AP_Scripting: treat message attribute like any other attribute

simplfies txt schedule processing
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Tridgell 2022-11-26 09:38:29 +11:00
parent 38556ab8c8
commit 2d02a3344d

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ local GRAVITY_MSS = 9.80665
list of attributes that can be added to a path element
local path_attribs = { "roll_ref", "set_orient", "rate_override", "thr_boost", "pos_corr" }
local path_attribs = { "roll_ref", "set_orient", "rate_override", "thr_boost", "pos_corr", "message" }
Aerobatic tricks on a switch support - allows for tricks to be initiated outside AUTO mode
@ -869,7 +869,6 @@ function path_composer(_name, _subpaths)
local highest_i = 0
local cache_i = -1
local cache_sp = nil
local message = nil
-- return the subpath with index i. Used to cope with two ways of calling path_composer
function self.subpath(i)
@ -881,12 +880,10 @@ function path_composer(_name, _subpaths)
if sp.name then
-- we are being called with a list of Path objects
cache_sp = sp
message = sp.message
-- we are being called with a list function/argument tuples
local args = subpaths[i][2]
cache_sp = subpaths[i][1](args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], start_pos[i], start_orientation[i])
message = subpaths[i].message
-- copy over path attributes
for k, v in pairs(path_attribs) do
cache_sp[v] = subpaths[i][v]
@ -906,7 +903,6 @@ function path_composer(_name, _subpaths)
lengths[i] = sp.get_length()
if lengths[i] == nil and i < num_sub_paths then
local saved_message = message
local sp2 = self.subpath(i+1)
local next_extents = sp2.get_extents_x()
if next_extents ~= nil then
@ -914,7 +910,6 @@ function path_composer(_name, _subpaths)
lengths[i] = sp.get_length()
-- solidify this subpath now that it has its length calculated
subpaths[i] = sp
subpaths[i].message = saved_message
@ -971,8 +966,8 @@ function path_composer(_name, _subpaths)
local sp = self.subpath(i)
if i > highest_i and t < 1.0 and t > 0 then
highest_i = i
if message ~= nil then
gcs:send_text(0, message)
if sp.message ~= nil then
gcs:send_text(0, sp.message)
if AEROM_DEBUG:get() > 0 then
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("starting %s[%d] %s", self.name, i, sp.name))
@ -2677,6 +2672,24 @@ load_table["funny_loop"] = funny_loop
load_table["align_box"] = align_box
load_table["align_center"] = align_center
interpret an attribute value, coping with special cases
function interpret_attrib(v)
if v == "true" then
return true
if v == "false" then
return false
-- could be a number
local n = tonumber(v)
if n ~= nil then
return n
-- assume a string
return v
load a trick description from a text file
@ -2701,26 +2714,27 @@ function load_trick(id)
local name = string.format("Trick%u", id)
local attrib = {}
local paths = {}
local message = nil
local thr_boost = nil
while true do
local line = file:read()
if not line then
-- trim trailing spaces
line = string.gsub(line, '^(.-)%s*$', '%1')
local _, _, cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 = string.find(line, "^([%w_:]+)%s*([-.%d]*)%s*([-.%d]*)%s*([-.%d]*)%s*([-.%d]*)")
if cmd == "" or cmd == nil or string.sub(cmd,1,1) == "#" then
-- ignore comments
elseif cmd == "name:" then
_, _, name = string.find(line, "^name:%s*([%w_]+)$")
elseif cmd == "thr_boost:" then
_, _, next_thr_boost = string.find(line, "^thr_boost:%s*(.+)$")
if next_thr_boost == "true" then
thr_boost = true
elseif string.sub(cmd,-1) == ":" then
_, _, a, s = string.find(line, "^([%w_]+):%s*([%w_%s-]+)$")
if a ~= nil then
attrib[a] = interpret_attrib(s)
gcs:send_text(0,"Bad line: '%s'", line)
elseif cmd == "message:" then
_, _, message = string.find(line, "^message:%s*(.+)$")
elseif cmd ~= nil then
arg1 = tonumber(arg1) or 0
arg2 = tonumber(arg2) or 0
@ -2731,14 +2745,10 @@ function load_trick(id)
gcs:send_text(0,string.format("Unknown command '%s' in %s", cmd, fname))
paths[#paths+1] = { f, { arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 }}
if message ~= nil then
paths[#paths].message = message
message = nil
if thr_boost ~= nil then
paths[#paths].thr_boost = thr_boost
thr_boost = nil
for k, v in pairs(attrib) do
paths[#paths][k] = v
attrib = {}