From a0db0fc25f01962afadd6f5f5561c749ff15b927 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James Goppert Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 14:18:05 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Added missing files. --- .gitignore | 3 + ArduPlane/CMakeLists.txt | 8 +- ArduPlane/Makefile | 516 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- apo/CMakeLists.txt | 10 +- apo/apo.pde | 167 +------------ 5 files changed, 519 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-) diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 99b43f7898..ebd471e7e0 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -3,3 +3,6 @@ Tools/ArdupilotMegaPlanner/bin/Release/logs/ ArduCopter/Debug/ serialsent.raw +CMakeFiles +CMakeCache.txt +cmake_install.cmake diff --git a/ArduPlane/CMakeLists.txt b/ArduPlane/CMakeLists.txt index 19a3b35a50..3b6d496b97 100644 --- a/ArduPlane/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/ArduPlane/CMakeLists.txt @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ set(${FIRMWARE_NAME}_SKETCHES #GCS_Standard.pde #GCS_Xplane.pde #heli.pde - HIL_Xplane.pde + #HIL_Xplane.pde #leds.pde Log.pde #motors_hexa.pde @@ -92,12 +92,12 @@ set(${FIRMWARE_NAME}_SRCS set(${FIRMWARE_NAME}_HDRS APM_Config.h APM_Config_mavlink_hil.h - APM_Config_xplane.h + #APM_Config_xplane.h config.h defines.h GCS.h - HIL.h - Mavlink_Common.h + #HIL.h + #Mavlink_Common.h Parameters.h ) # Firmware sources diff --git a/ArduPlane/Makefile b/ArduPlane/Makefile index 34f8baffd9..0ea3e7a873 100644 --- a/ArduPlane/Makefile +++ b/ArduPlane/Makefile @@ -1,10 +1,510 @@ -# -# Trivial makefile for building APM -# +# CMAKE generated file: DO NOT EDIT! +# Generated by "Unix Makefiles" Generator, CMake Version 2.8 -# -# Select 'mega' for the original APM, or 'mega2560' for the V2 APM. -# -BOARD = mega +# Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. +default_target: all +.PHONY : default_target + +#============================================================================= +# Special targets provided by cmake. + +# Disable implicit rules so canoncical targets will work. +.SUFFIXES: + +# Remove some rules from gmake that .SUFFIXES does not remove. +SUFFIXES = + +.SUFFIXES: .hpux_make_needs_suffix_list + +# Suppress display of executed commands. +$(VERBOSE).SILENT: + +# A target that is always out of date. +cmake_force: +.PHONY : cmake_force + +#============================================================================= +# Set environment variables for the build. + +# The shell in which to execute make rules. +SHELL = /bin/sh + +# The CMake executable. +CMAKE_COMMAND = /usr/bin/cmake + +# The command to remove a file. +RM = /usr/bin/cmake -E remove -f + +# The top-level source directory on which CMake was run. +CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /hsl/homes/jgoppert/Projects/ardupilot-mega/ArduPlane + +# The top-level build directory on which CMake was run. +CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /hsl/homes/jgoppert/Projects/ardupilot-mega/ArduPlane + +#============================================================================= +# Targets provided globally by CMake. + +# Special rule for the target edit_cache +edit_cache: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running interactive CMake command-line interface..." + /usr/bin/cmake -i . +.PHONY : edit_cache + +# Special rule for the target edit_cache +edit_cache/fast: edit_cache +.PHONY : edit_cache/fast + +# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache +rebuild_cache: + @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --cyan "Running CMake to regenerate build system..." + /usr/bin/cmake -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) +.PHONY : rebuild_cache + +# Special rule for the target rebuild_cache +rebuild_cache/fast: rebuild_cache +.PHONY : rebuild_cache/fast + +# The main all target +all: cmake_check_build_system + $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /hsl/homes/jgoppert/Projects/ardupilot-mega/ArduPlane/CMakeFiles /hsl/homes/jgoppert/Projects/ardupilot-mega/ArduPlane/CMakeFiles/progress.marks + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all + $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /hsl/homes/jgoppert/Projects/ardupilot-mega/ArduPlane/CMakeFiles 0 +.PHONY : all + +# The main clean target +clean: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 clean +.PHONY : clean + +# The main clean target +clean/fast: clean +.PHONY : clean/fast + +# Prepare targets for installation. +preinstall: all + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 preinstall +.PHONY : preinstall + +# Prepare targets for installation. +preinstall/fast: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 preinstall +.PHONY : preinstall/fast + +# clear depends +depend: + $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 1 +.PHONY : depend + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named ArduPlane + +# Build rule for target. +ArduPlane: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 ArduPlane +.PHONY : ArduPlane + +# fast build rule for target. +ArduPlane/fast: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/build +.PHONY : ArduPlane/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named ArduPlane-serial + +# Build rule for target. +ArduPlane-serial: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 ArduPlane-serial +.PHONY : ArduPlane-serial + +# fast build rule for target. +ArduPlane-serial/fast: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/ArduPlane-serial.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/ArduPlane-serial.dir/build +.PHONY : ArduPlane-serial/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named ArduPlane-upload + +# Build rule for target. +ArduPlane-upload: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 ArduPlane-upload +.PHONY : ArduPlane-upload + +# fast build rule for target. +ArduPlane-upload/fast: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/ArduPlane-upload.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/ArduPlane-upload.dir/build +.PHONY : ArduPlane-upload/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named upload + +# Build rule for target. +upload: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 upload +.PHONY : upload + +# fast build rule for target. +upload/fast: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/upload.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/upload.dir/build +.PHONY : upload/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named DataFlash + +# Build rule for target. +DataFlash: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 DataFlash +.PHONY : DataFlash + +# fast build rule for target. +DataFlash/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/DataFlash/CMakeFiles/DataFlash.dir/build.make libs/DataFlash/CMakeFiles/DataFlash.dir/build +.PHONY : DataFlash/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named mega_CORE + +# Build rule for target. +mega_CORE: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 mega_CORE +.PHONY : mega_CORE + +# fast build rule for target. +mega_CORE/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/DataFlash/CMakeFiles/mega_CORE.dir/build.make libs/DataFlash/CMakeFiles/mega_CORE.dir/build +.PHONY : mega_CORE/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named mega_SPI + +# Build rule for target. +mega_SPI: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 mega_SPI +.PHONY : mega_SPI + +# fast build rule for target. +mega_SPI/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/DataFlash/CMakeFiles/mega_SPI.dir/build.make libs/DataFlash/CMakeFiles/mega_SPI.dir/build +.PHONY : mega_SPI/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_Math + +# Build rule for target. +AP_Math: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_Math +.PHONY : AP_Math + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_Math/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_Math/CMakeFiles/AP_Math.dir/build.make libs/AP_Math/CMakeFiles/AP_Math.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_Math/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named PID + +# Build rule for target. +PID: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 PID +.PHONY : PID + +# fast build rule for target. +PID/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/PID/CMakeFiles/PID.dir/build.make libs/PID/CMakeFiles/PID.dir/build +.PHONY : PID/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_Common + +# Build rule for target. +AP_Common: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_Common +.PHONY : AP_Common + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_Common/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_Common/CMakeFiles/AP_Common.dir/build.make libs/AP_Common/CMakeFiles/AP_Common.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_Common/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named RC_Channel + +# Build rule for target. +RC_Channel: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 RC_Channel +.PHONY : RC_Channel + +# fast build rule for target. +RC_Channel/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/RC_Channel/CMakeFiles/RC_Channel.dir/build.make libs/RC_Channel/CMakeFiles/RC_Channel.dir/build +.PHONY : RC_Channel/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_OpticalFlow + +# Build rule for target. +AP_OpticalFlow: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_OpticalFlow +.PHONY : AP_OpticalFlow + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_OpticalFlow/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_OpticalFlow/CMakeFiles/AP_OpticalFlow.dir/build.make libs/AP_OpticalFlow/CMakeFiles/AP_OpticalFlow.