/* night_ghost@ykoctpa.ru 2017 a port of SparkFun's SD class to FatFs (c) Chan because it much better and faster than sdfatlib also it was rewritten to: * distinguish between flie at directory by stat(), not by try to open * provide last error code and its text description * added tracking of opened files for global sync() * some new functions added * reduced memory usage by half original SparkFun readme below ---------------------------------------------- SD - a slightly more friendly wrapper for sdfatlib This library aims to expose a subset of SD card functionality in the form of a higher level "wrapper" object. License: GNU General Public License V3 (Because sdfatlib is licensed with this.) (C) Copyright 2010 SparkFun Electronics This library provides four key benefits: * Including `SD.h` automatically creates a global `SD` object which can be interacted with in a similar manner to other standard global objects like `Serial` and `Ethernet`. * Boilerplate initialisation code is contained in one method named `begin` and no further objects need to be created in order to access the SD card. * Calls to `open` can supply a full path name including parent directories which simplifies interacting with files in subdirectories. * Utility methods are provided to determine whether a file exists and to create a directory heirarchy. Note however that not all functionality provided by the underlying sdfatlib library is exposed. */ extern "C" { #include #include #include } #include "assert.h" #include #include "SD.h" #if defined(BOARD_SDCARD_CS_PIN) || defined(BOARD_DATAFLASH_FATFS) SDClass SD; Sd2Card SDClass::_card; SdFatFs SDClass::_fatFs; FRESULT SDClass::lastError = FR_OK; /** * @brief Link SD, register the file system object to the FatFs mode and configure * relatives SD IOs * @param None * @retval TRUE or FALSE */ uint8_t SDClass::begin(AP_HAL::OwnPtr spi) { if (_card.init(std::move(spi))) { lastError=_fatFs.init(&_card); if(lastError == FR_OK) return true; printf("\nSD card error: %s\n", strError(lastError)); return false; } printf("\nSD card init error!\n"); return FALSE; } /** * @brief Check if a file or folder exist on the SD disk * @param filename: File name * @retval TRUE or FALSE */ uint8_t SDClass::exists(const char *filepath) { FILINFO fno; lastError=f_stat(filepath, &fno); // FatFs gives such error for root directory return lastError == FR_OK || lastError == FR_INVALID_NAME; } /** * @brief Create directory on the SD disk * @param filename: File name * @retval TRUE or FALSE */ uint8_t SDClass::mkdir(const char *filepath) { lastError = f_mkdir(filepath); return lastError == FR_OK; } /** * @brief Remove directory on the SD disk * @param filename: File name * @retval TRUE or FALSE */ uint8_t SDClass::rmdir(const char *filepath) { lastError = f_unlink(filepath); return lastError == FR_OK; } /** * @brief Open a file on the SD disk, if not existing it's created * @param filename: File name * @retval File object referring to the opened file */ File SDClass::open(const char *filepath) { File file = File(filepath); FILINFO fno; lastError=f_stat(filepath, &fno); if(lastError!=FR_OK){ // no file return file; } if(fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) { lastError = f_opendir(&file._d.dir, filepath); file.is_dir=true; if( lastError != FR_OK) { file.close(); } } else { lastError = f_open(&file._d.fil, filepath, FA_READ); file.is_dir=false; if( lastError == FR_OK) { File::addOpenFile(&file._d.fil); } else { file.close(); } } return file; } /** * @brief Open a file on the SD disk, if not existing it's created * @param filename: File name * @param mode: the mode in which to open the file * @retval File object referring to the opened file */ File SDClass::open(const char *filepath, uint8_t mode) { File file = File(filepath); FILINFO fno; lastError=f_stat(filepath, &fno); if(lastError == FR_OK && fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) { // exists and is dir if(!