SITL: updated fixed wing model based on last_letter skywalker_2013
many thanks to Georacer for this code!
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,64 +38,151 @@ Plane::Plane(const char *home_str, const char *frame_str) :
calculate lift in neutons
the following functions are from last_letter
many thanks to Georacer!
float Plane::calculate_lift(void) const
float Plane::liftCoeff(float alpha) const
// simple lift equation from
const float max_angle = radians(30);
const float max_angle_delta = radians(10);
const float clift_at_max = coefficient.lift * 2 * M_PI_F * max_angle;
float Cl = coefficient.lift * 2 * M_PI_F * angle_of_attack;
if (fabsf(angle_of_attack) > max_angle+max_angle_delta) {
return 0;
if (angle_of_attack > max_angle) {
Cl = clift_at_max * (1-(angle_of_attack - max_angle)/max_angle_delta);
} else if (angle_of_attack < -max_angle) {
Cl = -clift_at_max * (1+(angle_of_attack - max_angle)/max_angle_delta);
float lift = 0.5 * Cl * air_density * sq(airspeed) * wing_area;
return lift;
calculate induced drag in neutons
float Plane::calculate_drag_induced(void) const
float lift = calculate_lift();
const float alpha0 = coefficient.alpha_stall;
const float M = coefficient.mcoeff;
const float c_lift_0 = coefficient.c_lift_0;
const float c_lift_a0 = coefficient.c_lift_a;
// simple induced drag from
if (airspeed < 0.1) {
return 0;
float drag_i = coefficient.lift_drag * sq(lift) / (0.25 * sq(air_density) * sq(airspeed) * wing_area * M_PI_F * wing_efficiency * aspect_ratio);
return drag_i;
double sigmoid = ( 1+exp(-M*(alpha-alpha0))+exp(M*(alpha+alpha0)) ) / (1+exp(-M*(alpha-alpha0))) / (1+exp(M*(alpha+alpha0)));
double linear = (1.0-sigmoid) * (c_lift_0 + c_lift_a0*alpha); //Lift at small AoA
double flatPlate = sigmoid*(2*copysign(1,alpha)*pow(sin(alpha),2)*cos(alpha)); //Lift beyond stall
float result = linear+flatPlate;
return result;
calculate form drag in neutons
float Plane::calculate_drag_form(void) const
float Plane::dragCoeff(float alpha) const
// simple form drag
float drag_f = 0.5 * air_density * sq(airspeed) * coefficient.drag;
return drag_f;
const float b = coefficient.b;
const float s = coefficient.s;
const float c_drag_p = coefficient.c_drag_p;
const float c_lift_0 = coefficient.c_lift_0;
const float c_lift_a0 = coefficient.c_lift_a;
const float oswald = coefficient.oswald;
double AR = pow(b,2)/s;
double c_drag_a = c_drag_p + pow(c_lift_0+c_lift_a0*alpha,2)/(M_PI*oswald*AR);
return c_drag_a;
calculate lift+drag in neutons in body frame
Vector3f Plane::calculate_lift_drag(void) const
// Torque calculation function
Vector3f Plane::getTorque(float inputAileron, float inputElevator, float inputRudder, const Vector3f &force) const
if (velocity_ef.is_zero()) {
return Vector3f(0,0,0);
float lift = calculate_lift();
float drag = calculate_drag_induced() + calculate_drag_form();
return velocity_bf.normalized()*(-drag) + Vector3f(0, 0, -lift);
const float alpha = angle_of_attack;
const float s = coefficient.s;
const float c = coefficient.c;
const float b = coefficient.b;
const float c_l_0 = coefficient.c_l_0;
const float c_l_b = coefficient.c_l_b;
const float c_l_p = coefficient.c_l_p;
const float c_l_r = coefficient.c_l_r;
const float c_l_deltaa = coefficient.c_l_deltaa;
const float c_l_deltar = coefficient.c_l_deltar;
const float c_m_0 = coefficient.c_m_0;
const float c_m_a = coefficient.c_m_a;
const float c_m_q = coefficient.c_m_q;
const float c_m_deltae = coefficient.c_m_deltae;
const float c_n_0 = coefficient.c_n_0;
const float c_n_b = coefficient.c_n_b;
const float c_n_p = coefficient.c_n_p;
const float c_n_r = coefficient.c_n_r;
const float c_n_deltaa = coefficient.c_n_deltaa;
const float c_n_deltar = coefficient.c_n_deltar;
const Vector3f &CGOffset = coefficient.CGOffset;
float rho = air_density;
//read angular rates
double p = gyro.x;
double q = gyro.y;
double r = gyro.z;
//calculate aerodynamic torque
double qbar = 1.0/2.0*rho*pow(airspeed,2)*s; //Calculate dynamic pressure
double la, na, ma;
if (is_zero(airspeed))
la = 0;
ma = 0;
na = 0;
la = qbar*b*(c_l_0 + c_l_b*beta + c_l_p*b*p/(2*airspeed) + c_l_r*b*r/(2*airspeed) + c_l_deltaa*inputAileron + c_l_deltar*inputRudder);
ma = qbar*c*(c_m_0 + c_m_a*alpha + c_m_q*c*q/(2*airspeed) + c_m_deltae*inputElevator);
na = qbar*b*(c_n_0 + c_n_b*beta + c_n_p*b*p/(2*airspeed) + c_n_r*b*r/(2*airspeed) + c_n_deltaa*inputAileron + c_n_deltar*inputRudder);
// Add torque to to force misalignment with CG
// r x F, where r is the distance from CoG to CoL
la += CGOffset.y * force.z - CGOffset.z * force.y;
ma += -CGOffset.x * force.z + CGOffset.z * force.x;
na += -CGOffset.y * force.x + CGOffset.x * force.y;
return Vector3f(la, ma, na);
// Force calculation function from last_letter
Vector3f Plane::getForce(float inputAileron, float inputElevator, float inputRudder) const
const float alpha = angle_of_attack;
const float c_drag_q = coefficient.c_drag_q;
const float c_lift_q = coefficient.c_lift_q;
const float s = coefficient.s;
const float c = coefficient.c;
const float b = coefficient.b;
const float c_drag_deltae = coefficient.c_drag_deltae;
const float c_lift_deltae = coefficient.c_lift_deltae;
const float c_y_0 = coefficient.c_y_0;
const float c_y_b = coefficient.c_y_b;
const float c_y_p = coefficient.c_y_p;
const float c_y_r = coefficient.c_y_r;
const float c_y_deltaa = coefficient.c_y_deltaa;
const float c_y_deltar = coefficient.c_y_deltar;
float rho = air_density;
//request lift and drag alpha-coefficients from the corresponding functions
double c_lift_a = liftCoeff(alpha);
double c_drag_a = dragCoeff(alpha);
//convert coefficients to the body frame
double c_x_a = -c_drag_a*cos(alpha)+c_lift_a*sin(alpha);
double c_x_q = -c_drag_q*cos(alpha)+c_lift_q*sin(alpha);
double c_z_a = -c_drag_a*sin(alpha)-c_lift_a*cos(alpha);
double c_z_q = -c_drag_q*sin(alpha)-c_lift_q*cos(alpha);
//read angular rates
double p = gyro.x;
double q = gyro.y;
double r = gyro.z;
//calculate aerodynamic force
double qbar = 1.0/2.0*rho*pow(airspeed,2)*s; //Calculate dynamic pressure
double ax, ay, az;
if (is_zero(airspeed))
ax = 0;
ay = 0;
az = 0;
ax = qbar*(c_x_a + c_x_q*c*q/(2*airspeed) - c_drag_deltae*cos(alpha)*fabs(inputElevator) + c_lift_deltae*sin(alpha)*inputElevator);
// split c_x_deltae to include "abs" term
ay = qbar*(c_y_0 + c_y_b*beta + c_y_p*b*p/(2*airspeed) + c_y_r*b*r/(2*airspeed) + c_y_deltaa*inputAileron + c_y_deltar*inputRudder);
az = qbar*(c_z_a + c_z_q*c*q/(2*airspeed) - c_drag_deltae*sin(alpha)*fabs(inputElevator) - c_lift_deltae*cos(alpha)*inputElevator);
// split c_z_deltae to include "abs" term
return Vector3f(ax, ay, az);
void Plane::calculate_forces(const struct sitl_input &input, Vector3f &rot_accel, Vector3f &body_accel)
@ -104,45 +191,24 @@ void Plane::calculate_forces(const struct sitl_input &input, Vector3f &rot_accel
float elevator = (input.servos[1]-1500)/500.0f;
float rudder = (input.servos[3]-1500)/500.0f;
float throttle = constrain_float((input.servos[2]-1000)/1000.0f, 0, 1);
float speed_scaling = airspeed / cruise_airspeed;
float thrust = throttle;
float roll_rate = aileron * speed_scaling;
float pitch_rate = elevator * speed_scaling;
float yaw_rate = rudder * speed_scaling;
// rotational acceleration, in rad/s/s, in body frame
rot_accel.x = roll_rate * max_rates.x;
rot_accel.y = pitch_rate * max_rates.y;
