandler(string message, int level = 0); public delegate void ProgressEventHandler(double completed); string firmwarefile = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "radio.hex"; private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public _3DRradio() { InitializeComponent(); // hide advanced view SPLIT_local.Panel2Collapsed = true; SPLIT_remote.Panel2Collapsed = true; // setup netid S3.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 500).ToArray(); RS3.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 500).ToArray(); } bool getFirmware(uploader.Uploader.Code device) { // was // now if (device == uploader.Uploader.Code.DEVICE_ID_HM_TRP) { return Common.getFilefromNet("", firmwarefile); } else if (device == uploader.Uploader.Code.DEVICE_ID_RFD900) { return Common.getFilefromNet("", firmwarefile); } else { return false; } } void Sleep(int mstimeout) { DateTime endtime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mstimeout); while (DateTime.Now < endtime) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); Application.DoEvents(); } } private void BUT_upload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArduinoSTK comPort = new ArduinoSTK(); uploader.Uploader uploader = new uploader.Uploader(); try { comPort.PortName = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.PortName; comPort.BaudRate = 115200; comPort.Open(); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid ComPort or in use"); return; } bool bootloadermode = false; // attempt bootloader mode try { uploader_ProgressEvent(0); uploader_LogEvent("Trying Bootloader Mode"); uploader.port = comPort; uploader.connect_and_sync(); uploader.ProgressEvent += new ProgressEventHandler(uploader_ProgressEvent); uploader.LogEvent += new LogEventHandler(uploader_LogEvent); uploader_LogEvent("In Bootloader Mode"); bootloadermode = true; } catch { // cleanup bootloader mode fail, and try firmware mode comPort.Close(); comPort.BaudRate = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate; comPort.Open(); uploader.ProgressEvent += new ProgressEventHandler(uploader_ProgressEvent); uploader.LogEvent += new LogEventHandler(uploader_LogEvent); uploader_LogEvent("Trying Firmware Mode"); bootloadermode = false; } // check for either already bootloadermode, or if we can do a ATI to ID the firmware if (bootloadermode || doConnect(comPort)) { uploader.IHex iHex = new uploader.IHex(); iHex.LogEvent += new LogEventHandler(iHex_LogEvent); iHex.ProgressEvent += new ProgressEventHandler(iHex_ProgressEvent); // put into bootloader mode/udpate mode if (!bootloadermode) { try { comPort.Write("AT&UPDATE\r\n"); string left = comPort.ReadExisting(); log.Info(left); Sleep(700); comPort.BaudRate = 115200; } catch { } } global::uploader.Uploader.Code device = global::uploader.Uploader.Code.FAILED; global::uploader.Uploader.Code freq = global::uploader.Uploader.Code.FAILED; // get the device type and frequency in the bootloader uploader.getDevice(ref device, ref freq); // get firmware for this device if (getFirmware(device)) { // load the hex try { iHex.load(firmwarefile); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Bad Firmware File"); goto exit; } // upload the hex and verify try { uploader.upload(comPort, iHex); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Upload Failed " + ex.Message); } } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to download new firmware"); } } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to identify Radio"); } exit: if (comPort.IsOpen) comPort.Close(); } void iHex_ProgressEvent(double completed) { try { Progressbar.Value = (int)(completed * 100); Application.DoEvents(); } catch { } } void uploader_LogEvent(string message, int level = 0) { try { if (level == 0) { Console.Write(message); lbl_status.Text = message; log.Info(message); Application.DoEvents(); } else if (level < 5) // 5 = byte data { log.Debug(message); } } catch { } } void iHex_LogEvent(string message, int level = 0) { try { if (level == 0) { lbl_status.Text = message; Console.WriteLine(message); log.Info(message); Application.DoEvents(); } } catch { } } void uploader_ProgressEvent(double completed) { try { Progressbar.Value = (int)(completed * 100); Application.DoEvents(); } catch { } } private void BUT_savesettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort = new SerialPort(); try { comPort.PortName = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.PortName; comPort.BaudRate = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate; comPort.ReadTimeout = 4000; comPort.Open(); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid ComPort or in use"); return; } lbl_status.Text = "Connecting"; if (doConnect(comPort)) { // cleanup doCommand(comPort, "AT&T"); comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command"; if (RTI.Text != "") { // remote string answer = doCommand(comPort, "RTI5"); string[] items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find("R" + values[0].Trim(), false); if (controls.Length > 0) { if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { string value = ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked ? "1" : "0"; if (value != values[2].Trim()) { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "RT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + value + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } else { if (controls[0].Text != values[2].Trim() && controls[0].Text != "") { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "RT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + controls[0].Text + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } } } } } // write it doCommand(comPort, "RT&W"); // return to normal mode doCommand(comPort, "RTZ"); Sleep(100); } comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); { //local string answer = doCommand(comPort, "ATI5"); string[] items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find(values[0].Trim(), false); if (controls.Length > 0) { if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { string value = ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked ? "1" : "0"; if (value != values[2].Trim()) { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "AT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + value + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } else { if (controls[0].Text != values[2].Trim()) { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "AT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + controls[0].Text + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } } } } } // write it doCommand(comPort, "AT&W"); // return to normal mode doCommand(comPort, "ATZ"); } lbl_status.Text = "Done"; } else { // return to normal mode doCommand(comPort, "ATZ"); lbl_status.Text = "Fail"; CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to enter command mode"); } comPort.Close(); } public static IEnumerable Range(int start,int step, int end) { List list = new List(); for (int a = start; a <= end; a += step) { list.Add(a); } return list; } private void BUT_getcurrent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort = new SerialPort(); try { comPort.PortName = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.PortName; comPort.BaudRate = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate; comPort.ReadTimeout = 4000; comPort.Open(); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid ComPort or in use"); return; } lbl_status.Text = "Connecting"; if (doConnect(comPort)) { // cleanup doCommand(comPort, "AT&T"); comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command ATI & RTI"; ATI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "ATI"); RTI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "RTI"); uploader.Uploader.Code freq = (uploader.Uploader.Code)Enum.Parse(typeof(uploader.Uploader.Code), doCommand(comPort, "ATI3")); uploader.Uploader.Code board = (uploader.Uploader.Code)Enum.Parse(typeof(uploader.Uploader.Code), doCommand(comPort, "ATI2")); ATI3.Text = freq.ToString(); // 8 and 9 if (freq == uploader.Uploader.Code.FREQ_915) { S8.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); RS8.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); S9.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); RS9.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); } else if (freq == uploader.Uploader.Code.FREQ_433) { S8.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); RS8.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); S9.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); RS9.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); } RSSI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "ATI7").Trim(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command ATI5"; string answer = doCommand(comPort, "ATI5"); string[] items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find(values[0].Trim(), true); if (controls.Length > 0) { if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked = values[2].Trim() == "1"; } else { controls[0].Text = values[2].Trim(); } } } } } // remote foreach (Control ctl in groupBox2.Controls) { if (ctl.Name.StartsWith("RS") && ctl.Name != "RSSI") ctl.ResetText(); } comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command RTI5"; answer = doCommand(comPort, "RTI5"); items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find("R" + values[0].Trim(), true); if (controls.Length == 0) continue; if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked = values[2].Trim() == "1"; } else if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(TextBox)) { ((TextBox)controls[0]).Text = values[2].Trim(); } else if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(ComboBox)) { ((ComboBox)controls[0]).Text = values[2].Trim(); } } else { log.Info("Odd config line :" + item); } } } // off hook doCommand(comPort, "ATO"); lbl_status.Text = "Done"; } else { // off hook doCommand(comPort, "ATO"); lbl_status.Text = "Fail"; CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to enter command mode"); } comPort.Close(); BUT_Syncoptions.Enabled = true; BUT_savesettings.Enabled = true; } string Serial_ReadLine(ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DateTime Deadline = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(comPort.ReadTimeout); while (DateTime.Now < Deadline) { if (comPort.BytesToRead > 0) { byte data = (byte)comPort.ReadByte(); sb.Append((char)data); if (data == '\n') break; } } return sb.ToString(); } public string doCommand(ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort, string cmd, int level = 0) { if (!comPort.IsOpen) return ""; comPort.ReadTimeout = 1000; // setup to known state comPort.Write("\r\n"); // alow some time to gather thoughts Sleep(100); // ignore all existing data comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command " + cmd; log.Info("Doing Command " + cmd); // write command comPort.Write(cmd + "\r\n"); // read echoed line or existing data string temp; try { temp = Serial_ReadLine(comPort); } catch { temp = comPort.ReadExisting(); } log.Info("cmd " + cmd + " echo " + temp); // delay for command Sleep(500); // get responce string ans = ""; while (comPort.BytesToRead > 0) { try { ans = ans + Serial_ReadLine(comPort) + "\n"; } catch { ans = ans + comPort.ReadExisting() + "\n"; } Sleep(50); if (ans.Length > 500) { break; } } log.Info("responce " + level + " " + ans.Replace('\0', ' ')); // try again if (ans == "" && level == 0) return doCommand(comPort, cmd, 1); return ans; } public bool doConnect(ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort) { // clear buffer comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); // setup a known enviroment comPort.Write("\r\n"); // wait Sleep(1100); // send config string comPort.Write("+++"); // wait Sleep(1100); // check for config responce "OK" log.Info("Connect btr " + comPort.BytesToRead + " baud " + comPort.BaudRate); string conn = comPort.ReadExisting(); log.Info("Connect first responce " + conn.Replace('\0', ' ') + " " + conn.Length); if (conn.Contains("OK")) { //return true; } else { // cleanup incase we are already in cmd mode comPort.Write("\r\n"); } doCommand(comPort, "AT&T"); string version = doCommand(comPort, "ATI"); log.Info("Connect Version: " + version.Trim() + "\n"); Regex regex = new Regex(@"SiK\s+(.*)\s+on\s+(.*)"); if (regex.IsMatch(version)) { return true; } return false; } private void BUT_Syncoptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RS2.Text = S2.Text; RS3.Text = S3.Text; RS5.Checked = S5.Checked; RS8.Text = S8.Text; RS9.Text = S9.Text; RS10.Text = S10.Text; } private void CHK_advanced_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SPLIT_local.Panel2Collapsed = !CHK_advanced.Checked; SPLIT_remote.Panel2Collapsed = !CHK_advanced.Checked; } } }