(mode & FILE_WRITE)){ lastError = f_opendir(&file._d.dir, filepath); file.is_dir=true; } else { lastError = FR_IS_DIR; } if( lastError != FR_OK) file.close(); } else { // dir not exists - regular file if((mode & FILE_WRITE) && lastError==FR_OK) { // the modes of opening the file are different. if a file exists mode &= ~FA_CREATE_NEW; // then remove the creation flag - or we will got error "file exists" } lastError = f_open(&file._d.fil, filepath, mode); file.is_dir=false; if( lastError == FR_OK){ if(mode & O_APPEND){ f_lseek(&file._d.fil, f_size(&file._d.fil)); } File::addOpenFile(&file._d.fil); } else { file.close(); } } return file; } /** * @brief Remove a file on the SD disk * @param filename: File name * @retval TRUE or FALSE */ uint8_t SDClass::remove(const char *filepath) { lastError = f_unlink(filepath); return lastError == FR_OK; } File SDClass::openRoot(void) { File file = File(_fatFs.getRoot()); lastError = f_opendir(&file._d.dir, _fatFs.getRoot()); file.is_dir = true; if(lastError != FR_OK) { file._d.dir.fs = 0; } return file; } uint32_t SDClass::getfree(const char *filepath, uint32_t * fssize){ FATFS *fs; DWORD fre_clust, fre_sect; /* Get volume information and free clusters of drive */ lastError = f_getfree(filepath, &fre_clust, &fs); if (lastError != FR_OK) return -1; /* Get total sectors and free sectors */ if(fssize) *fssize = (fs->n_fatent - 2) * fs->csize; // tot_sect fre_sect = fre_clust * fs->csize; return fre_sect; } //f_stat ( const TCHAR* path, /* Pointer to the file path */ FILINFO* fno ) uint8_t SDClass::stat(const char *filepath, FILINFO* fno){ lastError = f_stat(filepath, fno); if(lastError != FR_OK) return -1; return 0; } uint8_t SDClass::format(const char *filepath){ lastError = _fatFs.format(filepath, &_card); return lastError == FR_OK; } //* ************************************* File::File() { _name = NULL; _d.fil.fs = 0; _d.dir.fs = 0; } File::File(const char* fname) { _name = (char*)malloc(strlen(fname) +1); //assert(_name != NULL ); if(_name == NULL) return; // no HardFault, just not opened strcpy(_name, fname); _d.fil.fs = 0; _d.dir.fs = 0; } /** List directory contents to given callback * * \param[in] flags The inclusive OR of * * LS_DATE - %Print file modification date * * LS_SIZE - %Print file size. * * LS_R - Recursive list of subdirectories. * * \param[in] indent Amount of space before file name. Used for recursive * list to indicate subdirectory level. */ void File::ls(cb_putc cb, uint8_t flags, uint8_t indent) { FRESULT res = FR_OK; FILINFO fno; char *fn; if(!is_dir) return; #if _USE_LFN static char lfn[_MAX_LFN]; fno.lfname = lfn; fno.lfsize = sizeof(lfn); #endif while(1) { res = f_readdir(&_d.dir, &fno); if(res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) { break; } if(fno.fname[0] == '.') { continue; } #if _USE_LFN fn = *fno.lfname ? fno.lfname : fno.fname; #else fn = fno.fname; #endif //print any indent spaces for (int8_t i = 0; i < indent; i++) cb(' '); printStr(fn, cb); if((fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) == 0) { // print modify date/time if requested if (flags & LS_DATE) { cb(' '); printFatDate(fno.fdate,cb); cb(' '); printFatTime(fno.ftime,cb); } // print size if requested if (flags & LS_SIZE) { cb(' '); printNumber(fno.fsize, cb); } cb('\r'); cb('\n'); } else { // list subdirectory content if requested if (flags & LS_R) { char *fullPath; fullPath = (char*)malloc(strlen(_name) + 1 + strlen(fn) +1); if (fullPath != NULL) { sprintf(fullPath, "%s/%s", _name, fn); File filtmp = SD.open(fullPath); if (filtmp._name != NULL) { cb('\r'); cb('\n'); filtmp.ls(cb,flags, indent+2); filtmp.close(); } else { printStr(fn, cb); cb('\r'); cb('\n'); static const char err_s[] = "Error to open dir: "; printStr(err_s, cb); printStr(fn, cb); } free(fullPath); } else { cb('\r'); cb('\n'); static const char err_s[] = "Error to allocate memory!"; printStr(err_s, cb); } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** %Print a directory date field to Serial. * * Format is yyyy-mm-dd. * * \param[in] fatDate The date field from a directory entry. */ void File::printFatDate(uint16_t fatDate, cb_putc cb) { printNumber(FAT_YEAR(fatDate), cb); cb('-'); printTwoDigits(FAT_MONTH(fatDate),cb); cb('-'); printTwoDigits(FAT_DAY(fatDate),cb); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** %Print a directory time field to Serial. * * Format is hh:mm:ss. * * \param[in] fatTime The time field from a directory entry. */ void File::printFatTime(uint16_t fatTime, cb_putc cb) { printTwoDigits(FAT_HOUR(fatTime), cb); cb(':'); printTwoDigits(FAT_MINUTE(fatTime), cb); cb(':'); printTwoDigits(FAT_SECOND(fatTime), cb); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** %Print a value as two digits to Serial. * * \param[in] v Value to be printed, 0 <= \a v <= 99 */ void File::printTwoDigits(uint8_t v, cb_putc cb) { cb('0' + v/10); cb('0' + v % 10); } void File::printNumber(int16_t n, cb_putc cb) { const uint8_t base = 10; if (n < 0) { cb('-'); n = -n; } char buf[8 * sizeof(long) + 1]; // Assumes 8-bit chars plus zero byte. char *str = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1]; *str = '\0'; do { char c = n % base; n /= base; *--str = c < 10 ? c + '0' : c + 'A' - 10; } while(n); printStr(str, cb); } void File::printStr(const char *s, cb_putc cb) { while(*s) cb(*s++); } /** * @brief Read byte from the file * @retval Byte read */ int File::read() { UINT byteread; int8_t data; SD.lastError = f_read(&_d.fil, (void *)&data, 1, &byteread); return data; } /** * @brief Read an amount of data from the file * @param buf: an array to store the read data from the file * @param len: the number of elements to read * @retval Number of bytes read */ int File::read(void* buf, size_t len) { UINT bytesread; SD.lastError = f_read(&_d.fil, buf, len, &bytesread); return bytesread; } UINT File::gets(char* buf, size_t len) { UINT bytesread=0; while(len--){ uint8_t c; uint8_t ret = read(&c,1); if(!ret) break; // EOF if(c=='\n') break; if(c=='\r') continue; *buf++=c; *buf=0; // close string bytesread++; } return bytesread; } /** * @brief Close a file on the SD disk * @param None * @retval None */ void File::close() { if(_name){ if(is_dir) { if(_d.dir.fs != 0) { SD.lastError = f_closedir(&_d.dir); } } else { if(_d.fil.fs != 0) { /* Flush the file before close */ f_sync(&_d.fil); /* Close the file */ SD.lastError = f_close(&_d.fil); } removeOpenFile(&_d.fil); free(_name); _name=NULL; } } } /** * @brief Ensures that any bytes written to the file are physically saved to the SD card * @param None * @retval None */ void File::flush() { if(!is_dir) { SD.lastError = f_sync(&_d.fil); } } /** * @brief Read a byte from the file without advancing to the next one * @param None * @retval read byte */ int File::peek() { int data; data = read(); seek(position() -1); return data; } /** * @brief Get the current position within the file * @param None * @retval position within file */ uint32_t File::position() { return f_tell(&_d.fil); } /** * @brief Seek to a new position in the file * @param pos: The position to which to