rot_accel.z = yaw_rate * max_rates.z;
// rotational air resistance
rot_accel.x -= gyro.x * radians(800.0) / terminal_rotation_rate.x;
rot_accel.y -= gyro.y * radians(800.0) / terminal_rotation_rate.y;
rot_accel.z -= gyro.z * radians(1200.0) / terminal_rotation_rate.z;
// add torque of stabilisers
rot_accel.z += velocity_bf.y * speed_scaling * coefficient.vertical_stabiliser;
rot_accel.y -= velocity_bf.z * speed_scaling * coefficient.horizontal_stabiliser;
// calculate angle of attack
angle_of_attack = atan2f(velocity_bf.z, velocity_bf.x);
beta = atan2f(velocity_bf.y,velocity_bf.x);
// add dihedral
rot_accel.x -= beta * airspeed * coefficient.dihedral;
Vector3f force = getForce(aileron, elevator, rudder);
rot_accel = getTorque(aileron, elevator, rudder, force);
// velocity in body frame
velocity_bf = dcm.transposed() * velocity_ef;
// get lift and drag in body frame, in neutons
Vector3f lift_drag = calculate_lift_drag();
// scale thrust to newtons
thrust *= thrust_scale;
accel_body = Vector3f(thrust/mass, 0, 0);
accel_body += lift_drag/mass;
accel_body += force;
// add some noise
add_noise(thrust / thrust_scale);
@ -39,37 +39,64 @@ public:
const float hover_throttle = 1.2f;
const float cruise_airspeed = 20;
const float cruise_pitch = radians(4);
const float wing_efficiency = 0.9;
const float wing_span = 2.0;
const float wing_chord = 0.15;
const float aspect_ratio = wing_span / wing_chord;
const float wing_area = wing_span * wing_chord;
const float hover_throttle = 0.7f;
const float air_density = 1.225; // kg/m^3 at sea level, ISA conditions
float angle_of_attack;
float beta;
Vector3f velocity_bf;
// manually tweaked coefficients. Not even close to reality
struct {
float drag = 0.005;
float lift = 2.0;
float lift_drag = 0.5;
float vertical_stabiliser = 0.1;
float horizontal_stabiliser = 2;
float dihedral = 0.1;
// from last_letter skywalker_2013/aerodynamics.yaml
// thanks to Georacer!
float s = 0.45;
float b = 1.88;
float c = 0.24;
float c_lift_0 = 0.56;
float c_lift_deltae = 0;
float c_lift_a = 6.9;
float c_lift_q = 0;
float mcoeff = 50;
float oswald = 0.9;
float alpha_stall = 0.4712;
float c_drag_q = 0;
float c_drag_deltae = 0.0;
float c_drag_p = 0.1;
float c_y_0 = 0;
float c_y_b = -0.98;
float c_y_p = 0;
float c_y_r = 0;
float c_y_deltaa = 0;
float c_y_deltar = -0.2;
float c_l_0 = 0;
float c_l_p = -1.0;
float c_l_b = -0.12;
float c_l_r = 0.14;
float c_l_deltaa = 0.25;
float c_l_deltar = -0.037;
float c_m_0 = 0.045;
float c_m_a = -0.7;
float c_m_q = -20;
float c_m_deltae = 1.0;
float c_n_0 = 0;
float c_n_b = 0.25;
float c_n_p = 0.022;
float c_n_r = -1;
float c_n_deltaa = 0.00;
float c_n_deltar = 0.1;
float deltaa_max = 0.3491;
float deltae_max = 0.3491;
float deltar_max = 0.3491;
// the X CoG offset should be -0.02, but that makes the plane too tail heavy
// in manual flight. Adjusted to -0.15 gives reasonable flight
Vector3f CGOffset{-0.15, 0, -0.05};
} coefficient;
float thrust_scale;
Vector3f terminal_rotation_rate{radians(170), radians(200), radians(180)};
Vector3f max_rates{radians(350), radians(250), radians(100)};
float calculate_lift(void) const;
float calculate_drag_induced(void) const;
float calculate_drag_form(void) const;
Vector3f calculate_lift_drag(void) const;
float liftCoeff(float alpha) const;
float dragCoeff(float alpha) const;
Vector3f getForce(float inputAileron, float inputElevator, float inputRudder) const;
Vector3f getTorque(float inputAileron, float inputElevator, float inputRudder, const Vector3f &force) const;
void calculate_forces(const struct sitl_input &input, Vector3f &rot_accel, Vector3f &body_accel);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user