/* take RC channels in from UART and put out as PWM */ #include #include const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL(); #define NUM_CHANNELS 4 #define ESC_MAGIC 0xF7 #define RC_SPEED 490 #define UART uartE class RC_UART : public AP_HAL::HAL::Callbacks { public: // HAL::Callbacks implementation. void setup() override; void loop() override; private: uint8_t read_wait(void); uint8_t enable_mask; const uint32_t baudrate = 115200; uint32_t counter; }; void RC_UART::setup() { hal.scheduler->delay(1000); hal.console->println("RC_UART starting"); hal.UART->begin(baudrate, 512, 512); hal.rcout->set_freq(0xFF, RC_SPEED); } uint8_t RC_UART::read_wait(void) { while (true) { int16_t c = hal.UART->read(); if (c != -1) { // hal.console->printf("c=0x%02x\n", (unsigned)c); return c; } hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(100); } } void RC_UART::loop() { union { uint16_t period[NUM_CHANNELS]; uint8_t bytes[NUM_CHANNELS*2]; } u; // wait for magic while (true) { uint8_t c = read_wait(); if (c == ESC_MAGIC) break; // hal.console->printf("c=0x%02x\n", (unsigned)c); } uint8_t nbytes=0; // wait for periods while (nbytes < NUM_CHANNELS*2) { u.bytes[nbytes++] = read_wait(); } // and CRC union { uint8_t crc[2]; uint16_t crc16; } u2; u2.crc[0] = read_wait(); u2.crc[1] = read_wait(); uint16_t crc2 = crc_calculate(u.bytes, NUM_CHANNELS*2); if (crc2 != u2.crc16) { hal.console->printf("bad CRC 0x%04x should be 0x%04x\n", (unsigned)crc2, (unsigned)u2.crc16); return; } // and output for (uint8_t i=0; iforce_safety_off(); } hal.rcout->enable_ch(i); enable_mask |= 1U<write(i, u.period[i]); } // report periods to console for debug counter++; if (counter % 100 == 0) { hal.console->printf("%4u %4u %4u %4u\n", (unsigned)u.period[0], (unsigned)u.period[1], (unsigned)u.period[2], (unsigned)u.period[3]); } // every 10th frame give an RCInput frame if possible if (counter % 10 == 0) { struct PACKED { uint8_t magic = 0xf6; uint16_t rcin[8]; uint16_t crc; } rcin; if (hal.rcin->new_input() && hal.rcin->read(rcin.rcin, 8) == 8) { rcin.crc = crc_calculate((uint8_t*)&rcin.rcin[0], 16); hal.UART->write((uint8_t*)&rcin, sizeof(rcin)); } } } RC_UART rc_uart; AP_HAL_MAIN_CALLBACKS(&rc_uart);