AP_Mount: Xacti handles firmware ver and status
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,9 +16,12 @@ extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
#define XACTI_PARAM_DIGITALZOOM "DigitalZoomMagnification"
#define XACTI_PARAM_STATUS "Status"
#define XACTI_MSG_SEND_MIN_MS 20 // messages should not be sent to camera more often than 20ms
#define XACTI_ZOOM_RATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS 500 // zoom rate control increments zoom by 10% up or down every 0.5sec
#define XACTI_STATUS_REQ_INTERVAL_MS 3000 // request status every 3 seconds
#define debug(fmt, args ...) do { if (AP_MOUNT_XACTI_DEBUG) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Xacti: " fmt, ## args); } } while (0)
@ -36,6 +39,7 @@ AP_Mount_Xacti::AP_Mount_Xacti(class AP_Mount &frontend, class AP_Mount_Params &
param_int_cb = FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Mount_Xacti::handle_param_get_set_response_int, bool, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, const char*, int32_t &);
param_string_cb = FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Mount_Xacti::handle_param_get_set_response_string, bool, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, const char*, AP_DroneCAN::string &);
param_save_cb = FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Mount_Xacti::handle_param_save_response, void, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, bool);
@ -58,6 +62,16 @@ void AP_Mount_Xacti::update()
// get firmware version
if (request_firmware_version()) {
// request status
if (request_status()) {
// periodically send copter attitude and GPS status
if (send_copter_att_status()) {
// if message sent avoid sending other messages
@ -148,8 +162,8 @@ void AP_Mount_Xacti::update()
// return true if healthy
bool AP_Mount_Xacti::healthy() const
// unhealthy until gimbal has been found and replied with firmware version info
if (!_initialised) {
// unhealthy until gimbal has been found and replied with firmware version and no motor errors
if (!_initialised || !_firmware_version.received || _motor_error) {
return false;
@ -172,7 +186,6 @@ bool AP_Mount_Xacti::take_picture()
// set SingleShot parameter
return set_param_int32(XACTI_PARAM_SINGLESHOT, 0);
// start or stop video recording. returns true on success
@ -271,7 +284,7 @@ void AP_Mount_Xacti::send_camera_information(mavlink_channel_t chan) const
AP_HAL::millis(), // time_boot_ms
vendor_name, // vendor_name uint8_t[32]
model_name, // model_name uint8_t[32]
0, // firmware version uint32_t
_firmware_version.received ? _firmware_version.mav_ver : 0, // firmware version uint32_t
NaN, // focal_length float (mm)
NaN, // sensor_size_h float (mm)
NaN, // sensor_size_v float (mm)
@ -517,6 +530,78 @@ bool AP_Mount_Xacti::handle_param_get_set_response_int(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan,
return false;
// handle param get/set response
bool AP_Mount_Xacti::handle_param_get_set_response_string(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, uint8_t node_id, const char* name, AP_DroneCAN::string &value)
if (strcmp(name, XACTI_PARAM_FIRMWAREVERSION) == 0) {
_firmware_version.received = true;
const uint8_t len = MIN(value.len, ARRAY_SIZE(_firmware_version.str)-1);
memcpy(_firmware_version.str, (const char*)value.data, len);
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Mount: Xacti fw:%s", _firmware_version.str);
// firmware str from gimbal is of the format YYMMDD[b]xx. Convert to uint32 for reporting to GCS
if (len >= 9) {
const char major_str[3] = {_firmware_version.str[0], _firmware_version.str[1], 0};
const char minor_str[3] = {_firmware_version.str[2], _firmware_version.str[3], 0};
const char patch_str[3] = {_firmware_version.str[4], _firmware_version.str[5], 0};
const char dev_str[3] = {_firmware_version.str[7], _firmware_version.str[8], 0};
const uint8_t major_ver_num = atoi(major_str) & 0xFF;
const uint8_t minor_ver_num = atoi(minor_str) & 0xFF;
const uint8_t patch_ver_num = atoi(patch_str) & 0xFF;
const uint8_t dev_ver_num = atoi(dev_str) & 0xFF;
_firmware_version.mav_ver = UINT32_VALUE(dev_ver_num, patch_ver_num, minor_ver_num, major_ver_num);
return false;
} else if (strcmp(name, XACTI_PARAM_STATUS) == 0) {
// check for expected length
const char* error_str = "error";
if (value.len != sizeof(_status)) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "%s status len %s", send_text_prefix, error_str);
return false;
// backup error status and copy to structure
const uint32_t last_error_status = _status.error_status;
memcpy(&_status, value.data, value.len);
// report change in status
uint32_t changed_bits = last_error_status ^ _status.error_status;
const char* ok_str = "OK";
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::CANNOT_TAKE_PIC) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s %s take pic", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::CANNOT_TAKE_PIC ? "cannot" : "can");
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::TIME_NOT_SET) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s time %sset", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::TIME_NOT_SET ? "not " : " ");
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MEDIA_ERROR) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s media %s", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MEDIA_ERROR ? error_str : ok_str);
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::LENS_ERROR) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s lens %s", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::LENS_ERROR ? error_str : ok_str);
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MOTOR_INIT_ERROR) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s motor %s", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MOTOR_INIT_ERROR ? "init error" : ok_str);
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MOTOR_OPERATION_ERROR) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s motor op %s", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MOTOR_OPERATION_ERROR ? error_str : ok_str);
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::GIMBAL_CONTROL_ERROR) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s control %s", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::GIMBAL_CONTROL_ERROR ? error_str : ok_str);
if (changed_bits & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::TEMP_WARNING) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s temp %s", send_text_prefix, _status.error_status & (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::TEMP_WARNING ? "warning" : ok_str);
// set motor error for health reporting
_motor_error = _status.error_status & ((uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MOTOR_INIT_ERROR | (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::MOTOR_OPERATION_ERROR | (uint32_t)ErrorStatus::GIMBAL_CONTROL_ERROR);
return false;
// unhandled parameter get or set
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "%s get/set string %s res:%s", send_text_prefix, name, (const char*)value.data);
return false;
void AP_Mount_Xacti::handle_param_save_response(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const uint8_t node_id, bool success)
// display failure to save parameter
@ -533,7 +618,21 @@ bool AP_Mount_Xacti::set_param_int32(const char* param_name, int32_t param_value
if (_detected_modules[_instance].ap_dronecan->set_parameter_on_node(_detected_modules[_instance].node_id, param_name, param_value, ¶m_int_cb)) {
last_send_set_param_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
last_send_getset_param_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
return true;
return false;
// helper function to get string parameters
bool AP_Mount_Xacti::get_param_string(const char* param_name)
if (_detected_modules[_instance].ap_dronecan == nullptr) {
return false;
if (_detected_modules[_instance].ap_dronecan->get_parameter_on_node(_detected_modules[_instance].node_id, param_name, ¶m_string_cb)) {
last_send_getset_param_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
return true;
return false;
@ -629,6 +728,38 @@ bool AP_Mount_Xacti::update_zoom_rate_control()
return set_param_int32(XACTI_PARAM_DIGITALZOOM, zoom_value);
// request firmware version
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool AP_Mount_Xacti::request_firmware_version()
// return immediately if already have version or no dronecan
if (_firmware_version.received) {
return false;
// send request once per second until received
const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
if (now_ms - _firmware_version.last_request_ms < 1000) {
return false;
_firmware_version.last_request_ms = now_ms;
return get_param_string(XACTI_PARAM_FIRMWAREVERSION);
// request status
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool AP_Mount_Xacti::request_status()
// return immediately if 3 seconds has not passed
const uint32_t now_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
if (now_ms - _status_report.last_request_ms < XACTI_STATUS_REQ_INTERVAL_MS) {
return false;
_status_report.last_request_ms = now_ms;
return get_param_string(XACTI_PARAM_STATUS);
