autotest: added maths for correct gimbal joint limits
This adds (more) correct join rate limiting based on Pauls maths. It avoids the coupling of the axes inherent in the last implementation Pair-Programmed-With: Paul Riseborough <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from aircraft import Aircraft
import util, time, math
from math import degrees, radians
from math import degrees, radians, cos, sin, tan
from rotmat import Vector3, Matrix3
def constrain(value, minv, maxv):
@ -41,13 +41,10 @@ class Gimbal3Axis(object):
# 0, 0, -Pi/2, means pointing down
self.joint_angles = Vector3()
# physical constraints on joint angles
self.min_yaw = radians(-7.5)
self.max_yaw = radians(7.5)
self.min_roll = radians(-40)
self.max_roll = radians(40)
self.min_pitch = radians(-135)
self.max_pitch = radians(45)
# physical constraints on joint angles in (roll, pitch, azimuth) order
self.lower_joint_limits = Vector3(radians(-40), radians(-135), radians(-7.5))
self.upper_joint_limits = Vector3(radians(40), radians(45), radians(7.5))
self.travelLimitGain = 20
# true gyro bias
self.true_gyro_bias = Vector3()
@ -69,7 +66,7 @@ class Gimbal3Axis(object):
# control variables from the vehicle
# angular rate in rad/s. In body frame of gimbal
self.demanded_angular_rate = Vector3()
self.demanded_angular_rate = Vector3(radians(0), radians(0), radians(0))
# gyro bias provided by EKF on vehicle. In rad/s.
# Should be subtracted from the gyro readings to get true body rotatation rates
@ -83,6 +80,7 @@ class Gimbal3Axis(object):
self.last_heartbeat_t = time.time()
self.seen_heartbeat = False
self.seen_gimbal_control = False
self.last_print_t = time.time()
def update(self):
'''update the gimbal state'''
@ -92,13 +90,98 @@ class Gimbal3Axis(object):
delta_t = now - self.last_update_t
self.last_update_t = now
# for the moment we will set gyros equal to demanded_angular_rate
self.gimbal_angular_rate = self.demanded_angular_rate + self.true_gyro_bias - self.supplied_gyro_bias
if self.dcm is None:
# start with copter rotation matrix
self.dcm = self.vehicle.dcm.copy()
# 1) Rotate the copters rotation rates into the gimbals frame of reference
# copterAngRate_G = transpose(DCMgimbal)*DCMcopter*copterAngRate
copterAngRate_G = self.dcm.transposed()*self.vehicle.dcm*self.vehicle.gyro
#print("copterAngRate_G ", copterAngRate_G)
# 2) Subtract the copters body rates to obtain a copter relative rotational
# rate vector (X,Y,Z) in gimbal sensor frame
# relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = gimbalRateDemand - copterAngRate_G
relativeGimbalRate = self.demanded_angular_rate - copterAngRate_G
#print("relativeGimbalRate ", relativeGimbalRate)
# calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
# calculate copter -> gimbal rotation matrix
rotmat_copter_gimbal = self.dcm.transposed() * self.vehicle.dcm
self.joint_angles = Vector3(*rotmat_copter_gimbal.transposed().to_euler312())
#print("joint_angles ", self.joint_angles)
