Rover: added initial Rover class
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
main Rover class, containing all vehicle specific state
scheduler table - all regular tasks should be listed here, along
with how often they should be called (in 20ms units) and the maximum
time they are expected to take (in microseconds)
const AP_Scheduler::Task Rover::scheduler_tasks[] PROGMEM = {
{ read_radio, 1, 1000 },
{ ahrs_update, 1, 6400 },
{ read_sonars, 1, 2000 },
{ update_current_mode, 1, 1500 },
{ set_servos, 1, 1500 },
{ update_GPS_50Hz, 1, 2500 },
{ update_GPS_10Hz, 5, 2500 },
{ update_alt, 5, 3400 },
{ navigate, 5, 1600 },
{ update_compass, 5, 2000 },
{ update_commands, 5, 1000 },
{ update_logging1, 5, 1000 },
{ update_logging2, 5, 1000 },
{ gcs_retry_deferred, 1, 1000 },
{ gcs_update, 1, 1700 },
{ gcs_data_stream_send, 1, 3000 },
{ read_control_switch, 15, 1000 },
{ read_trim_switch, 5, 1000 },
{ read_battery, 5, 1000 },
{ read_receiver_rssi, 5, 1000 },
{ update_events, 1, 1000 },
{ check_usb_mux, 15, 1000 },
{ mount_update, 1, 600 },
{ gcs_failsafe_check, 5, 600 },
{ compass_accumulate, 1, 900 },
{ update_notify, 1, 300 },
{ one_second_loop, 50, 3000 },
{ frsky_telemetry_send, 10, 100 }
Rover::Rover(void) :
ahrs(ins, barometer, gps, sonar),
ahrs(ins, barometer, gps),
mission(ahrs, &start_command, &verify_command, &exit_mission),
camera_mount(ahrs, current_loc),
frsky_telemetry(ahrs, battery),
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@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
main Rover class, containing all vehicle specific state
class Rover {
// public member functions
void setup(void);
void loop(void);
AP_HAL::BetterStream* cliSerial;
// must be the first AP_Param variable declared to ensure its
// constructor runs before the constructors of the other AP_Param
// variables
AP_Param param_loader;
// the rate we run the main loop at
const AP_InertialSensor::Sample_rate ins_sample_rate = AP_InertialSensor::RATE_50HZ;
// all settable parameters
Parameters g;
// main loop scheduler
AP_Scheduler scheduler;
// mapping between input channels
RCMapper rcmap;
// board specific config
AP_BoardConfig BoardConfig;
// primary control channels
RC_Channel *channel_steer;
RC_Channel *channel_throttle;
RC_Channel *channel_learn;
// DataFlash
DataFlash_APM1 DataFlash;
DataFlash_APM2 DataFlash;
DataFlash_File DataFlash(HAL_BOARD_LOG_DIRECTORY);
DataFlash_Empty DataFlash;
bool in_log_download;
// sensor drivers
AP_GPS gps;
AP_Baro barometer;
Compass compass;
AP_ADC_ADS7844 apm1_adc;
AP_InertialSensor ins;
RangeFinder sonar;
// flight modes convenience array
AP_Int8 *modes;
// Inertial Navigation EKF
AP_AHRS_NavEKF ahrs;
AP_L1_Control L1_controller;
// selected navigation controller
AP_Navigation *nav_controller;
// steering controller
AP_SteerController steerController;
// Mission library
AP_Mission mission;
OpticalFlow optflow;
SITL sitl;
// GCS handling
AP_SerialManager serial_manager;
const uint8_t num_gcs = MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS;
// a pin for reading the receiver RSSI voltage. The scaling by 0.25
// is to take the 0 to 1024 range down to an 8 bit range for MAVLink
AP_HAL::AnalogSource *rssi_analog_source;
// relay support
AP_Relay relay;
AP_ServoRelayEvents ServoRelayEvents;
// Camera
AP_Camera camera;
// The rover's current location
struct Location current_loc;
// Camera/Antenna mount tracking and stabilisation stuff
// current_loc uses the baro/gps soloution for altitude rather than gps only.
