AP_Scripting: new rudder offset for aerobatics

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Andrew Tridgell 2022-12-23 08:22:21 +11:00
parent 7735614634
commit 581bf77b0d

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@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ AEROM_BOX_WIDTH = bind_add_param('BOX_WIDTH', 22, 400)
AEROM_STALL_THR = bind_add_param('STALL_THR', 23, 40)
AEROM_STALL_PIT = bind_add_param('STALL_PIT', 24, -20)
AEROM_KE_TC = bind_add_param('KE_TC', 25, 0.5)
AEROM_KE_RUDD = bind_add_param('KE_RUDD', 26, 25)
AEROM_KE_RUDD_LK = bind_add_param('KE_RUDD_LK', 27, 0.25)
-- cope with old param values
if AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:get() < 100 and AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:get() > 0 then
@ -80,15 +82,6 @@ local TRIK_SEL_FN = nil
local TRIK_ACT_FN = nil
local TRIK_COUNT = nil
find our rudder channel for stall turns
local K_RUDDER = 21
local rudder_chan = SRV_Channels:find_channel(K_RUDDER)
local RUDD_REVERSED = Parameter(string.format("SERVO%u_REVERSED", rudder_chan+1))
local RUDD_MIN = Parameter(string.format("SERVO%u_MIN", rudder_chan+1))
local RUDD_MAX = Parameter(string.format("SERVO%u_MAX", rudder_chan+1))
local function TrickDef(id, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
local self = {}
self.id = id
@ -1154,7 +1147,7 @@ function immelmann_turn(r, arg2, arg3, arg4)
local rabs = math.abs(r)
return make_paths("immelmann_turn", {
{ path_vertical_arc(r, 180), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(rabs/2), roll_angle(180) },
{ path_straight(rabs), roll_angle(180) },
@ -1323,6 +1316,7 @@ function rudder_over(_direction, _min_speed)
local initial_q = nil
local last_t = nil
local initial_z = nil
local desired_direction = nil
the update() method is called during the rudder over, it
@ -1397,25 +1391,22 @@ function rudder_over(_direction, _min_speed)
override rudder to maximum, basing PWM on the MIN/MAX of the channel
according to the desired direction
local rudd_pwm = nil
local desired_direction = direction
if desired_direction == 0 then
local c_y = get_ahrs_dcm_c_y()
if c_y > 0 then
desired_direction = 1
desired_direction = -1
if desired_direction == nil then
desired_direction = direction
if desired_direction == 0 then
local c_y = get_ahrs_dcm_c_y()
if c_y > 0 then
desired_direction = 1
desired_direction = -1
if desired_direction * (RUDD_REVERSED:get()*2-1) < 0 then
rudd_pwm = RUDD_MAX:get()
rudd_pwm = RUDD_MIN:get()
if not pitch2_done then
SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(rudder_chan, rudd_pwm, math.floor(4*1000/LOOP_RATE))
vehicle:set_rudder_offset(desired_direction * 100, false)
vehicle:set_rudder_offset(0, true)
if not kick_started then
return false
@ -1453,9 +1444,6 @@ function rudder_over(_direction, _min_speed)
-- ensure that the path will move fwd on the next step
-- cancel rudder override
SRV_Channels:set_output_pwm_chan_timeout(rudder_chan, rudd_pwm, 0)
return false
@ -1749,6 +1737,65 @@ function quat_projection_ground_plane(q)
calculate side slip and AOA correction
NOTE: currently unused
function calculate_side_slip_aoa_full(path_rate_bf_dps, ahrs_quat, airspeed_constrained, tv_unit, ahrs_velned, dt)
-- get our velocity along desired flight path
local vel_path_ef = tv_unit:scale(tv_unit:dot(ahrs_velned))
local vel_path_bf = quat_earth_to_body(ahrs_quat, vel_path_ef)
local path_rate_bf_rps = path_rate_bf_dps:scale(math.rad(1))
local manoeuvre_accel_bf = path_rate_bf_rps:cross(vel_path_bf)
local gravity_ef = makeVector3f(0, 0, GRAVITY_MSS)
local gravity_bf = quat_earth_to_body(ahrs_quat, gravity_ef)
manoeuvre_accel_bf = manoeuvre_accel_bf - gravity_bf
local manoeuvre_g_y = manoeuvre_accel_bf:y() / GRAVITY_MSS
local airspeed_scaling = SCALING_SPEED:get()/airspeed_constrained
local sideslip_angle = (-manoeuvre_g_y) * math.rad(AEROM_KE_ANG:get()) * sq(airspeed_scaling)
-- calculate low pass filtered sideslip angle and derivative
local tc = 0.2
local alpha = dt / (dt + tc)
