/* ArduCopter 1.3 - August 2010 www.ArduCopter.com Copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. An Open Source Arduino based multicopter. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ void RadioCalibration() { long command_timer; int command; int counter = 5; boolean Cmd_ok; long roll_new = 0; long pitch_new = 0; long yaw_new = 0; Serial.flush(); Serial.println("Entering Radio Calibration mode"); Serial.println("Current channel MID values are:"); Serial.print("ROLL: "); Serial.print(roll_mid); Serial.print(" PITCH: "); Serial.print(pitch_mid); Serial.print(" YAW: "); Serial.print(yaw_mid); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Recalibrate Channel MID's [Y/N]?: "); command_timer = millis(); // Start counter loop and wait serial input. If not input for 5 seconds, return to normal mode while(millis() - command_timer < 5000) { if (Serial.available()) { queryType = Serial.read(); if(queryType == 'y' || queryType == 'Y') { Cmd_ok = TRUE; break; } else { Cmd_ok = FALSE; break; } } } if(Cmd_ok) { // We have a go. Let's do new calibration Serial.println("Starting calibration run in 5 seconds. Place all sticks to their middle including trims"); for(counter = 5; counter >= 0; counter --) { command_timer = millis(); while(millis() - command_timer < 1000) { } Serial.println(counter); } // Do actual calibration now Serial.println("Measuring average channel values"); Serial.println("ROLL, PITCH, YAW"); counter = 0; // Reset counter for just in case. command_timer = millis(); while(millis() - command_timer < 1000) { if (APM_RC.GetState()==1) { // New radio frame? // Commands from radio Rx... ch_roll = channel_filter(APM_RC.InputCh(0), ch_roll); ch_pitch = channel_filter(APM_RC.InputCh(1), ch_pitch); ch_throttle = channel_filter(APM_RC.InputCh(2), ch_throttle); ch_yaw = channel_filter(APM_RC.InputCh(3), ch_yaw); ch_aux = APM_RC.InputCh(4); ch_aux2 = APM_RC.InputCh(5); Serial.print(ch_roll); comma(); Serial.print(ch_pitch); comma(); Serial.print(ch_yaw); Serial.println(); roll_new += ch_roll; pitch_new += ch_pitch; yaw_new += ch_yaw; counter++; } } Serial.print("New samples received: "); Serial.println(counter); roll_new = roll_new / counter; pitch_new = pitch_new / counter; yaw_new = yaw_new / counter; Serial.print("New values as: "); Serial.print("ROLL: "); Serial.print(roll_new); Serial.print(" PITCH: "); Serial.print(pitch_new); Serial.print(" YAW: "); Serial.print(yaw_new); Serial.println(); Serial.println("Accept & Save values [Y/N]?: "); Cmd_ok = FALSE; while(millis() - command_timer < 5000) { if (Serial.available()) { queryType = Serial.read(); if(queryType == 'y' || queryType == 'Y') { Cmd_ok = TRUE; roll_mid = roll_new; pitch_mid = pitch_new; yaw_mid = yaw_new; Serial.println("Values accepted, remember to save them to EEPROM with 'W' command"); break; } else { Cmd_ok = TRUE; break; } } } } if(queryType == 'n' || queryType == 'N') Cmd_ok = TRUE; if(Cmd_ok) Serial.println("Returning normal mode..."); else Serial.println("Command timeout, returning normal mode...."); } void comma() { Serial.print(','); } #if BATTERY_EVENT == 1 void low_battery_event(void) { // send_message(SEVERITY_HIGH,"Low Battery!"); // set_mode(RTL); // throttle_cruise = THROTTLE_CRUISE; } #endif