build: allow make with BOARD-VEHICLE combination

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Tridgell 2018-11-20 22:13:31 +11:00
parent 646c6f4361
commit 98267b0cd7

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@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
ROOT = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
WAF_BINARY = $(realpath $(ROOT)/modules/waf/waf-light)
EXPLICIT_COMMANDS = check check-all clean list_boards
VEHICLES = copter plane rover
VEHICLES = copter plane rover sub heli
BOARD_LIST := $(shell $(WAF) list_boards | head -1)
all: $(WAF_BINARY)
@$(WAF) build
@ -29,6 +31,12 @@ $(VEHICLES): $(WAF_BINARY)
.DEFAULT: %-configure
@$(WAF) configure --board $@ build
define target_template
$(1)-$(2) : $(1)-configure $(2)
$(foreach board,$(BOARD_LIST),$(foreach vehicle,$(VEHICLES),$(eval $(call target_template,$(board),$(vehicle)))))
@echo "Ardupilot Building"
@echo "=================="
@ -46,14 +54,19 @@ help:
@echo ""
@echo "Boards"
@echo "------"
@echo ""
@echo "In order to trigger the build for a board/platform, the name of the board is"
@echo "used as the target. Example: make linux"
@echo "If no target is passed, then the build will be triggered for the last board"
@echo "used. You can suffix the board/platform with '-configure' in order to just "
@echo "configure without triggering a build command."
@echo ""
@echo "You can get a list of available boards using the command:"
@echo " make list_boards"
@echo ""
@echo "Vehicles"
@echo "--------"
@echo ""
@echo "It's possible to build for a specific vehicle by defining the target as one of:"
@echo " $(VEHICLES)"
@echo ""
@ -61,26 +74,39 @@ help:
@echo "board/platform, you'll need to configure the build before (e.g"
@echo "make linux-configure)"
@echo ""
@echo "Combinations"
@echo "------------"
@echo ""
@echo "It's possible to build for a specific vehicle type and board using"
@echo " make BOARD-VEHICLE"
@echo ""
@echo "For example, to build copter for the Pixracer, use this:"
@echo " make Pixracer-copter"
@echo ""
@echo "Check"
@echo "-----"
@echo ""
@echo "Check targets are used for running tests. There are two targets available:"
@echo " check: for running tests that are still failing or that are new or"
@echo " have been modified"
@echo " check: for running tests that are still failing or that are new or"
@echo " have been modified"
@echo " check-all: to run all tests"
@echo ""
@echo "Waf commands"
@echo "------------"
@echo ""
@echo "Waf commands can be explicitly called with targets prefixed by 'waf-'. Example:"
@echo " make waf-clean"
@echo " make waf-build"
@echo ""
@echo "Common commands"
@echo "---------------"
@echo ""
@echo "Some Waf commands can be executed without the need of prefixing the target name"
@echo "with 'waf-'. They are: $(EXPLICIT_COMMANDS)"
@echo ""
@echo "Waf flags"
@echo "---------"
@echo ""
@echo "The variable WAF_FLAGS can be used to set any waf command line options that"
@echo "come to be necessary. Ex: make linux WAF_FLAGS='-c no'"
@echo ""