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_OpticalFlow/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named ModeFilter + +# Build rule for target. +ModeFilter: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 ModeFilter +.PHONY : ModeFilter + +# fast build rule for target. +ModeFilter/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/ModeFilter/CMakeFiles/ModeFilter.dir/build.make libs/ModeFilter/CMakeFiles/ModeFilter.dir/build +.PHONY : ModeFilter/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named memcheck + +# Build rule for target. +memcheck: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 memcheck +.PHONY : memcheck + +# fast build rule for target. +memcheck/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/memcheck/CMakeFiles/memcheck.dir/build.make libs/memcheck/CMakeFiles/memcheck.dir/build +.PHONY : memcheck/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named APM_PI + +# Build rule for target. +APM_PI: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 APM_PI +.PHONY : APM_PI + +# fast build rule for target. +APM_PI/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/APM_PI/CMakeFiles/APM_PI.dir/build.make libs/APM_PI/CMakeFiles/APM_PI.dir/build +.PHONY : APM_PI/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_GPS + +# Build rule for target. +AP_GPS: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_GPS +.PHONY : AP_GPS + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_GPS/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_GPS/CMakeFiles/AP_GPS.dir/build.make libs/AP_GPS/CMakeFiles/AP_GPS.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_GPS/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_DCM + +# Build rule for target. +AP_DCM: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_DCM +.PHONY : AP_DCM + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_DCM/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_DCM/CMakeFiles/AP_DCM.dir/build.make libs/AP_DCM/CMakeFiles/AP_DCM.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_DCM/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_Compass + +# Build rule for target. +AP_Compass: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_Compass +.PHONY : AP_Compass + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_Compass/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_Compass/CMakeFiles/AP_Compass.dir/build.make libs/AP_Compass/CMakeFiles/AP_Compass.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_Compass/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_ADC + +# Build rule for target. +AP_ADC: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_ADC +.PHONY : AP_ADC + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_ADC/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_ADC/CMakeFiles/AP_ADC.dir/build.make libs/AP_ADC/CMakeFiles/AP_ADC.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_ADC/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_IMU + +# Build rule for target. +AP_IMU: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_IMU +.PHONY : AP_IMU + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_IMU/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_IMU/CMakeFiles/AP_IMU.dir/build.make libs/AP_IMU/CMakeFiles/AP_IMU.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_IMU/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named AP_RangeFinder + +# Build rule for target. +AP_RangeFinder: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 AP_RangeFinder +.PHONY : AP_RangeFinder + +# fast build rule for target. +AP_RangeFinder/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/AP_RangeFinder/CMakeFiles/AP_RangeFinder.dir/build.make libs/AP_RangeFinder/CMakeFiles/AP_RangeFinder.dir/build +.PHONY : AP_RangeFinder/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named APM_RC + +# Build rule for target. +APM_RC: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 APM_RC +.PHONY : APM_RC + +# fast build rule for target. +APM_RC/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/APM_RC/CMakeFiles/APM_RC.dir/build.make libs/APM_RC/CMakeFiles/APM_RC.dir/build +.PHONY : APM_RC/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named APM_BMP085 + +# Build rule for target. +APM_BMP085: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 APM_BMP085 +.PHONY : APM_BMP085 + +# fast build rule for target. +APM_BMP085/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/APM_BMP085/CMakeFiles/APM_BMP085.dir/build.make libs/APM_BMP085/CMakeFiles/APM_BMP085.dir/build +.PHONY : APM_BMP085/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named mega_Wire + +# Build rule for target. +mega_Wire: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 mega_Wire +.PHONY : mega_Wire + +# fast build rule for