Tools: update build scripts

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Tridgell 2020-05-11 15:56:54 +10:00
parent 12292b4283
commit 37ee850c01
4 changed files with 95 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -20,12 +20,15 @@ import gzip
# local imports
import generate_manifest, gen_stable
import build_binaries_history
class build_binaries(object):
def __init__(self, tags):
self.tags = tags
self.dirty = False
binaries_history_filepath = os.path.join(self.buildlogs_dirpath(),
self.history = build_binaries_history.BuildBinariesHistory(binaries_history_filepath)
def progress(self, string):
'''pretty-print progress'''
@ -114,7 +117,11 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
if ctag == "latest":
vtag = "master"
vtag = "%s-%s" % (vehicle, ctag)
tagvehicle = vehicle
if tagvehicle == "Rover":
# FIXME: Rover tags in git still named APMrover2 :-(
tagvehicle = "APMrover2"
vtag = "%s-%s" % (tagvehicle, ctag)
branches = []
if cframe is not None:
@ -331,9 +338,13 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
self.progress("Building %s %s binaries (cwd=%s)" %
(vehicle, tag, os.getcwd()))
for board in boards:
board_count = len(boards)
count = 0
for board in sorted(boards, key=str.lower):
now =
self.progress("Building board: %s at %s" % (board, str(now)))
count += 1
self.progress("[%u/%u] Building board: %s at %s" %
(count, board_count, board, str(now)))
for frame in frames:
if frame is not None:
self.progress("Considering frame %s for board %s" %
@ -373,6 +384,8 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
githash = self.run_git(["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).rstrip()
t0 = time.time()
self.progress("Configuring for %s in %s" %
@ -396,11 +409,16 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
(vehicle, board, framesuffix, tag))
# record some history about this build
t1 = time.time()
time_taken_to_build = t1-t0
self.history.record_build(githash, tag, vehicle, board, frame, None, t0, time_taken_to_build)
t1 = time.time()
time_taken_to_build = t1-t0
self.progress("Building %s %s %s %s took %u seconds" %
(vehicle, tag, board, frame, t1-t0))
(vehicle, tag, board, frame, time_taken_to_build))
bare_path = os.path.join(self.buildroot,
@ -415,8 +433,10 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
filepath = "".join([bare_path, extension])
if os.path.exists(filepath):
if not os.path.exists(bare_path):
raise Exception("No elf file?!")
# only copy the elf if we don't have other files to copy
if os.path.exists(bare_path) and len(files_to_copy) == 0:
if len(files_to_copy) == 0:
for path in files_to_copy:
@ -428,6 +448,9 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
vehicle_binaries_subdir, tag))
# record some history about this build
self.history.record_build(githash, tag, vehicle, board, frame, bare_path, t0, time_taken_to_build)
if not self.checkout(vehicle, tag, "PX4", None):
self.checkout(vehicle, "latest")
@ -541,6 +564,7 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
@ -559,13 +583,17 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
@ -576,6 +604,7 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
# SITL targets
@ -586,6 +615,10 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
return ["f103-GPS",
@ -628,11 +661,11 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
'''build Rover binaries'''
boards = self.common_boards()
def build_ardusub(self, tag):
'''build Sub binaries'''
@ -657,7 +690,7 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
def generate_manifest(self):
'''generate manigest files for GCS to download'''
self.progress("Generating manifest")
base_url = ''
base_url = ''
generator = generate_manifest.ManifestGenerator(self.binaries,
content = generator.json()
@ -756,12 +789,14 @@ is bob we will attempt to checkout bob-AVR'''
for tag in self.tags:
t0 = time.time()
self.history.record_run(githash, tag, t0, time.time()-t0)
if os.path.exists(self.tmpdir):

View File

@ -16,21 +16,27 @@ parser.add_argument('--build', action='store_true', default=False, help='build a
parser.add_argument('--build-target', default='copter', help='build target')
parser.add_argument('--stop', action='store_true', default=False, help='stop on build fail')
parser.add_argument('--no-bl', action='store_true', default=False, help="don't check bootloader builds")
parser.add_argument('--Werror', action='store_true', default=False, help="build with -Werror")
parser.add_argument('--pattern', default='*')
parser.add_argument('--start', default=None, type=int, help='continue from specified build number')
parser.add_argument('--python', default='python')
args = parser.parse_args()
os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1'
failures = []
done = []
board_list = []
def get_board_list():
'''add boards based on existance of hwdef-bl.dat in subdirectories for ChibiOS'''
board_list = []
# these are base builds, and don't build directly
omit = ['f103-periph', 'f303-periph']
dirname, dirlist, filenames = next(os.walk('libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef'))
for d in dirlist:
hwdef = os.path.join(dirname, d, 'hwdef.dat')
if os.path.exists(hwdef):
if os.path.exists(hwdef) and not d in omit:
return board_list
@ -38,17 +44,30 @@ def run_program(cmd_list, build):
print("Running (%s)" % " ".join(cmd_list))
retcode =
if retcode != 0:
print("Build failed: %s %s" % (build, ' '.join(cmd_list)))
print("FAILED BUILD: %s %s" % (build, ' '.join(cmd_list)))
global failures
if args.stop:
for board in get_board_list():
for board in sorted(get_board_list()):
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(board, args.pattern):
print("Configuring for %s" % board)
run_program([args.python, "waf", "configure", "--board", board], "configure: " + board)
if args.start is not None:
if args.start < 1 or args.start >= len(board_list):
print("Invalid start %u for %u boards" % (args.start, len(board_list)))
board_list = board_list[args.start-1:]
for board in board_list:
print("Configuring for %s [%u/%u failed=%u]" % (board, len(done), len(board_list), len(failures)))
config_opts = ["--board", board]
if args.Werror:
config_opts += ["--Werror"]
run_program([args.python, "waf", "configure"] + config_opts, "configure: " + board)
if board == "iomcu":
target = "iofirmware"
@ -56,7 +75,10 @@ for board in get_board_list():
target = "AP_Periph"
target = args.build_target
run_program([args.python, "waf", target], "build: " + board)
if target.find('/') != -1:
run_program([args.python, "waf", "--target", target], "build: " + board)
run_program([args.python, "waf", target], "build: " + board)
if args.no_bl:
# check for bootloader def

