-- Interactive REPL (read-evaluate-print-loop) for the Lua scripting engine -- accessible over serial, with line editing, history, and output formatting. -- 0-based index of Scripting protocol port to use, or nil to use MAVLink local PORT_IDX = 0 local MAX_HISTORY = 50 -- number of lines of history to keep (must be >= 1) local VERSION = "v1.0" -- version is convenience for the user local port if PORT_IDX == nil then port = require("mavport") else port = serial:find_serial(PORT_IDX) end assert(port, "REPL scripting port not configured") -- scan through parameters to find our port and grab its baud rate do local serial_info = "" local baud = 115200 if PORT_IDX ~= nil then local port_num = 0 while PORT_IDX >= 0 and port_num <= 9 do local protocol = param:get(("SERIAL%d_PROTOCOL"):format(port_num)) port_num = port_num + 1 if protocol == 28 then PORT_IDX = PORT_IDX - 1 end end if PORT_IDX == -1 then -- correct port index found port_num = port_num - 1 baud = param:get(("SERIAL%d_BAUD"):format(port_num)) or 115200 serial_info = (" on SERIAL%d, BAUD=%d"):format(port_num, baud) end end -- if we can't find the right port, the baud probably does not matter -- (e.g. CAN or network port) port:begin(baud) gcs:send_text(6, "Lua REPL "..VERSION.." starting"..serial_info) end -- grab things we use from the environment in case the user messes them up local string = string local table = table -- declaration of main state variable and functions local state_func, state_read, state_eval, state_print -- write the string s to the port, buffering if not all could be written. -- buffer starts of with the first message and prompt local tx_buf = {"\r\n\r\nLua REPL "..VERSION.." started.\r\n> "} local writestring if port.writestring then -- use more efficient method if we have it writestring = function(s) if tx_buf then -- stuff already in the buffer? tx_buf[#tx_buf+1] = s -- this needs to go after else local written = port:writestring(s) if written < #s then -- write was short i.e. port buffer is full. buffer the rest of the -- string ourselves and transmit it later tx_buf = { s:sub(written+1) } end end end else writestring = function(s) if tx_buf then -- stuff already in the buffer? tx_buf[#tx_buf+1] = s -- this needs to go after else for ci = 1, #s do if port:write(s:byte(ci)) == 0 then -- write failed i.e. port buffer is full. we now buffer the rest of -- the string ourselves and transmit it later tx_buf = { s:sub(ci) } break end end end end end -- don't use print substitute in the REPL's code (e.g. for debugging the REPL) local print = print -- luacheck: ignore 211 (unused variable warning) -- substitute print function for within the REPL that prints to the port function _ENV.print(...) local t = table.pack(...) for i = 1, t.n do writestring(tostring(t[i])) writestring((i ~= t.n) and "\t" or "\r\n") end end -- write the character c to the port, buffering if failed local function writechar(c) -- buffer character if stuff already in buffer or write fails if tx_buf or port:write(c) == 0 then tx_buf[#tx_buf+1] = string.char(c) -- massive overhead... end end local function writeobj(o) if type(o) == "table" then writestring("{ ") for k, v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= "number" then k = '"'..k..'"' end writestring("["..k.."] = ") writeobj(v) writestring(", ") end writestring("}") else writestring(tostring(o)) end end local curr_line = nil -- table of line bytes, or nil if viewing history local curr_pos = 1 -- position the next character will be put at local curr_esc = nil -- table of escape sequence bytes local eval_pieces = {} -- pieces of code being evaluated local history_lines = {""} -- lines in the history (one is always being edited) local history_pos = 1 -- position in the history being edited local function writeprompt() writestring((#eval_pieces > 0) and ">> " or "> ") end local function movehistory(dir) if curr_line then -- current line was edited, store it in history history_lines[history_pos] = string.char(table.unpack(curr_line)) curr_line = nil end history_pos = history_pos + dir -- move to new position writestring("\x1B[2K\r") -- erase line and return cursor to start writeprompt() -- draw prompt local line = history_lines[history_pos] -- and current line from history writestring(line) curr_pos = #line + 1 end local function readesc(c) assert(curr_esc) -- only called if curr_esc isn't nil if c == 27 then -- another escape, clear line and buffer and exit escape mode curr_line = nil curr_pos = 1 curr_esc = nil eval_pieces = {} history_pos = #history_lines history_lines[history_pos] = "" writestring("\r\n") writeprompt() return else curr_esc[#curr_esc+1] = c end if curr_esc[1] ~= 91 then -- not a [, exit escape mode curr_esc = nil return end if #curr_esc < 2 then return end -- command character not yet present local line_len = #history_lines[history_pos] if curr_line then line_len = #curr_line end -- c is now the command character if c == 65 then -- up if history_pos > 1 then movehistory(-1) end elseif c == 66 then -- down if history_pos < #history_lines then movehistory(1) end elseif c == 67 then -- right if curr_pos < line_len + 1 then