local ss_angle_new = (1.0 - alpha) * path_var.ss_angle_filt + alpha * sideslip_angle
local ss_deriv = (ss_angle_new - path_var.ss_angle_filt) / dt
path_var.ss_angle_filt = ss_angle_new
path_var.ss_angle = sideslip_angle
logger.write('AESS','SSA,SSAfil,SSder', 'fff',
return makeVector3f(0, 0, -ss_deriv):scale(math.deg(1))
calculate rudder offset
function calculate_rudder_offset(ahrs_quat, ahrs_gyro, airspeed_constrained)
look ahead for what our y projection will be at AEROM_KE_RUDD_LK
seconds forward in time
local qchange = Quaternion()
qchange:from_angular_velocity(ahrs_gyro, -AEROM_KE_RUDD_LK:get())
local qnew = qchange * ahrs_quat
local airspeed_scaling = SCALING_SPEED:get()/airspeed_constrained
local y_projection = get_quat_dcm_c_y(qnew:inverse())
local rudder_ofs = -y_projection * AEROM_KE_RUDD:get() * sq(airspeed_scaling)
rudder_ofs = constrain(rudder_ofs, -100, 100)
return rudder_ofs
path_var.count = 0
function do_path()
@ -1802,7 +1849,6 @@ function do_path()
path_var.filtered_angular_velocity = Vector3f()
path_var.last_time = now - 1.0/LOOP_RATE
path_var.ff_yaw_rate_rads = 0.0
path_var.last_ang_rate_dps = ahrs_gyro:scale(math.deg(1))
path_var.path_t = 0.0
@ -1812,6 +1858,9 @@ function do_path()
path_var.last_shift_xy = nil
path_var.path_shift = Vector3f()
path_var.ss_angle = 0.0
path_var.ss_angle_filt = 0.0
-- get initial tangent
local p1, r1 = rotate_path(path, path_var.path_t + 0.1/(path_var.total_time*LOOP_RATE),
path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos)
@ -2071,17 +2120,8 @@ function do_path()
calculate an additional yaw rate to get us to the right angle of sideslip for knifeedge
-- look ahead by AEROM_KE_TC seconds to get predicted attitude
local lookahead_rotation = Quaternion()
lookahead_rotation:from_angular_velocity(path_rate_bf_dps:scale(math.rad(1)), AEROM_KE_TC:get())
local lkahead_q = orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle * lookahead_rotation
-- get sin(roll)*cos(pitch) for scaling the KE angle
local ke_angle = get_quat_dcm_c_y(lkahead_q)
-- scale by square of airspeed
local airspeed_scaling = SCALING_SPEED:get()/airspeed_constrained
local ff_yaw_rate_rads = math.rad(AEROM_KE_ANG:get()) * (-ke_angle) * sq(airspeed_scaling)
local sideslip_rate_bf_dps = makeVector3f(0, 0, ff_yaw_rate_rads):scale(math.deg(1))
-- local sideslip_rate_bf_dps = calculate_side_slip_aoa(path_rate_bf_dps, ahrs_quat, airspeed_constrained, tv_unit, ahrs_velned, actual_dt)
local sideslip_rate_bf_dps = Vector3f()
total angular rate is sum of path rate, correction rate and roll correction rate
@ -2109,6 +2149,13 @@ function do_path()
tot_ang_vel_bf_dps = path_var.last_ang_rate_dps + ang_rate_diff_dps
path_var.last_ang_rate_dps = tot_ang_vel_bf_dps
calculate a rudder offset for knife-edge
local rudder_offset_pct = 0
if AEROM_KE_RUDD:get() > 0 then
rudder_offset_pct = calculate_rudder_offset(ahrs_quat, ahrs_gyro, airspeed_constrained)
log POSM is pose-measured, POST is pose-track, POSB is pose-track without the roll
@ -2122,14 +2169,15 @@ function do_path()
logger.write('AERT','Cx,Cy,Cz,Px,Py,Pz,Ex,Tx,Ty,Tz,Perr,Aerr,Yff', 'fffffffffffff',
logger.write('AERT','Cx,Cy,Cz,Px,Py,Pz,Ex,Tx,Ty,Tz,Perr,Aerr,Yff,Rofs', 'ffffffffffffff',
cor_ang_vel_bf_dps:x(), cor_ang_vel_bf_dps:y(), cor_ang_vel_bf_dps:z(),
path_rate_bf_dps:x(), path_rate_bf_dps:y(), path_rate_bf_dps:z(),
tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:x(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:y(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:z(),
--log_pose('POSB', p1, path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef)
@ -2157,6 +2205,7 @@ function do_path()
vehicle:set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(throttle, tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:x(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:y(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:z())
vehicle:set_rudder_offset(rudder_offset_pct, true)
if now - last_named_float_t > 1.0 / NAME_FLOAT_RATE then
last_named_float_t = now