seek * @retval TRUE or FALSE */ uint8_t File::seek(uint32_t pos) { if(is_dir) return false; if(pos > size()) { return FALSE; } else { SD.lastError = f_lseek(&_d.fil, pos); return SD.lastError == FR_OK; } } /** * @brief Get the size of the file * @param None * @retval file's size */ uint32_t File::size() { if(is_dir) return 0; return f_size(&_d.fil); } File::operator bool() const { return (_name == NULL)? FALSE : TRUE; // TODO } /** * @brief Write data to the file * @param data: Data to write to the file * @retval Number of data written (1) */ size_t File::write(uint8_t data) { return write(&data, 1); } /** * @brief Write an array of data to the file * @param buf: an array of characters or bytes to write to the file * @param len: the number of elements in buf * @retval Number of data written */ size_t File::write(const char *buf, size_t sz) { size_t byteswritten; if(is_dir) return 0; SD.lastError = f_write(&_d.fil, (const void *)buf, sz, (UINT *)&byteswritten); return byteswritten; } size_t File::write(const uint8_t *buf, size_t sz) { return write((const char *)buf, sz); } /** * @brief Print data to the file * @param data: Data to write to the file * @retval Number of data written (1) */ size_t File::print(const char* data) { return write(data, strlen(data)); } /** * @brief Print data to the file * @retval Number of data written (1) */ size_t File::println() { return write("\r\n", 2); } /** * @brief Print data to the file * @param data: Data to write to the file * @retval Number of data written (1) */ size_t File::println(const char* data) { size_t bytewritten = write(data, strlen(data)); bytewritten += println(); return bytewritten; } /** * @brief Check if there are any bytes available for reading from the file * @retval Number of bytes available */ int File::available() { uint32_t n = size() - position(); return n > 0x7FFF ? 0x7FFF : n; } char* File::name() { char *fname = strrchr(_name, '/'); if (fname && fname[0] == '/') fname++; return fname; } /** * @brief Check if the file is directory or normal file * @retval TRUE if directory else FALSE */ uint8_t File::isDirectory() { //assert(_name != NULL ); if(_name == NULL) return false; if (is_dir){ if(_d.dir.fs != 0) return TRUE; } else { if(_d.fil.fs != 0) return FALSE; } // if not init get info FILINFO fno; SD.lastError = f_stat(_name, &fno); if (SD.lastError == FR_OK) { if(fno.fattrib & AM_DIR){ is_dir = true; return TRUE; } else { is_dir=false; return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } // TODO: some strange and not works at all File File::openNextFile(uint8_t mode) { if(!is_dir) return File(); FRESULT res = FR_OK; FILINFO fno; char *fn; char *fullPath = NULL; size_t name_len= strlen(_name); size_t len = name_len; #if _USE_LFN static char lfn[_MAX_LFN]; fno.lfname = lfn; fno.lfsize = sizeof(lfn); #endif while(1) { res = f_readdir(&_d.dir, &fno); if(res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) { return File(); } if(fno.fname[0] == '.') { continue; } #if _USE_LFN fn = *fno.lfname ? fno.lfname : fno.fname; #else fn = fno.fname; #endif len += strlen(fn) +2; fullPath = (char*)malloc(len); if (fullPath != NULL) { // Avoid twice '/' if ((name_len > 0) && (_name[name_len-1] == '/')) { sprintf(fullPath, "%s%s", _name, fn); } else { sprintf(fullPath, "%s/%s", _name, fn); } File filtmp = SD.open(fullPath, mode); free(fullPath); return filtmp; } else { return File(); } } } void File::rewindDirectory(void) { if(isDirectory()) { if(_d.dir.fs != 0) { f_closedir(&_d.dir); } f_opendir(&_d.dir, _name); } } #define MAX_OPEN_FILES 16 FIL* File::openFiles[MAX_OPEN_FILES]= {0}; uint8_t File::num_openFiles=0; void File::syncAll(){ for(uint8_t i=0; i