writestring("\x1B[C") curr_pos = curr_pos + 1 end elseif c == 68 then -- left if curr_pos > 1 then writestring("\x1B[D") curr_pos = curr_pos - 1 end elseif c == 72 then -- home if curr_pos > 1 then writestring(("\x1B[%dD"):format(curr_pos-1)) curr_pos = 1 end elseif c == 70 then -- end if curr_pos < line_len + 1 then writestring(("\x1B[%dC"):format(line_len-curr_pos+1)) curr_pos = line_len + 1 end end curr_esc = nil -- exit escape mode, handling complete end local last_c = 0 state_read = function () while true do local c = port:read() if c == -1 then return end -- no new character, give time for more to come if curr_esc then -- in escape sequence readesc(c) elseif c == 27 then -- escape, start of a control sequence curr_esc = {} -- engage escape sequence handler elseif c == 13 or c == 10 then -- line complete if last_c ~= 13 or c ~= 10 then -- ignore \n after \r writestring("\r\n") last_c = c break end elseif c == 8 or c == 127 then -- backspace if curr_pos > 1 then -- a character to delete? if curr_line == nil then -- retrieve line for editing curr_line = table.pack(history_lines[history_pos]:byte(1, -1)) end table.remove(curr_line, curr_pos-1) -- delete the character writechar(8) -- back cursor up curr_pos = curr_pos - 1 if curr_pos <= #curr_line then -- draw characters after deletion point writestring(string.char(table.unpack(curr_line, curr_pos))) end -- blank out trailing character and back cursor up to deletion point writestring((" \x1B[%dD"):format(#curr_line-curr_pos+2)) end elseif c >= 32 and c <= 126 then -- a character to type if curr_line == nil then -- retrieve line for editing curr_line = table.pack(history_lines[history_pos]:byte(1, -1)) end table.insert(curr_line, curr_pos, c) -- store character in the line writechar(c) -- draw the new character curr_pos = curr_pos + 1 if curr_pos <= #curr_line then -- and any after writestring(string.char(table.unpack(curr_line, curr_pos))) -- back cursor up to insertion point writestring(("\x1B[%dD"):format(#curr_line-curr_pos+1)) end end last_c = c if tx_buf then return end -- give time to flush if buffer full end -- loop break, line is complete! local line = history_lines[history_pos] if curr_line then line = string.char(table.unpack(curr_line)) -- store line for processing curr_line = nil end if #line == 0 then -- line is empty, ignore it writeprompt() return end -- if this line is different to the last one added (one before the last entry) if history_lines[#history_lines-1] ~= line then history_lines[#history_lines] = line -- insert it at history end history_lines[#history_lines+1] = "" -- create empty entry for next line if #history_lines > MAX_HISTORY then table.remove(history_lines, 1) end else -- don't create a new entry with a duplicate line history_lines[#history_lines] = "" -- just clear and reuse the last entry end history_pos = #history_lines -- now editing the last entry curr_pos = 1 eval_pieces[#eval_pieces+1] = line -- evaluate the line state_func = state_eval end local function to_chunk(pieces) local pos = 1 local function next_piece() -- going past the last piece returns nil which signals the end local piece = pieces[pos] pos = pos + 1 return piece end return next_piece end local eval_results state_eval = function () local func, err -- try to compile a single line as "return %s;" assuming it could be an -- expression. technique borrowed from the official Lua REPL. if #eval_pieces == 1 then local expr_pieces = {"return ", eval_pieces[1], ";"} func = load(to_chunk(expr_pieces), "=input", "t", _ENV) end if func == nil then -- compilation unsuccessful, load normally func, err = load(to_chunk(eval_pieces), "=input", "t", _ENV) end -- if there is an error at the end of the statement, assume we need more to -- complete it. technique borrowed from the official Lua REPL. -- ignore check since load defines that err is not nil if func is nil ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: need-check-nil if func == nil and err:sub(-5, -1) == "<eof>" then -- add a newline and get another line from the user eval_pieces[#eval_pieces+1] = "\n" writeprompt() state_func = state_read return end eval_pieces = {} -- destroy to make room for result if func == nil then -- result is the load error message eval_results = { false, err, n = 2 } else eval_results = table.pack(pcall(func)) end state_func = state_print end state_print = function () for i = 2, eval_results.n do -- skip pcall result writeobj(eval_results[i]) -- write each result separated by tabs writestring((i ~= eval_results.n) and "\t" or "\r\n") eval_results[i] = nil -- destroy to make room for stringified version end eval_results = nil writeprompt() state_func = state_read -- loop back to read end state_func = state_read local function update() if tx_buf then -- write out stuff in tx buffer if present local old_buf = tx_buf tx_buf = nil for _, s in ipairs(old_buf) do -- re-write all data writestring(s) end else -- otherwise we have time to process state_func() end ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field if PORT_IDX == nil then port:flush() end -- flush MAVLink port if using it return update, 10 end return update()