move part of frequency calculation into AP_ESC_Telem_Backend
factor out duplicate code into AP_ESC_Telem_Backend
remove send_esc_telemetry_mavlink()
log telemetry data in frontend
remove datastructures and API obsoleted by AP_ESC_Telem* (<>)
record volts, amps and consumption as floats
fix wrong motor channel in telemtry update
==15803== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==15803== at 0x4C34975: index (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==15803== by 0x444D8D: SITL::Frame::load_frame_params(char const*) (SIM_Frame.cpp:363)
==15803== by 0x445415: SITL::Frame::init(char const*, SITL::Battery*) (SIM_Frame.cpp:432)
==15803== by 0x3696ED: SITL::MultiCopter::MultiCopter(char const*) (SIM_Multicopter.cpp:35)
==15803== by 0x34B49C: SITL::MultiCopter::create(char const*) (SIM_Multicopter.h:44)
==15803== by 0x34C58E: HALSITL::SITL_State::_parse_command_line(int, char* const*) (SITL_cmdline.cpp:480)
==15803== by 0x344005: HALSITL::SITL_State::init(int, char* const*) (SITL_State.cpp:923)
==15803== by 0x33D854: HAL_SITL::run(int, char* const*, AP_HAL::HAL::Callbacks*) const (HAL_SITL_Class.cpp:182)
==15803== by 0x15ACDD: main (Copter.cpp:678)
add support for dshot beepcodes through tonealarm
add support for dshot reversal and command queue
add support for dshot commands to all channels
correctly manage channel enablement in PWM groups
Correctly send dshot commands when using bi-dir dshot
allow reversible settings to be changed
ChibiOS: allow more than one type of ESC for dshot commands
Only execute reverse/reversible commands on BLHeli
add support for checking active ESCS
mark ESCs active when bdshot telemetry is returned
allow dshot alarm to be disabled
allow priroitized dshot commands
allow more than one type of ESC for dshot commands
add support for checks around active ESCs
allow dshot alarm to be disabled
allow prioritized dshot commands