AP_Scripting: mount-poi applet sends camera feedback message

This commit is contained in:
Randy Mackay 2023-05-26 10:19:02 +09:00
parent 521b0f9d85
commit b757a7d21a

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@ -43,6 +43,81 @@ TERRAIN_SPACING = Parameter("TERRAIN_SPACING")
-- local variables and definitions
local last_rc_switch_pos = 0 -- last known rc switch position. Used to detect change in RC switch position
local success_count = 0 -- count of the number of POI calculations (sent to GCS in CAMERA_FEEDBACK message)
-- mavlink message definition
-- initialise mavlink rx with number of messages, and buffer depth
mavlink.init(1, 10)
local messages = {}
messages[180] = { -- CAMERA_FEEDBACK
{ "time_usec", "<I8" },
{ "lat", "<i4" },
{ "lng", "<i4" },
{ "alt_msl", "<f" },
{ "alt_rel", "<f" },
{ "roll", "<f" },
{ "pitch", "<f" },
{ "yaw", "<f" },
{ "foc_len", "<f" },
{ "img_idx", "<I2" },
{ "target_system", "<B" },
{ "cam_idx", "<B" },
{ "flags", "<B" },
{ "completed_captures", "<I2" },
function encode(msgid, message, messages_array)
local message_map = messages_array[msgid]
if not message_map then
-- we don't know how to encode this message, bail on it
error("Unknown MAVLink message " .. msgid)
local packString = "<"
local packedTable = {}
local packedIndex = 1
for i,v in ipairs(message_map) do
if v[3] then
packString = (packString .. string.rep(string.sub(v[2], 2), v[3]))
for j = 1, v[3] do
packedTable[packedIndex] = message[message_map[i][1]][j]
packedIndex = packedIndex + 1
packString = (packString .. string.sub(v[2], 2))
packedTable[packedIndex] = message[message_map[i][1]]
packedIndex = packedIndex + 1
return string.pack(packString, table.unpack(packedTable))
-- send CAMERA_FEEDBACK message to GCS
function send_camera_feedback(lat_degE7, lon_degE7, alt_msl_m, alt_rel_m, roll_deg, pitch_deg, yaw_deg, foc_len_mm, feedback_flags, captures_count)
-- prepare camera feedback msg
local camera_feedback_msg = {
time_usec = micros():toint(),
target_system = 0,
cam_idx = 0,
img_idx = 1,
lat = lat_degE7,
lng = lon_degE7,
alt_msl = alt_msl_m,
alt_rel = alt_rel_m,
roll = roll_deg,
pitch = pitch_deg,
yaw = yaw_deg,
foc_len = foc_len_mm,
flags = feedback_flags,
completed_captures = captures_count
-- send camera feedback msg
local encoded_msg = encode(180, camera_feedback_msg, messages)
mavlink.send_chan(0, 180, encoded_msg)
mavlink.send_chan(1, 180, encoded_msg)
-- helper functions
function wrap_360(angle_deg)
@ -180,6 +255,10 @@ function update()
local poi_loc = prev_test_loc:copy()
poi_loc:offset_bearing_and_pitch(mount_yaw_ef_deg, mount_pitch_deg, dist_interp_m)
gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("POI %.7f, %.7f, %.2f (asml)", poi_loc:lat()/10000000.0, poi_loc:lng()/10000000.0, poi_loc:alt() * 0.01))
-- send feedback to GCS so it can display icon on map
success_count = success_count + 1
send_camera_feedback(poi_loc:lat(), poi_loc:lng(), poi_loc:alt(), poi_loc:alt(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, success_count)
return update, UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS