GCS_MAVLink: temporarily remove GIMBAL_ and GOPRO_ messages pending solo sync
This commit is contained in:
@ -244,152 +244,6 @@
<!-- Gimbal payload enumerations -->
<enum name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL">
<entry name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL_UNINITIALIZED" value="0">
<description>Gimbal is powered on but has not started initializing yet</description>
<entry name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL_CALIBRATING_PITCH" value="1">
<description>Gimbal is currently running calibration on the pitch axis</description>
<entry name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL_CALIBRATING_ROLL" value="2">
<description>Gimbal is currently running calibration on the roll axis</description>
<entry name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL_CALIBRATING_YAW" value="3">
<description>Gimbal is currently running calibration on the yaw axis</description>
<entry name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL_INITIALIZED" value="4">
<description>Gimbal has finished calibrating and initializing, but is relaxed pending reception of first rate command from copter</description>
<entry name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL_ACTIVE" value="5">
<description>Gimbal is actively stabilizing</description>
<entry name="MAV_MODE_GIMBAL_RATE_CMD_TIMEOUT" value="6">
<description>Gimbal is relaxed because it missed more than 10 expected rate command messages in a row. Gimbal will move back to active mode when it receives a new rate command</description>
<enum name="GIMBAL_AXIS">
<entry name="GIMBAL_AXIS_YAW" value="0">
<description>Gimbal yaw axis</description>
<entry name="GIMBAL_AXIS_PITCH" value="1">
<description>Gimbal pitch axis</description>
<entry name="GIMBAL_AXIS_ROLL" value="2">
<description>Gimbal roll axis</description>
<description>Axis calibration is in progress</description>
<description>Axis calibration succeeded</description>
<description>Axis calibration failed</description>
<enum name="FACTORY_TEST">
<entry name="FACTORY_TEST_AXIS_RANGE_LIMITS" value="0">
<description>Tests to make sure each axis can move to its mechanical limits</description>
<description>Whether or not this axis requires calibration is unknown at this time</description>
<description>This axis requires calibration</description>
<description>This axis does not require calibration</description>
<!-- GoPro System Enumerations -->
<description>No GoPro connected</description>
<description>The detected GoPro is not HeroBus compatible</description>
<description>A HeroBus compatible GoPro is connected</description>
<description>A HeroBus compatible GoPro is connected</description>
<description>A HeroBus compatible GoPro is connected and recording</description>
<description>A HeroBus compatible GoPro is connected and overtemperature</description>
<description>A HeroBus compatible GoPro is connected and storage is missing or full</description>
<entry name="GOPRO_SET_RESPONSE_RESULT_FAILURE" value="0">
<description>The write message with ID indicated failed</description>
<entry name="GOPRO_SET_RESPONSE_RESULT_SUCCESS" value="1">
<description>The write message with ID indicated succeeded</description>
<enum name="GOPRO_COMMAND">
<entry name="GOPRO_COMMAND_POWER" value="0">
<entry name="GOPRO_COMMAND_CAPTURE_MODE" value="1">
<entry name="GOPRO_COMMAND_SHUTTER" value="2">
<entry name="GOPRO_COMMAND_BATTERY" value="3">
<entry name="GOPRO_COMMAND_MODEL" value="4">
<entry name="GOPRO_COMMAND_REQUEST_FAILED" value="254">
<!-- led control pattern enums (enumeration of specific patterns) -->
<!-- led control pattern enums (enumeration of specific patterns) -->
<entry name="LED_CONTROL_PATTERN_OFF" value="0">
<entry name="LED_CONTROL_PATTERN_OFF" value="0">
@ -932,153 +786,8 @@
<field name="D" type="float">D component</field>
<field name="D" type="float">D component</field>
<message id="200" name="GIMBAL_REPORT">
<!-- 200 to 225 RESERVED for Solo stuff-->
<description>3 axis gimbal mesuraments</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<field name="delta_time" type="float">Time since last update (seconds)</field>
<field name="delta_angle_x" type="float">Delta angle X (radians)</field>
<field name="delta_angle_y" type="float">Delta angle Y (radians)</field>
<field name="delta_angle_z" type="float">Delta angle X (radians)</field>
