SITL: remove params from whiltelist
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info[] = {
// @Path: ./ServoModel.cpp
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(servo, "SERVO_", 16, SIM, ServoParams),
// @Param: SONAR_ROT
// @DisplayName: Sonar rotation
// @Description: Sonar rotation from rotations enumeration
AP_GROUPINFO("SONAR_ROT", 17, SIM, sonar_rot, Rotation::ROTATION_PITCH_270),
// @DisplayName: Simulated battery voltage
@ -123,7 +126,16 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info[] = {
// @Units: Ah
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("BATT_CAP_AH", 20, SIM, batt_capacity_ah, 0),
// @DisplayName: Sonar glitch probablility
// @Description: Probablility a sonar glitch would happen
// @Range: 0 1
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("SONAR_GLITCH", 23, SIM, sonar_glitch, 0),
// @Param: SONAR_RND
// @DisplayName: Sonar noise factor
// @Description: Scaling factor for simulated sonar noise
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("SONAR_RND", 24, SIM, sonar_noise, 0),
// @Param: RC_FAIL
// @DisplayName: Simulated RC signal failure
@ -162,12 +174,20 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info[] = {
AP_GROUPINFO("CAN_TYPE2", 31, SIM, can_transport[1], uint8_t(CANTransport::MulticastUDP)),
// @Param: SONAR_SCALE
// @DisplayName: Sonar conversion scale
// @Description: Sonar conversion scale from distance to voltage
// @Units: m/V
AP_GROUPINFO("SONAR_SCALE", 32, SIM, sonar_scale, 12.1212f),
// @Param: FLOW_ENABLE
// @DisplayName: Opflow Enable
// @Description: Enable simulated Optical Flow sensor
// @Values: 0:Disable,1:Enabled
AP_GROUPINFO("FLOW_ENABLE", 33, SIM, flow_enable, 0),
// @Param: TERRAIN
// @DisplayName: Terrain Enable
// @Description: Enable using terrain for height
// @Values: 0:Disable,1:Enabled
AP_GROUPINFO("TERRAIN", 34, SIM, terrain_enable, 1),
// @Param: FLOW_RATE
// @DisplayName: Opflow Rate
@ -193,6 +213,9 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info[] = {
// @Description: Simulated ADSB altitude of another aircraft
// @Units: m
AP_GROUPINFO("ADSB_ALT", 47, SIM, adsb_altitude_m, 1000),
// @Param: PIN_MASK
// @DisplayName: GPIO emulation
// @Description: SITL GPIO emulation
AP_GROUPINFO("PIN_MASK", 50, SIM, pin_mask, 0),
// @Param: ADSB_TX
// @DisplayName: ADSB transmit enable
@ -236,11 +259,30 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info[] = {
// second table of user settable parameters for SITL.
const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info2[] = {
// @Param: TEMP_START
// @DisplayName: Start temperature
// @Description: Baro start temperature
// @Units: degC
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("TEMP_START", 1, SIM, temp_start, 25),
// @Param: TEMP_BRD_OFF
// @DisplayName: Baro temperature offset
// @Description: Barometer board temperature offset from atmospheric temperature
// @Units: degC
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("TEMP_BRD_OFF", 2, SIM, temp_board_offset, 20),
// @Param: TEMP_TCONST
// @DisplayName: Warmup time constant
// @Description: Barometer warmup temperature time constant
// @Units: degC
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("TEMP_TCONST", 3, SIM, temp_tconst, 30),
AP_GROUPINFO("TEMP_BFACTOR", 4, SIM, temp_baro_factor, 0),
// @DisplayName: Baro temperature factor
// @Description: A pressure change with temperature that closely matches what has been observed with a ICM-20789
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("TEMP_BFACTOR", 4, SIM, temp_baro_factor, 0),
// @Param: WIND_DIR_Z
// @DisplayName: Simulated wind vertical direction
// @Description: Allows you to set vertical wind direction (true deg) in sim. 0 means pure horizontal wind. 90 means pure updraft.
@ -264,6 +306,9 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info2[] = {
// @Description: For linear wind profile,wind is reduced by (Altitude-WIND_T_ALT) x this value
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("WIND_T_COEF", 17, SIM, wind_type_coef, 0.01f),
// @DisplayName: RC channel count
// @Description: SITL RC channel count
AP_GROUPINFO("RC_CHANCOUNT",21, SIM, rc_chancount, 16),
// @Group: SPR_
// @Path: ./SIM_Sprayer.cpp
@ -296,32 +341,95 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info2[] = {
// @Path: ./SIM_Precland.cpp
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(precland_sim, "PLD_", 29, SIM, SIM_Precland),
// apply a force to the vehicle over a period of time:
// @Param: SHOVE_X
// @DisplayName: Acceleration of shove x
// @Description: Acceleration of shove to vehicle in x axis
// @Units: m/s/s
AP_GROUPINFO("SHOVE_X", 30, SIM, shove.x, 0),
// @Param: SHOVE_Y
// @DisplayName: Acceleration of shove y
// @Description: Acceleration of shove to vehicle in y axis
// @Units: m/s/s
AP_GROUPINFO("SHOVE_Y", 31, SIM, shove.y, 0),
// @Param: SHOVE_Z
// @DisplayName: Acceleration of shove z
// @Description: Acceleration of shove to vehicle in z axis
// @Units: m/s/s
AP_GROUPINFO("SHOVE_Z", 32, SIM, shove.z, 0),
// @Param: SHOVE_TIME
// @DisplayName: Time length for shove
// @Description: Force to the vehicle over a period of time
// @Units: ms
AP_GROUPINFO("SHOVE_TIME", 33, SIM, shove.t, 0),
// optical flow sensor measurement noise in rad/sec
// @Param: FLOW_RND
// @DisplayName: Opflow noise
// @Description: Optical Flow sensor measurement noise in rad/sec
// @Description: Optical Flow sensor measurement noise
// @Units: rad/s
AP_GROUPINFO("FLOW_RND", 34, SIM, flow_noise, 0.05f),
// @Param: TWIST_X
// @DisplayName: Twist x
// @Description: Rotational acceleration of twist x axis
// @Units: rad/s/s
AP_GROUPINFO("TWIST_X", 37, SIM, twist.x, 0),
// @Param: TWIST_Y
// @DisplayName: Twist y
// @Description: Rotational acceleration of twist y axis
// @Units: rad/s/s
AP_GROUPINFO("TWIST_Y", 38, SIM, twist.y, 0),
// @Param: TWIST_Z
// @DisplayName: Twist z
// @Description: Rotational acceleration of twist z axis
// @Units: rad/s/s
AP_GROUPINFO("TWIST_Z", 39, SIM, twist.z, 0),
// @Param: TWIST_TIME
// @DisplayName: Twist time
// @Description: Time that twist is applied on the vehicle
// @Units: ms
AP_GROUPINFO("TWIST_TIME", 40, SIM, twist.t, 0),
// @Param: GND_BEHAV
// @DisplayName: Ground behavior
// @Description: Ground behavior of aircraft (tailsitter, no movement, forward only)
AP_GROUPINFO("GND_BEHAV", 41, SIM, gnd_behav, -1),
// sailboat wave and tide simulation parameters
// @Param: WAVE_ENABLE
// @DisplayName: Wave enable
// @Description: Wave enable and modes
// @Values: 0:disabled, 1: roll and pitch, 2: roll and pitch and heave
AP_GROUPINFO("WAVE_ENABLE", 44, SIM, wave.enable, 0.0f),
// @Param: WAVE_LENGTH
// @DisplayName: Wave length
// @Description: Wave length in SITL
// @Units: m
AP_GROUPINFO("WAVE_LENGTH", 45, SIM, wave.length, 10.0f),
// @Param: WAVE_AMP
// @DisplayName: Wave amplitude
// @Description: Wave amplitude in SITL
// @Units: m
AP_GROUPINFO("WAVE_AMP", 46, SIM, wave.amp, 0.5f),
// @Param: WAVE_DIR
// @DisplayName: Wave direction
// @Description: Direction wave is coming from
// @Units: deg
AP_GROUPINFO("WAVE_DIR", 47, SIM, wave.direction, 0.0f),
// @Param: WAVE_SPEED
// @DisplayName: Wave speed
// @Description: Wave speed in SITL
// @Units: m/s
AP_GROUPINFO("WAVE_SPEED", 48, SIM, wave.speed, 0.5f),
// @Param: TIDE_DIR
// @DisplayName: Tide direction
// @Description: Tide direction wave is coming from
// @Units: deg
AP_GROUPINFO("TIDE_DIR", 49, SIM, tide.direction, 0.0f),
// @Param: TIDE_SPEED
// @DisplayName: Tide speed
// @Description: Tide speed in simulation
// @Units: m/s
AP_GROUPINFO("TIDE_SPEED", 50, SIM, tide.speed, 0.0f),
// the following coordinates are for CMAC, in Canberra
@ -345,8 +453,10 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info2[] = {
// @Description: Specifies vehicle's startup heading (0-360)
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("OPOS_HDG", 54, SIM, opos.hdg, 353.0f),
// extra delay per main loop
// @Param: LOOP_DELAY
// @DisplayName: Extra delay per main loop
// @Description: Extra time delay per main loop
// @Units: us
AP_GROUPINFO("LOOP_DELAY", 55, SIM, loop_delay, 0),
// @Path: ./SIM_Buzzer.cpp
@ -363,17 +473,26 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info2[] = {
// 59 was SAFETY_STATE
// motor harmonics
// @Param: VIB_MOT_HMNC
// @DisplayName: Motor harmonics
// @Description: Motor harmonics generated in SITL
AP_GROUPINFO("VIB_MOT_HMNC", 60, SIM, vibe_motor_harmonics, 1),
// motor mask, allowing external simulators to mark motors
// @Param: VIB_MOT_MASK
// @DisplayName: Motor mask
// @Description: Motor mask, allowing external simulators to mark motors
AP_GROUPINFO("VIB_MOT_MASK", 5, SIM, vibe_motor_mask, 0),
// max motor vibration frequency
// @Param: VIB_MOT_MAX
// @DisplayName: Max motor vibration frequency
// @Description: Max frequency to use as baseline for adding motor noise for the gyros and accels
// @Units: Hz
AP_GROUPINFO("VIB_MOT_MAX", 61, SIM, vibe_motor, 0.0f),
// minimum throttle for simulated ins noise
// @Param: INS_THR_MIN
// @DisplayName: Minimum throttle INS noise
// @Description: Minimum throttle for simulated ins noise
AP_GROUPINFO("INS_THR_MIN", 62, SIM, ins_noise_throttle_min, 0.1f),
// amplitude scaling of motor noise relative to gyro/accel noise
// @Param: VIB_MOT_MULT
// @DisplayName: Vibration motor scale
// @Description: Amplitude scaling of motor noise relative to gyro/accel noise
AP_GROUPINFO("VIB_MOT_MULT", 63, SIM, vibe_motor_scale, 1.0f),
@ -383,11 +502,20 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info2[] = {
// third table of user settable parameters for SITL.
const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info3[] = {
// @Param: ODOM_ENABLE
// @DisplayName: Odometry enable
// @Description: SITL odometry enabl
// @Values: 0:Disable, 1:Enable
AP_GROUPINFO("ODOM_ENABLE", 1, SIM, odom_enable, 0),
// @Param: LED_LAYOUT
// @DisplayName: LED layout
// @Description: LED layout config value
AP_GROUPINFO("LED_LAYOUT", 11, SIM, led_layout, 0),
// Scenario for thermalling simulation, for soaring
// @DisplayName: Thermal scenarios
// @Description: Scenario for thermalling simulation, for soaring
AP_GROUPINFO("THML_SCENARI", 12, SIM, thermal_scenario, 0),
// @Param: VICON_POS_X
@ -483,6 +611,10 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info3[] = {
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("VICON_VGLI", 21, SIM, vicon_vel_glitch, 0),
// @Param: RATE_HZ
// @DisplayName: Loop rate
// @Description: SITL Loop rate
// @Units: Hz
// @Param: IMU_COUNT
@ -514,6 +646,11 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_info3[] = {
AP_SUBGROUPINFO(baro[2], "BAR3_", 36, SIM, SIM::BaroParm),
// @Param: TIME_JITTER
// @DisplayName: Loop time jitter
// @Description: Upper limit of random jitter in loop time
// @Units: us
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("TIME_JITTER", 37, SIM, loop_time_jitter_us, 0),
// user settable parameters for the 1st barometer
@ -845,38 +982,88 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_gps[] = {
// Mag SITL parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_mag[] = {
// @Param: MAG_RND
// @DisplayName: Mag motor noise factor
// @Description: Scaling factor for simulated vibration from motors
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG_RND", 1, SIM, mag_noise, 0),
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG_MOT", 2, SIM, mag_mot, 0),
// @Param: MAG_DELAY
// @DisplayName: Mag measurement delay
// @Description: Magnetometer measurement delay
// @Units: ms
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG_DELAY", 3, SIM, mag_delay, 0),
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG1_OFS", 4, SIM, mag_ofs[0], 0),
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG_ALY", 5, SIM, mag_anomaly_ned, 0),
// @Param: MAG_ALY_HGT
// @DisplayName: Magnetic anomaly height
// @Description: Height above ground where anomally strength has decayed to 1/8 of the ground level value
// @Units: m
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG_ALY_HGT", 6, SIM, mag_anomaly_hgt, 1.0f),
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG1_DIA", 7, SIM, mag_diag[0], 0),
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG1_ODI", 8, SIM, mag_offdiag[0], 0),
// @Param: MAG1_ORIENT
// @DisplayName: MAG1 Orientation
// @Description: MAG1 external compass orientation
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG1_ORIENT", 9, SIM, mag_orient[0], 0),
// @Param: MAG1_SCALING
// @DisplayName: MAG1 Scaling factor
// @Description: Scale the compass 1 to simulate sensor scale factor errors
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG1_SCALING", 10, SIM, mag_scaling[0], 1),
// @Param: MAG1_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG1 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 1
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG1_DEVID", 11, SIM, mag_devid[0], 97539),
// @Param: MAG2_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG2 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 2
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG2_DEVID", 12, SIM, mag_devid[1], 131874),
// @Param: MAG3_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG3 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 3
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG3_DEVID", 13, SIM, mag_devid[2], 263178),
// @Param: MAG4_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG2 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 4
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG4_DEVID", 14, SIM, mag_devid[3], 97283),
// @Param: MAG5_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG5 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 5
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG5_DEVID", 15, SIM, mag_devid[4], 97795),
// @Param: MAG6_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG6 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 6
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG6_DEVID", 16, SIM, mag_devid[5], 98051),
// @Param: MAG7_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG7 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 7
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG7_DEVID", 17, SIM, mag_devid[6], 0),
// @Param: MAG8_DEVID
// @DisplayName: MAG8 Device ID
// @Description: Device ID of simulated compass 8
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG8_DEVID", 18, SIM, mag_devid[7], 0),
// @Param: MAG1_FAIL
@ -889,6 +1076,10 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_mag[] = {
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG2_OFS", 19, SIM, mag_ofs[1], 0),
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG2_DIA", 20, SIM, mag_diag[1], 0),
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG2_ODI", 21, SIM, mag_offdiag[1], 0),
// @Param: MAG2_ORIENT
// @DisplayName: MAG2 Orientation
// @Description: MAG2 external compass orientation
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG2_ORIENT", 22, SIM, mag_orient[1], 0),
// @Param: MAG2_FAIL
// @DisplayName: MAG2 Failure
@ -896,6 +1087,10 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_mag[] = {
// @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:MAG2 Failure
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG2_FAIL", 27, SIM, mag_fail[1], 0),
// @Param: MAG2_SCALING
// @DisplayName: MAG2 Scaling factor
// @Description: Scale the compass 2 to simulate sensor scale factor errors
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG2_SCALING", 28, SIM, mag_scaling[1], 1),
@ -908,7 +1103,15 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_mag[] = {
// @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:MAG3 Failure
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG3_FAIL", 29, SIM, mag_fail[2], 0),
// @Param: MAG3_SCALING
// @DisplayName: MAG3 Scaling factor
// @Description: Scale the compass 3 to simulate sensor scale factor errors
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG3_SCALING", 30, SIM, mag_scaling[2], 1),
// @Param: MAG3_ORIENT
// @DisplayName: MAG3 Orientation
// @Description: MAG3 external compass orientation
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("MAG3_ORIENT", 36, SIM, mag_orient[2], 0),
@ -940,9 +1143,21 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_sfml_joystick[] = {
// INS SITL parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_ins[] = {
// @Param: IMUT_START
// @DisplayName: IMU temperature start
// @Description: Starting IMU temperature of a curve
AP_GROUPINFO("IMUT_START", 1, SIM, imu_temp_start, 25),
// @Param: IMUT_END
// @DisplayName: IMU temperature end
// @Description: Ending IMU temperature of a curve
AP_GROUPINFO("IMUT_END", 2, SIM, imu_temp_end, 45),
// @Param: IMUT_TCONST
// @DisplayName: IMU temperature time constant
// @Description: IMU temperature time constant of the curve
AP_GROUPINFO("IMUT_TCONST", 3, SIM, imu_temp_tconst, 300),
// @Param: IMUT_FIXED
// @DisplayName: IMU fixed temperature
// @Description: IMU fixed temperature by user
AP_GROUPINFO("IMUT_FIXED", 4, SIM, imu_temp_fixed, 0),
// @Param: ACC1_BIAS
@ -965,11 +1180,21 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_ins[] = {
// @Vector3Parameter: 1
AP_GROUPINFO("ACC3_BIAS", 7, SIM, accel_bias[2], 0),
// @Param: GYR1_RND
// @DisplayName: Gyro 1 motor noise factor
// @Description: scaling factor for simulated vibration from motors
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("GYR1_RND", 8, SIM, gyro_noise[0], 0),
// @Param: GYR2_RND
// @DisplayName: Gyro 2 motor noise factor
// @CopyFieldsFrom: SIM_GYR1_RND
AP_GROUPINFO("GYR2_RND", 9, SIM, gyro_noise[1], 0),
// @Param: GYR3_RND
// @DisplayName: Gyro 3 motor noise factor
// @CopyFieldsFrom: SIM_GYR1_RND
AP_GROUPINFO("GYR3_RND", 10, SIM, gyro_noise[2], 0),
// @Param: ACC1_RND
@ -1031,7 +1256,7 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_ins[] = {
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("ACCEL3_FAIL", 19, SIM, accel_fail[2], 0),
// @Param: GYRO_FAIL_MSK
// @Param: GYR_FAIL_MSK
// @DisplayName: Gyro Failure Mask
// @Description: Determines if the gyro reading updates are stopped when for an IMU simulated failure by ACCELx_FAIL params
// @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:Readings stopped
@ -1177,6 +1402,9 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_ins[] = {
// @CopyFieldsFrom: SIM_ACC1_RND
AP_GROUPINFO("ACC4_RND", 37, SIM, accel_noise[3], 0),
// @Param: GYR4_RND
// @DisplayName: Gyro 4 motor noise factor
// @CopyFieldsFrom: SIM_GYR1_RND
AP_GROUPINFO("GYR4_RND", 38, SIM, gyro_noise[3], 0),
// @Param: ACC4_BIAS
@ -1230,6 +1458,9 @@ const AP_Param::GroupInfo SIM::var_ins[] = {
// @CopyFieldsFrom: SIM_ACC1_RND
AP_GROUPINFO("ACC5_RND", 44, SIM, accel_noise[4], 0),
// @Param: GYR5_RND
// @DisplayName: Gyro 5 motor noise factor
// @CopyFieldsFrom: SIM_GYR1_RND
AP_GROUPINFO("GYR5_RND", 45, SIM, gyro_noise[4], 0),
// @Param: ACC5_BIAS
Reference in New Issue
Block a user