// generated from rosidl_adapter/resource/msg.idl.em // with input from geometry_msgs/msg/TransformStamped.msg // generated code does not contain a copyright notice #include "geometry_msgs/msg/Transform.idl" #include "std_msgs/msg/Header.idl" module geometry_msgs { module msg { @verbatim (language="comment", text= "This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id" "\n" "to the coordinate frame child_frame_id at the time of header.stamp" "\n" "" "\n" "This message is mostly used by the" "\n" "tf2 package." "\n" "See its documentation for more information." "\n" "" "\n" "The child_frame_id is necessary in addition to the frame_id" "\n" "in the Header to communicate the full reference for the transform" "\n" "in a self contained message.") struct TransformStamped { @verbatim (language="comment", text= "The frame id in the header is used as the reference frame of this transform.") std_msgs::msg::Header header; @verbatim (language="comment", text= "The frame id of the child frame to which this transform points.") string child_frame_id; @verbatim (language="comment", text= "Translation and rotation in 3-dimensions of child_frame_id from header.frame_id.") geometry_msgs::msg::Transform transform; }; }; };