View File

@ -93,6 +93,13 @@ if opts.compass:
if opts.imu:
decoded_devname = imu_types.get(devtype, "UNKNOWN")
print("bus_type:%s(%u) bus:%u address:%u(0x%x) devtype:%u(0x%x) %s" % (
bustypes.get(bus_type,"UNKNOWN"), bus_type,
bus, address, address, devtype, devtype, decoded_devname))
if bus_type == 3:
#uavcan devtype represents sensor_id
print("bus_type:%s(%u) bus:%u address:%u(0x%x) sensor_id:%u(0x%x) %s" % (
bustypes.get(bus_type,"UNKNOWN"), bus_type,
bus, address, address, devtype-1, devtype-1, decoded_devname))
print("bus_type:%s(%u) bus:%u address:%u(0x%x) devtype:%u(0x%x) %s" % (
bustypes.get(bus_type,"UNKNOWN"), bus_type,
bus, address, address, devtype, devtype, decoded_devname))

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ brand_map = {
'PH4-mini' : ('Pixhawk 4 Mini', 'Holybro'),
'KakuteF4' : ('KakuteF4', 'Holybro'),
'KakuteF7' : ('KakuteF7', 'Holybro'),
'KakuteF7Mini' : ('KakuteF7Mini', 'Holybro'),
'CubeBlack' : ('CubeBlack', 'Hex/ProfiCNC'),
'CubeYellow' : ('CubeYellow', 'Hex/ProfiCNC'),
'CubeOrange' : ('CubeOrange', 'Hex/ProfiCNC'),
@ -28,6 +29,8 @@ brand_map = {
'CubeGreen-solo' : ('CubeGreen Solo', 'Hex/ProfiCNC'),
'CUAVv5' : ('CUAVv5', 'CUAV'),
'CUAVv5Nano' : ('CUAVv5 Nano', 'CUAV'),
'CUAV-Nora' : ('CUAV Nora', 'CUAV'),
'CUAV-X7' : ('CUAV X7', 'CUAV'),
'DrotekP3Pro' : ('Pixhawk 3 Pro', 'Drotek'),
'MatekF405' : ('Matek F405', 'Matek'),
'MatekF405-STD' : ('Matek F405 STD', 'Matek'),
@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ brand_map = {
'Pixracer' : ('PixRacer', 'mRobotics'),
'mRoX21' : ('mRo X2.1', 'mRobotics'),
'mRoX21-777' : ('mRo X2.1-777', 'mRobotics'),
'mRoNexus' : ('mRo Nexus', 'mRobotics'),
'TBS-Colibri-F7' : ('Colibri F7', 'TBS'),
'sparky2' : ('Sparky2', 'TauLabs'),
'mindpx-v2' : ('MindPX V2', 'AirMind'),
@ -188,7 +192,7 @@ class ManifestGenerator():
if 'USBID' in apj_json:
# newer APJ files have USBID in the json data
firmware['USBID'] = apj_json['USBID']
firmware['USBID'] = [apj_json['USBID']]
elif platform in USBID_MAP:
firmware['USBID'] = USBID_MAP[platform]
@ -224,6 +228,11 @@ class ManifestGenerator():
(brand_name, manufacturer) = brand_map[platform]
firmware['brand_name'] = brand_name
firmware['manufacturer'] = manufacturer
# copy over some extra information if available
extra_tags = [ 'image_size' ]
for tag in extra_tags:
if tag in apj_json:
firmware[tag] = apj_json[tag]
def add_USB_IDs(self, firmware):
'''add USB IDs to a firmware'''
@ -329,7 +338,7 @@ class ManifestGenerator():
filepath = os.path.join(some_dir, filename)
firmware_format = self.firmware_format_for_filepath(filepath)
if firmware_format not in [ "ELF", "abin", "apj", "hex", "px4" ]:
if firmware_format not in [ "ELF", "abin", "apj", "hex", "px4", "bin" ]:
print("Unknown firmware format (%s)" % firmware_format)
firmware = Firmware()
@ -471,7 +480,7 @@ class ManifestGenerator():
structure = self.walk_directory(self.basedir)
return json.dumps(structure, indent=4)
return json.dumps(structure, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def usage():
@ -484,7 +493,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='generate manifest.json')
parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, default=None, help='output file, default stdout')
parser.add_argument('--baseurl', type=str, default="", help='base binaries directory')
parser.add_argument('--baseurl', type=str, default="", help='base binaries directory')
parser.add_argument('basedir', type=str, default="-", help='base binaries directory')
args = parser.parse_args()