<field name="delta_velocity_x" type="float">Delta velocity X (m/s)</field>
<field name="delta_velocity_y" type="float">Delta velocity Y (m/s)</field>
<field name="delta_velocity_z" type="float">Delta velocity Z (m/s)</field>
<field name="joint_roll" type="float">Joint ROLL (radians)</field>
<field name="joint_el" type="float">Joint EL (radians)</field>
<field name="joint_az" type="float">Joint AZ (radians)</field>
<message id="201" name="GIMBAL_CONTROL">
<description>Control message for rate gimbal</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<field name="demanded_rate_x" type="float">Demanded angular rate X (rad/s)</field>
<field name="demanded_rate_y" type="float">Demanded angular rate Y (rad/s)</field>
<field name="demanded_rate_z" type="float">Demanded angular rate Z (rad/s)</field>
<message id="202" name="GIMBAL_RESET">
<description>Causes the gimbal to reset and boot as if it was just powered on</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<message id="203" name="GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_PROGRESS">
<description>Reports progress and success or failure of gimbal axis calibration procedure</description>
<field enum="GIMBAL_AXIS" name="calibration_axis" type="uint8_t">Which gimbal axis we're reporting calibration progress for</field>
<field name="calibration_progress" type="uint8_t">The current calibration progress for this axis, 0x64=100%</field>
<field enum="GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_STATUS" name="calibration_status" type="uint8_t">The status of the running calibration</field>
<message id="204" name="GIMBAL_SET_HOME_OFFSETS">
<description>Instructs the gimbal to set its current position as its new home position. Will primarily be used for factory calibration</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<description>Sent by the gimbal after it receives a SET_HOME_OFFSETS message to indicate the result of the home offset calibration</description>
<field enum="GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_STATUS" name="calibration_result" type="uint8_t">The result of the home offset calibration</field>
<message id="206" name="GIMBAL_SET_FACTORY_PARAMETERS">
<description>Set factory configuration parameters (such as assembly date and time, and serial number). This is only intended to be used during manufacture, not by end users, so it is protected by a simple checksum of sorts (this won't stop anybody determined, it's mostly just to keep the average user from trying to modify these values. This will need to be revisited if that isn't adequate.</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<field name="magic_1" type="uint32_t">Magic number 1 for validation</field>
<field name="magic_2" type="uint32_t">Magic number 2 for validation</field>
<field name="magic_3" type="uint32_t">Magic number 3 for validation</field>
<field name="assembly_year" type="uint16_t">Assembly Date Year</field>
<field name="assembly_month" type="uint8_t">Assembly Date Month</field>
<field name="assembly_day" type="uint8_t">Assembly Date Day</field>
<field name="assembly_hour" type="uint8_t">Assembly Time Hour</field>
<field name="assembly_minute" type="uint8_t">Assembly Time Minute</field>
<field name="assembly_second" type="uint8_t">Assembly Time Second</field>
<field name="serial_number_pt_1" type="uint32_t">Unit Serial Number Part 1 (part code, design, language/country)</field>
<field name="serial_number_pt_2" type="uint32_t">Unit Serial Number Part 2 (option, year, month)</field>
<field name="serial_number_pt_3" type="uint32_t">Unit Serial Number Part 3 (incrementing serial number per month)</field>
<message id="207" name="GIMBAL_FACTORY_PARAMETERS_LOADED">
<description>Sent by the gimbal after the factory parameters are successfully loaded, to inform the factory software that the load is complete</description>
<field name="dummy" type="uint8_t">Dummy field because mavgen doesn't allow messages with no fields</field>
<message id="208" name="GIMBAL_ERASE_FIRMWARE_AND_CONFIG">
<description>Commands the gimbal to erase its firmware image and flash configuration, leaving only the bootloader. The gimbal will then reboot into the bootloader, ready for the load of a new application firmware image. Erasing the flash configuration will cause the gimbal to re-perform axis calibration when a new firmware image is loaded, and will cause all tuning parameters to return to their factory defaults. WARNING: sending this command will render a gimbal inoperable until a new firmware image is loaded onto it. For this reason, a particular "knock" value must be sent for the command to take effect. Use this command at your own risk</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<field name="knock" type="uint32_t">Knock value to confirm this is a valid request</field>
<message id="209" name="GIMBAL_PERFORM_FACTORY_TESTS">
<description>Command the gimbal to perform a series of factory tests. Should not be needed by end users</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<description>Reports the current status of a section of a running factory test</description>
<field enum="FACTORY_TEST" name="test" type="uint8_t">Which factory test is currently running</field>
<field name="test_section" type="uint8_t">Which section of the test is currently running. The meaning of this is test-dependent</field>
<field name="test_section_progress" type="uint8_t">The progress of the current test section, 0x64=100%</field>
<field name="test_status" type="uint8_t">The status of the currently executing test section. The meaning of this is test and section-dependent</field>
<description>Requests the calibration status for all gimbal axes. Should result in a GIMBAL_REPORT_AXIS_CALIBRATION_STATUS message being generated by the gimbal</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<description>Reports the calibration status for each gimbal axis (whether the axis requires calibration or not)</description>
<field enum="GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_REQUIRED" name="yaw_requires_calibration" type="uint8_t">Whether or not the yaw axis requires calibration, see GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_REQUIRED enumeration</field>
<field enum="GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_REQUIRED" name="pitch_requires_calibration" type="uint8_t">Whether or not the pitch axis requires calibration, see GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_REQUIRED enumeration</field>
<field enum="GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_REQUIRED" name="roll_requires_calibration" type="uint8_t">Whether or not the roll axis requires calibration, see GIMBAL_AXIS_CALIBRATION_REQUIRED enumeration</field>
<message id="213" name="GIMBAL_REQUEST_AXIS_CALIBRATION">
<description>Requests any currently uncalibrated gimbal axes to run the axis calibration procedure. An axis is considered uncalibrated if its commutation calibration slope and intercept are 0</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<!-- 214 RESERVED for more GIMBAL -->
<!-- GoPro Messages -->
<message id="215" name="GOPRO_HEARTBEAT">
<description>Heartbeat from a HeroBus attached GoPro</description>
<field enum="GOPRO_HEARTBEAT_STATUS" name="status" type="uint8_t">Status</field>
<message id="216" name="GOPRO_GET_REQUEST">
<description>Request a GOPRO_COMMAND response from the GoPro</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<field enum="GOPRO_COMMAND" name="cmd_id" type="uint8_t">Command ID</field>
<message id="217" name="GOPRO_GET_RESPONSE">
<description>Response from a GOPRO_COMMAND get request</description>
<field enum="GOPRO_COMMAND" name="cmd_id" type="uint8_t">Command ID</field>
<field name="value" type="uint8_t">Value</field>
<message id="218" name="GOPRO_SET_REQUEST">
<description>Request to set a GOPRO_COMMAND with a desired</description>
<field name="target_system" type="uint8_t">System ID</field>
<field name="target_component" type="uint8_t">Component ID</field>
<field enum="GOPRO_COMMAND" name="cmd_id" type="uint8_t">Command ID</field>
<field name="value" type="uint8_t">Value</field>
<message id="219" name="GOPRO_SET_RESPONSE">
<description>Response from a GOPRO_COMMAND set request</description>
<field enum="GOPRO_COMMAND" name="cmd_id" type="uint8_t">Command ID</field>
<field enum="GOPRO_SET_RESPONSE_RESULT" name="result" type="uint8_t">Result</field>
<!-- 219 to 225 RESERVED for more GOPRO-->
<message id="226" name="RPM">
<message id="226" name="RPM">
<description>RPM sensor output</description>
<description>RPM sensor output</description>
<field name="rpm1" type="float">RPM Sensor1</field>
<field name="rpm1" type="float">RPM Sensor1</field>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user