target. +mega_Wire/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/APM_BMP085/CMakeFiles/mega_Wire.dir/build.make libs/APM_BMP085/CMakeFiles/mega_Wire.dir/build +.PHONY : mega_Wire/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named FastSerial + +# Build rule for target. +FastSerial: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 FastSerial +.PHONY : FastSerial + +# fast build rule for target. +FastSerial/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/FastSerial/CMakeFiles/FastSerial.dir/build.make libs/FastSerial/CMakeFiles/FastSerial.dir/build +.PHONY : FastSerial/fast + +#============================================================================= +# Target rules for targets named GCS_MAVLink + +# Build rule for target. +GCS_MAVLink: cmake_check_build_system + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 GCS_MAVLink +.PHONY : GCS_MAVLink + +# fast build rule for target. +GCS_MAVLink/fast: + $(MAKE) -f libs/GCS_MAVLink/CMakeFiles/GCS_MAVLink.dir/build.make libs/GCS_MAVLink/CMakeFiles/GCS_MAVLink.dir/build +.PHONY : GCS_MAVLink/fast + +ArduPlane.obj: ArduPlane.cpp.obj +.PHONY : ArduPlane.obj + +# target to build an object file +ArduPlane.cpp.obj: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/ArduPlane.cpp.obj +.PHONY : ArduPlane.cpp.obj + +ArduPlane.i: ArduPlane.cpp.i +.PHONY : ArduPlane.i + +# target to preprocess a source file +ArduPlane.cpp.i: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/ArduPlane.cpp.i +.PHONY : ArduPlane.cpp.i + +ArduPlane.s: ArduPlane.cpp.s +.PHONY : ArduPlane.s + +# target to generate assembly for a file +ArduPlane.cpp.s: + $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/ArduPlane.dir/ArduPlane.cpp.s +.PHONY : ArduPlane.cpp.s + +# Help Target +help: + @echo "The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:" + @echo "... all (the default if no target is provided)" + @echo "... clean" + @echo "... depend" + @echo "... ArduPlane" + @echo "... ArduPlane-serial" + @echo "... ArduPlane-upload" + @echo "... edit_cache" + @echo "... rebuild_cache" + @echo "... upload" + @echo "... DataFlash" + @echo "... mega_CORE" + @echo "... mega_SPI" + @echo "... AP_Math" + @echo "... PID" + @echo "... AP_Common" + @echo "... RC_Channel" + @echo "... AP_OpticalFlow" + @echo "... ModeFilter" + @echo "... memcheck" + @echo "... APM_PI" + @echo "... AP_GPS" + @echo "... AP_DCM" + @echo "... AP_Compass" + @echo "... AP_ADC" + @echo "... AP_IMU" + @echo "... AP_RangeFinder" + @echo "... APM_RC" + @echo "... APM_BMP085" + @echo "... mega_Wire" + @echo "... FastSerial" + @echo "... GCS_MAVLink" + @echo "... ArduPlane.obj" + @echo "... ArduPlane.i" + @echo "... ArduPlane.s" +.PHONY : help + + + +#============================================================================= +# Special targets to cleanup operation of make. + +# Special rule to run CMake to check the build system integrity. +# No rule that depends on this can have commands that come from listfiles +# because they might be regenerated. +cmake_check_build_system: + $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -H$(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) -B$(CMAKE_BINARY_DIR) --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0 +.PHONY : cmake_check_build_system -include ../libraries/AP_Common/ diff --git a/apo/CMakeLists.txt b/apo/CMakeLists.txt index 95c4c1289c..f08d48c262 100644 --- a/apo/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/apo/CMakeLists.txt @@ -7,24 +7,18 @@ #====================================================================# # Settings # #====================================================================# -set(FIRMWARE_NAME ardupilotone) +set(FIRMWARE_NAME apo) set(${FIRMWARE_NAME}_BOARD ${BOARD}) # Arduino Target board set(${FIRMWARE_NAME}_SKETCHES - ardupilotone.pde + apo.pde ) # Firmware sketches set(${FIRMWARE_NAME}_SRCS ) # Firmware sources set(${FIRMWARE_NAME}_HDRS - BoatGeneric.h - CarStampede.h - #CNIRover.h - #CNIBoat.h - ControllerBoat.h - ControllerCar.h ControllerPlane.h ControllerQuad.h PlaneEasystar.h diff --git a/apo/apo.pde b/apo/apo.pde index 7e79ec1a9e..233b9513ee 100644 --- a/apo/apo.pde +++ b/apo/apo.pde @@ -1,12 +1,3 @@ -/* - * ardupilotone - * - * Created on: Apr 30, 2011 - * Author: jgoppert - */ - -#define ENABLE_FASTSERIAL_DEBUG - // Libraries #include #include @@ -23,162 +14,8 @@ #include #include -FastSerialPort0(Serial); -FastSerialPort1(Serial1); -FastSerialPort2(Serial2); -FastSerialPort3(Serial3); - // Vehicle Configuration #include "PlaneEasystar.h" -/* - * Required Global Declarations - */ - -static apo::AP_Autopilot * autoPilot; - -void setup() { - - using namespace apo; - - AP_Var::load_all(); - - /* - * Communications - */ - Serial.begin(DEBUG_BAUD, 128, 128); // debug - if (board==BOARD_ARDUPILOTMEGA_2) Serial2.begin(TELEM_BAUD, 128, 128); // gcs - else