AP_Mount camera_mount;
// if USB is connected
bool usb_connected;
// Radio
// This is the state of the flight control system
// There are multiple states defined such as MANUAL, FBW-A, AUTO
enum mode control_mode;
// Used to maintain the state of the previous control switch position
// This is set to -1 when we need to re-read the switch
uint8_t oldSwitchPosition;
// These are values received from the GCS if the user is using GCS joystick
// control and are substituted for the values coming from the RC radio
int16_t rc_override[8];
// A flag if GCS joystick control is in use
bool rc_override_active;
// Failsafe
// A tracking variable for type of failsafe active
// Used for failsafe based on loss of RC signal or GCS signal. See
static struct {
uint8_t bits;
uint32_t rc_override_timer;
uint32_t start_time;
uint8_t triggered;
uint32_t last_valid_rc_ms;
} failsafe;
// notification object for LEDs, buzzers etc (parameter set to false disables external leds)
AP_Notify notify;
// A counter used to count down valid gps fixes to allow the gps estimate to settle
// before recording our home position (and executing a ground start if we booted with an air start)
uint8_t ground_start_count;
// Location & Navigation
const float radius_of_earth = 6378100; // meters
// true if we have a position estimate from AHRS
bool have_position;
bool rtl_complete;
// angle of our next navigation waypoint
int32_t next_navigation_leg_cd;
// ground speed error in m/s
float groundspeed_error;
// 0-(throttle_max - throttle_cruise) : throttle nudge in Auto mode using top 1/2 of throttle stick travel
int16_t throttle_nudge;
// receiver RSSI
uint8_t receiver_rssi;
// the time when the last HEARTBEAT message arrived from a GCS
uint32_t last_heartbeat_ms;
// obstacle detection information
struct {
// have we detected an obstacle?
uint8_t detected_count;
float turn_angle;
uint16_t sonar1_distance_cm;
uint16_t sonar2_distance_cm;
// time when we last detected an obstacle, in milliseconds
uint32_t detected_time_ms;
} obstacle;
// this is set to true when auto has been triggered to start
bool auto_triggered;
// Ground speed
// The amount current ground speed is below min ground speed. meters per second
float ground_speed;
int16_t throttle_last;
int16_t throttle;
// CH7 control
// Used to track the CH7 toggle state.
// When CH7 goes LOW PWM from HIGH PWM, this value will have been set true
// This allows advanced functionality to know when to execute
bool ch7_flag;
// Battery Sensors
AP_BattMonitor battery;
// Battery Sensors
AP_Frsky_Telem frsky_telemetry;
// Navigation control variables
// The instantaneous desired lateral acceleration in m/s/s
float lateral_acceleration;
// Waypoint distances
// Distance between rover and next waypoint. Meters
float wp_distance;
// Distance between previous and next waypoint. Meters
int32_t wp_totalDistance;
// Conditional command
// A value used in condition commands (eg delay, change alt, etc.)
// For example in a change altitude command, it is the altitude to change to.
int32_t condition_value;
// A starting value used to check the status of a conditional command.
// For example in a delay command the condition_start records that start time for the delay
int32_t condition_start;
// 3D Location vectors
// Location structure defined in AP_Common
// The home location used for RTL. The location is set when we first get stable GPS lock
const struct Location &home;
// Flag for if we have gps lock and have set the home location
bool home_is_set;
// The location of the previous waypoint. Used for track following and altitude ramp calculations
struct Location prev_WP;
// The location of the current/active waypoint. Used for track following
struct Location next_WP;
// The location of the active waypoint in Guided mode.
struct Location guided_WP;
// IMU variables
// The main loop execution time. Seconds
// This is the time between calls to the DCM algorithm and is the Integration time for the gyros.
float G_Dt;
// Performance monitoring
// Timer used to accrue data and trigger recording of the performanc monitoring log message
int32_t perf_mon_timer;
// The maximum main loop execution time recorded in the current performance monitoring interval
uint32_t G_Dt_max;
// System Timers
// Time in microseconds of start of main control loop.
uint32_t fast_loopTimer_us;
// Number of milliseconds used in last main loop cycle
uint32_t delta_us_fast_loop;
// Counter of main loop executions. Used for performance monitoring and failsafe processing
uint16_t mainLoop_count;
// set if we are driving backwards
bool in_reverse;
static const AP_Scheduler::Task scheduler_tasks[];
// private member functions
void ahrs_update();
void mount_update(void);
void update_alt();
void gcs_failsafe_check(void);
void compass_accumulate(void);
void update_compass(void);
void update_logging1(void);
void update_logging2(void);
void update_aux(void);
void one_second_loop(void);
void update_GPS_50Hz(void);
void update_GPS_10Hz(void);
void update_current_mode(void);
void update_navigation();
void send_heartbeat(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_attitude(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_extended_status1(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_location(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_nav_controller_output(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_servo_out(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_radio_out(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_vfr_hud(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_simstate(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_hwstatus(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_rangefinder(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_current_waypoint(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void send_statustext(mavlink_channel_t chan);
bool telemetry_delayed(mavlink_channel_t chan);
void mavlink_delay_cb();
void gcs_send_message(enum ap_message id);
void gcs_data_stream_send(void);
void gcs_update(void);
void gcs_send_text_P(gcs_severity severity, const prog_char_t *str);
void gcs_retry_deferred(void);
bool print_log_menu(void);
void do_erase_logs(void);
void Log_Write_Performance();
void Log_Write_Steering();
void Log_Write_Startup(uint8_t type);
void Log_Write_EntireMission();
void Log_Write_Control_Tuning();
void Log_Write_Nav_Tuning();
void Log_Write_Attitude();
void Log_Write_Sonar();
void Log_Write_Current();
void Log_Write_RC(void);
void Log_Write_Baro(void);
void Log_Read(uint16_t log_num, uint16_t start_page, uint16_t end_page);
void start_logging() ;
void Log_Write_Startup(uint8_t type);
void Log_Write_EntireMission();
void Log_Write_Current();
void Log_Write_Nav_Tuning();
void Log_Write_Performance();
void Log_Write_Control_Tuning();
void Log_Write_Sonar();
void Log_Write_Attitude();
void start_logging();
void Log_Write_RC(void);
void load_parameters(void);
void throttle_slew_limit(int16_t last_throttle);
bool auto_check_trigger(void);
bool use_pivot_steering(void);
void calc_throttle(float target_speed);
void calc_lateral_acceleration();
void calc_nav_steer();
void set_servos(void);
void set_next_WP(const struct Location& loc);
void set_guided_WP(void);
void init_home();
void restart_nav();
void exit_mission();
void do_RTL(void);
bool verify_RTL();
bool verify_wait_delay();
bool verify_within_distance();
void do_take_picture();
void log_picture();
void update_commands(void);
void delay(uint32_t ms);
void mavlink_delay(uint32_t ms);
uint32_t millis();
uint32_t micros();
void read_control_switch();
uint8_t readSwitch(void);
void reset_control_switch();
void read_trim_switch();
void update_events(void);
void failsafe_check();
void navigate();
void reached_waypoint();
void set_control_channels(void);
void init_rc_in();
void init_rc_out();
void read_radio();
void control_failsafe(uint16_t pwm);
void trim_control_surfaces();
void trim_radio();
void init_barometer(void);
void init_sonar(void);
void read_battery(void);
void read_receiver_rssi(void);
void read_sonars(void);
void report_batt_monitor();
void report_radio();
void report_gains();
void report_throttle();
void report_compass();
void report_modes();
void print_PID(PID * pid);
void print_radio_values();
void print_switch(uint8_t p, uint8_t m);
void print_done();
void print_blanks(int num);
void print_divider(void);
int8_t radio_input_switch(void);
void zero_eeprom(void);
void print_enabled(bool b);
void init_ardupilot();
void startup_ground(void);
void set_reverse(bool reverse);
void set_mode(enum mode mode);
bool mavlink_set_mode(uint8_t mode);
void failsafe_trigger(uint8_t failsafe_type, bool on);
void startup_INS_ground(void);
void update_notify();
void resetPerfData(void);
void check_usb_mux(void);
uint8_t check_digital_pin(uint8_t pin);
bool should_log(uint32_t mask);
void frsky_telemetry_send(void);
void print_hit_enter();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user