// check if safe to send message (if messages sent too often camera will not respond)
bool AP_Mount_Xacti::is_safe_to_send() const
@ -645,7 +776,7 @@ bool AP_Mount_Xacti::is_safe_to_send() const
// check time since last set param message sent
if (now_ms - last_send_set_param_ms < XACTI_MSG_SEND_MIN_MS) {
if (now_ms - last_send_getset_param_ms < XACTI_MSG_SEND_MIN_MS) {
return false;
@ -112,12 +112,15 @@ private:
// DroneCAN parameter handling methods
FUNCTOR_DECLARE(param_int_cb, bool, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, const char*, int32_t &);
FUNCTOR_DECLARE(param_string_cb, bool, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, const char*, AP_DroneCAN::string &);
FUNCTOR_DECLARE(param_save_cb, void, AP_DroneCAN*, const uint8_t, bool);
bool handle_param_get_set_response_int(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const uint8_t node_id, const char* name, int32_t &value);
bool handle_param_get_set_response_string(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const uint8_t node_id, const char* name, AP_DroneCAN::string &value);
void handle_param_save_response(AP_DroneCAN* ap_dronecan, const uint8_t node_id, bool success);
// helper function to set integer parameters
// helper function to get and set parameters
bool set_param_int32(const char* param_name, int32_t param_value);
bool get_param_string(const char* param_name);
// send gimbal control message via DroneCAN
// mode is 2:angle control or 3:rate control
@ -133,6 +136,14 @@ private:
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool update_zoom_rate_control();
// request firmware version
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool request_firmware_version();
// request status
// returns true if sent so that we avoid immediately trying to also send other messages
bool request_status();
// check if safe to send message (if messages sent too often camera will not respond)
bool is_safe_to_send() const;
@ -150,6 +161,52 @@ private:
uint32_t last_update_ms; // system time that zoom rate control last updated zoom
} _zoom_rate_control;
// firmware version received from gimbal
struct {
uint32_t last_request_ms; // system time of last request for firmware version
bool received; // true once firmware version has been received
char str[12] {}; // firmware version string (11 bytes + 1 null byte)
uint32_t mav_ver; // version formatted for reporting to GCS via CAMERA_INFORMATION message
} _firmware_version;
// gimbal status handling
enum class ErrorStatus : uint32_t {
TAKING_PICTURE = 0x04, // currently taking a picture
RECORDING_VIDEO = 0x08, // currently recording video
TIME_NOT_SET = 0x10000,
MEDIA_ERROR = 0x20000,
LENS_ERROR = 0x40000,
MOTOR_INIT_ERROR = 0x100000,
TEMP_WARNING = 0x1000000
struct {
uint32_t error_status; // see ErrorStatus enum
uint32_t video_remain_time; // max seconds of video that may be recorded before SD card is full
uint32_t photo_remain_count; // max number of pics before SD card is full
uint32_t sd_card_size_mb; // SD card size in MB
uint32_t sd_card_free_mb; // SD card remaining size in MB
uint16_t body; // body type
uint16_t cmos; // cmos type
uint16_t gimbal_pitch; // gimbal pitch angle
uint16_t gimbal_roll; // gimbal roll angle
uint16_t gimbal_yaw; // gimbal yaw angle
uint16_t reserved1;
uint8_t date_time[7]; // camera's date and time
uint8_t reserved2;
uint32_t exposure_time_us; // camera's exposure time in us
uint16_t apeture; // cameras' aperture * 100
uint16_t iso_sensitivity; // camera's iso sensitivity
} _status; // latest status received
static_assert(sizeof(_status) == 48); // status should be 48 bytes
struct {
uint32_t last_request_ms; // system time that status was last requested
uint32_t last_error_status; // last error status reported to user
} _status_report;
bool _motor_error; // true if status reports motor or control error (used for health reporting)
// DroneCAN related variables
static bool _subscribed; // true once subscribed to receive DroneCAN messages
static struct DetectedModules {
@ -160,7 +217,7 @@ private:
static HAL_Semaphore _sem_registry; // semaphore protecting access to _detected_modules table
uint32_t last_send_gimbal_control_ms; // system time that send_gimbal_control was last called (used to slow down sends to 5hz)
uint32_t last_send_copter_att_status_ms; // system time that send_copter_att_status was last called (used to slow down sends to 10hz)
uint32_t last_send_set_param_ms; // system time that a set parameter message was sent
uint32_t last_send_getset_param_ms; // system time that a get or set parameter message was sent
Reference in New Issue
Block a user