Serial3.begin(TELEM_BAUD, 128, 128); // gcs - - // hardware abstraction layer - AP_HardwareAbstractionLayer * hal = new AP_HardwareAbstractionLayer( - halMode, board, vehicle, heartBeatTimeout); - - // debug serial - hal->debug = &Serial; - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing debug line")); - - /* - * Initialize Comm Channels - */ - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing comm channels")); - if (hal->getMode() == MODE_LIVE) { - Serial1.begin(GPS_BAUD, 128, 16); // gps - } else { // hil - Serial1.begin(HIL_BAUD, 128, 128); - } - - /* - * Sensor initialization - */ - if (hal->getMode() == MODE_LIVE) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing adc")); - hal->adc = new ADC_CLASS; - hal->adc->Init(); - - if (gpsEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing gps")); - AP_GPS_Auto gpsDriver(&Serial1, &(hal->gps)); - hal->gps = &gpsDriver; - hal->gps->init(); - } - - if (baroEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing baro")); - hal->baro = new BARO_CLASS; - hal->baro->Init(); - } - - if (compassEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing compass")); - hal->compass = new COMPASS_CLASS; - hal->compass->set_orientation(AP_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_UP_PINS_FORWARD); - hal->compass->init(); - } - - /** - * Initialize ultrasonic sensors. If sensors are not plugged in, the navigator will not - * initialize them and NULL will be assigned to those corresponding pointers. - * On detecting NULL assigned to any ultrasonic sensor, its corresponding block of code - * will not be executed by the navigator. - * The coordinate system is assigned by the right hand rule with the thumb pointing down. - * In set_orientation, it is defind as (front/back,left/right,down,up) - */ - - if (rangeFinderFrontEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing front range finder")); - RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new RANGE_FINDER_CLASS(hal->adc,new ModeFilter); - rangeFinder->set_analog_port(1); - rangeFinder->set_orientation(1, 0, 0); - hal->rangeFinders.push_back(rangeFinder); - } - - if (rangeFinderBackEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing back range finder")); - RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new RANGE_FINDER_CLASS(hal->adc,new ModeFilter); - rangeFinder->set_analog_port(2); - rangeFinder->set_orientation(-1, 0, 0); - hal->rangeFinders.push_back(rangeFinder); - } - - if (rangeFinderLeftEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing left range finder")); - RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new RANGE_FINDER_CLASS(hal->adc,new ModeFilter); - rangeFinder->set_analog_port(3); - rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, -1, 0); - hal->rangeFinders.push_back(rangeFinder); - } - - if (rangeFinderRightEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing right range finder")); - RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new RANGE_FINDER_CLASS(hal->adc,new ModeFilter); - rangeFinder->set_analog_port(4); - rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, 1, 0); - hal->rangeFinders.push_back(rangeFinder); - } - - if (rangeFinderUpEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing up range finder")); - RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new RANGE_FINDER_CLASS(hal->adc,new ModeFilter); - rangeFinder->set_analog_port(5); - rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, 0, -1); - hal->rangeFinders.push_back(rangeFinder); - } - - if (rangeFinderDownEnabled) { - hal->debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing down range finder")); - RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new RANGE_FINDER_CLASS(hal->adc,new ModeFilter); - rangeFinder->set_analog_port(6); - rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, 0, 1); - hal->rangeFinders.push_back(rangeFinder); - } - - } - - /* - * Select guidance, navigation, control algorithms - */ - AP_Navigator * navigator = new NAVIGATOR_CLASS(hal); - AP_Guide * guide = new GUIDE_CLASS(navigator, hal); - AP_Controller * controller = new CONTROLLER_CLASS(navigator, guide, hal); - - /* - * CommLinks - */ - if (board==BOARD_ARDUPILOTMEGA_2) hal->gcs = new COMMLINK_CLASS(&Serial2, navigator, guide, controller, hal); - else hal->gcs = new COMMLINK_CLASS(&Serial3, navigator, guide, controller, hal); - - hal->hil = new COMMLINK_CLASS(&Serial1, navigator, guide, controller, hal); - - /* - * Start the autopilot - */ - hal->debug->printf_P(PSTR("initializing arduplane\n")); - hal->debug->printf_P(PSTR("free ram: %d bytes\n"),freeMemory()); - autoPilot = new apo::AP_Autopilot(navigator, guide, controller, hal, - loop0Rate, loop1Rate, loop2Rate, loop3Rate); -} - -void loop() { - autoPilot->update(); -} +// ArduPilotOne Default Setup +#include "APO_DefaultSetup.h"