   Please contribute your ideas! See http://dev.ardupilot.org for details

   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_FlashStorage/AP_FlashStorage.h>
#include <stdio.h>


#define debug(fmt, args...)  do { printf(fmt, ##args); } while(0)
#define debug(fmt, args...)  do { } while(0)

// constructor.
AP_FlashStorage::AP_FlashStorage(uint8_t *_mem_buffer,
                                 uint32_t _flash_sector_size,
                                 FlashWrite _flash_write,
                                 FlashRead _flash_read,
                                 FlashErase _flash_erase,
                                 FlashEraseOK _flash_erase_ok) :
    flash_erase_ok(_flash_erase_ok) {}

// initialise storage
bool AP_FlashStorage::init(void)
    debug("running init()\n");
    // start with empty memory buffer
    memset(mem_buffer, 0, storage_size);

    // find state of sectors
    struct sector_header header[2];

    // read headers and possibly initialise if bad signature
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<2; i++) {
        if (!flash_read(i, 0, (uint8_t *)&header[i], sizeof(header[i]))) {
            return false;
        bool bad_header = (header[i].signature != signature);
        enum SectorState state = (enum SectorState)header[i].state;
        if (state != SECTOR_STATE_AVAILABLE &&
            state != SECTOR_STATE_IN_USE &&
            state != SECTOR_STATE_FULL) {
            bad_header = true;

        // initialise if bad header
        if (bad_header) {
            return erase_all();

    // work out the first sector to read from using sector states
    enum SectorState states[2] {(enum SectorState)header[0].state, (enum SectorState)header[1].state};
    uint8_t first_sector;

    if (states[0] == states[1]) {
        if (states[0] != SECTOR_STATE_AVAILABLE) {
            return erase_all();
        first_sector = 0;
    } else if (states[0] == SECTOR_STATE_FULL) {
        first_sector = 0;
    } else if (states[1] == SECTOR_STATE_FULL) {
        first_sector = 1;
    } else if (states[0] == SECTOR_STATE_IN_USE) {
        first_sector = 0;
    } else if (states[1] == SECTOR_STATE_IN_USE) {
        first_sector = 1;
    } else {
        // doesn't matter which is first
        first_sector = 0;

    // load data from any current sectors
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<2; i++) {
        uint8_t sector = (first_sector + i) & 1;
        if (states[sector] == SECTOR_STATE_IN_USE ||
            states[sector] == SECTOR_STATE_FULL) {
            if (!load_sector(sector)) {
                return erase_all();

    // clear any write error
    write_error = false;
    reserved_space = 0;
    // if the first sector is full then write out all data so we can erase it
    if (states[first_sector] == SECTOR_STATE_FULL) {
        current_sector = first_sector ^ 1;
        if (!write_all()) {
            return erase_all();

    // erase any sectors marked full
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<2; i++) {
        if (states[i] == SECTOR_STATE_FULL) {
            if (!erase_sector(i)) {
                return false;

    reserved_space = 0;
    // ready to use
    return true;

// switch full sector - should only be called when safe to have CPU
// offline for considerable periods as an erase will be needed
bool AP_FlashStorage::switch_full_sector(void)
    debug("running switch_full_sector()\n");
    // clear any write error
    write_error = false;
    reserved_space = 0;
    if (!write_all()) {
        return false;

    if (!erase_sector(current_sector ^ 1)) {
        return false;

    return switch_sectors();

// write some data to virtual EEPROM
bool AP_FlashStorage::write(uint16_t offset, uint16_t length)
    if (write_error) {
        return false;
    //debug("write at %u for %u write_offset=%u\n", offset, length, write_offset);
    while (length > 0) {
        uint8_t n = max_write;
        if (length < n) {
            n = length;

        if (write_offset > flash_sector_size - (sizeof(struct block_header) + max_write + reserved_space)) {
            if (!switch_sectors()) {
                if (!flash_erase_ok()) {
                    return false;
                if (!switch_full_sector()) {
                    return false;                    
        struct block_header header;
        header.state = BLOCK_STATE_WRITING;
        header.block_num = offset / block_size;
        header.num_blocks_minus_one = ((n + (block_size - 1)) / block_size)-1;
        uint16_t block_ofs = header.block_num*block_size;
        uint16_t block_nbytes = (header.num_blocks_minus_one+1)*block_size;
        if (!flash_write(current_sector, write_offset, (uint8_t*)&header, sizeof(header))) {
            return false;
        if (!flash_write(current_sector, write_offset+sizeof(header), &mem_buffer[block_ofs], block_nbytes)) {
            return false;
        header.state = BLOCK_STATE_VALID;
        if (!flash_write(current_sector, write_offset, (uint8_t*)&header, sizeof(header))) {
            return false;
        write_offset += sizeof(header) + block_nbytes;

        uint8_t n2 = block_nbytes - (offset % block_size);
        //debug("write_block at %u for %u n2=%u\n", block_ofs, block_nbytes, n2);
        if (n2 > length) {
        offset += n2;
        length -= n2;
    // handle wrap to next sector
    // write data
    // write header word
    return true;

  load all data from a flash sector into mem_buffer
bool AP_FlashStorage::load_sector(uint8_t sector)
    uint32_t ofs = sizeof(sector_header);
    while (ofs < flash_sector_size - sizeof(struct block_header)) {
        struct block_header header;
        if (!flash_read(sector, ofs, (uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(header))) {
            return false;
        enum BlockState state = (enum BlockState)header.state;

        switch (state) {
            // we've reached the end
            write_offset = ofs;
            return true;

        case BLOCK_STATE_VALID:
        case BLOCK_STATE_WRITING: {
            uint16_t block_ofs = header.block_num*block_size;
            uint16_t block_nbytes = (header.num_blocks_minus_one+1)*block_size;
            if (block_ofs + block_nbytes > storage_size) {
                return false;
            if (state == BLOCK_STATE_VALID &&
                !flash_read(sector, ofs+sizeof(header), &mem_buffer[block_ofs], block_nbytes)) {
                return false;
            //debug("read at %u for %u\n", block_ofs, block_nbytes);
            ofs += block_nbytes + sizeof(header);
            // invalid state
            return false;
    write_offset = ofs;
    return true;

  erase one sector
bool AP_FlashStorage::erase_sector(uint8_t sector)
    if (!flash_erase(sector)) {
        return false;

    struct sector_header header;
    header.signature = signature;
    header.state = SECTOR_STATE_AVAILABLE;
    return flash_write(sector, 0, (const uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(header));

  erase both sectors
bool AP_FlashStorage::erase_all(void)
    write_error = false;
    // start with empty memory buffer
    memset(mem_buffer, 0, storage_size);
    current_sector = 0;
    write_offset = sizeof(struct sector_header);
    if (!erase_sector(0) || !erase_sector(1)) {
        return false;
    // mark current sector as in-use
    struct sector_header header;
    header.signature = signature;
    header.state = SECTOR_STATE_IN_USE;
    return flash_write(current_sector, 0, (const uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(header));    

  write all of mem_buffer to current sector
bool AP_FlashStorage::write_all(void)
    debug("write_all to sector %u at %u with reserved_space=%u\n",
           current_sector, write_offset, reserved_space);
    for (uint16_t ofs=0; ofs<storage_size; ofs += max_write) {
        if (!all_zero(ofs, max_write)) {
            if (!write(ofs, max_write)) {
                return false;
    return true;

// return true if all bytes are zero
bool AP_FlashStorage::all_zero(uint16_t ofs, uint16_t size)
    while (size--) {
        if (mem_buffer[ofs++] != 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

// switch to next sector for writing
bool AP_FlashStorage::switch_sectors(void)
    if (reserved_space != 0) {
        // other sector is already full
        debug("both sectors are full\n");
        return false;

    struct sector_header header;
    header.signature = signature;

    uint8_t new_sector = current_sector ^ 1;
    debug("switching to sector %u\n", new_sector);
    // check sector is available
    if (!flash_read(new_sector, 0, (uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(header))) {
        return false;
    if (header.signature != signature) {
        write_error = true;
        return false;
    if (SECTOR_STATE_AVAILABLE != (enum SectorState)header.state) {
        write_error = true;
        debug("both sectors full\n");
        return false;

    // mark it in-use
    header.state = SECTOR_STATE_IN_USE;
    if (!flash_write(new_sector, 0, (const uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(header))) {
        return false;

    // mark current sector as full
    header.state = SECTOR_STATE_FULL;
    if (!flash_write(current_sector, 0, (const uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(header))) {
        return false;

    // switch sectors
    current_sector = new_sector;
    // we need to reserve some space in next sector to ensure we can successfully do a
    // full write out on init()
    reserved_space = reserve_size;
    write_offset = sizeof(header);
    return true;    