The task generator for the mavlink headers is given a name 'mavlink' and is
added as a dependency to all local static libraries, because all of them use
sources that include mavlink headers. It would be nice to have a good way to
detect sources that use mavlink headers or to declare list of libraries that
use the headers, so that the dependency could be added automatically.
Additionally, there's a minor change in syntax for the task generator: using
strings directly instead of lists.
Since Sub motors are bidirectional, it is very important to set up spin direction and preferable to do so without changing any wiring. This provides a motor_reverse flag for up to 8 motors.
waf's terminology might be a bit confusing regarding the word 'target'. As an
attribute for a task generator, it means the paths of the files supposed to be
built. As a command line option (--target), it means the list of names of the
task generators to be used in the build.
Before this commit, only vehicles programs had their task generators' target
parameter value different from the name parameter. Now, there's no distinction
between those two parameters for the case of programs.
That enable the easy creation of custom build commands with the purpose of
creating "shortcuts" for execution from command line.
For example, consider the following code fragment from a wscript:
copter = ardupilotwaf.build_shortcut(targets='ArduCopter')
With that, one can just issue `waf copter` instead of
`waf --target ArduCopter`.
The parameter target is made optional because more parameters might be added to
this function in the future.
Benchmarks now go to `build/<board>/benchmarks/` and tests to
`build/<board>/tests/`. That's done by using ardupilotwaf.program() and passing
blddestdir and program_name.
The only exception is for binaries that go in 'bin', like vehicles.
That way, partial builds follow the rule:
- If building a vehicle or some helper that goes into 'bin', just use the
binary name as the argument for --target. Example: `waf --target
- For other binaries, the name of the directory they are placed in must be
used. Example: `waf --target tests/test_vectors`.
That param defines where the binary will be saved in the build directory,
namely `build/<board>/<blddestdir>`. The default is 'bin', for binaries that are
to be shipped for installation.
This shrink must be used when the output camera sizes doesn't fit
the expected output.
We don't need to crop it even when the camera sizes aren't squared since
the shrink_8bpp() function shrinks a selected area.
This function shrinks a selected area on a 8bpp image.
The focus in this function was the performance, so this may not be the
clearer or the most understandable way to write it. The performance
was measured using GoogleBenchmark[1].
[1] -
Support for perf api using lttng.
Some additional build tricks needed for bebop because lttng uses dl_open
which is not compatible with a static link on a different libc as used
on the bebop
The configure function was reorganized for:
- removing variables that are not used
- making it more general, i.e., not relying in ardupilotmega.xml, so that this
tool can be used for generating other headers in the future
The option target for the waf task generator is meant for actual files that are
going to be build. Since our target files are dynamic, let's change the code to
use a new parameter output_dir instead.
The task generator for the mavlink headers is given a name 'mavlink' and is
added as a dependency to all local static libraries, because all of them use
sources that include mavlink headers. It would be nice to have a good way to
detect sources that use mavlink headers or to declare list of libraries that
use the headers, so that the dependency could be added automatically.
Additionally, there's a minor change in syntax for the task generator: using
strings directly instead of lists.
By setting env.env during configure time makes changes be for the whole build
system scope and persistently, which may cause problems for other tasks and
Since the output list for mavgen is dynamic, in the sense that we don't have
the information of what files will be generated by the task, that is not
captured by default by waf and post_run can't save the task signature for those
files. Although that doesn't cause build errors, the build time increase
significantly for when tasks that use the generate files are included (for
example, vehicles builds).
This patch search for the headers that were created by the task and set the
task signature for them. Using ant_glob isn't a very good solution, since there
may be stray file in the local build directory, but let's use that for now
until we find a better approach.