# 4) For each of the three joints, calculate upper and lower rate limits
# from the corresponding angle limits and current joint angles
# upperRatelimit = (jointAngle - lowerAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain
# lowerRatelimit = (jointAngle - upperAngleLimit) * travelLimitGain
# travelLimitGain is equal to the inverse of the bump stop time constant and
# should be set to something like 20 initially. If set too high it can cause
# the rates to 'ring' when they the limiter is in force, particularly given
# we are using a first order numerical integration.
upperRatelimit = -(self.joint_angles - self.upper_joint_limits) * self.travelLimitGain
lowerRatelimit = -(self.joint_angles - self.lower_joint_limits) * self.travelLimitGain
# 5) Calculate the gimbal joint rates (roll, elevation, azimuth)
# gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth) = Matrix*relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z)
# where matrix =
# +- -+
# | cos(elevAngle), 0, sin(elevAngle) |
# | |
# | sin(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle), 1, -cos(elevAngle) tan(rollAngle) |
# | |
# | sin(elevAngle) cos(elevAngle) |
# | - --------------, 0, -------------- |
# | cos(rollAngle) cos(rollAngle) |
# +- -+
rollAngle = self.joint_angles.x
elevAngle = self.joint_angles.y
matrix = Matrix3(Vector3(cos(elevAngle), 0, sin(elevAngle)),
Vector3(sin(elevAngle)*tan(rollAngle), 1, -cos(elevAngle)*tan(rollAngle)),
Vector3(-sin(elevAngle)/cos(rollAngle), 0, cos(elevAngle)/cos(rollAngle)))
gimbalJointRates = matrix * relativeGimbalRate
#print("lowerRatelimit ", lowerRatelimit)
#print("upperRatelimit ", upperRatelimit)
#print("gimbalJointRates ", gimbalJointRates)
# 6) Apply the rate limits from 4)
gimbalJointRates.x = constrain(gimbalJointRates.x, lowerRatelimit.x, upperRatelimit.x)
gimbalJointRates.y = constrain(gimbalJointRates.y, lowerRatelimit.y, upperRatelimit.y)
gimbalJointRates.z = constrain(gimbalJointRates.z, lowerRatelimit.z, upperRatelimit.z)
# 7) Convert the modified gimbal joint rates to body rates (still copter
# relative)
# relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) = Matrix * gimbalJointRates(roll, elev, azimuth)
# where Matrix =
# +- -+
# | cos(elevAngle), 0, -cos(rollAngle) sin(elevAngle) |
# | |
# | 0, 1, sin(rollAngle) |
# | |
# | sin(elevAngle), 0, cos(elevAngle) cos(rollAngle) |
# +- -+
matrix = Matrix3(Vector3(cos(elevAngle), 0, -cos(rollAngle)*sin(elevAngle)),
Vector3(0, 1, sin(rollAngle)),
Vector3(sin(elevAngle), 0, cos(elevAngle)*cos(rollAngle)))
relativeGimbalRate = matrix * gimbalJointRates
# 8) Add to the result from step 1) to obtain the demanded gimbal body rates
# in an inertial frame of reference
# demandedGimbalRatesInertial(X,Y,Z) = relativeGimbalRate(X,Y,Z) + copterAngRate_G
demandedGimbalRatesInertial = relativeGimbalRate + copterAngRate_G
#if now - self.last_print_t >= 1.0:
# print("demandedGimbalRatesInertial ", demandedGimbalRatesInertial)
# for the moment we will set gyros equal to demanded_angular_rate
self.gimbal_angular_rate = demandedGimbalRatesInertial + self.true_gyro_bias - self.supplied_gyro_bias
# update rotation of the gimbal
@ -107,49 +190,7 @@ class Gimbal3Axis(object):
rotmat_copter_gimbal = self.dcm.transposed() * self.vehicle.dcm
# calculate joint angles (euler312 order)
self.joint_angles = Vector3(*rotmat_copter_gimbal.to_euler312())
# constrain joint angles
need_new_dcm = False
# constrain observed gyro (prevent observed rotation past gimbal limits)
# NOTE: this needs to be replaced later with code that first converts rates
# from 312 rates to body rates and back again
if self.joint_angles.x >= self.max_roll:
need_new_dcm = True
self.joint_angles.x = self.max_roll
if self.gimbal_angular_rate.x > 0:
self.gimbal_angular_rate.x = 0
if self.joint_angles.x <= self.min_roll:
need_new_dcm = True
self.joint_angles.x = self.min_roll
if self.gimbal_angular_rate.x < 0:
self.gimbal_angular_rate.x = 0
if self.joint_angles.y >= self.max_pitch:
need_new_dcm = True
self.joint_angles.y = self.max_pitch
if self.gimbal_angular_rate.y > 0:
self.gimbal_angular_rate.y = 0
if self.joint_angles.y <= self.min_pitch:
need_new_dcm = True
self.joint_angles.y = self.min_pitch
if self.gimbal_angular_rate.y < 0:
self.gimbal_angular_rate.y = 0
if self.joint_angles.z >= self.max_yaw:
need_new_dcm = True
self.joint_angles.z = self.max_yaw
if self.gimbal_angular_rate.z > 0:
self.gimbal_angular_rate.z = 0
if self.joint_angles.z <= self.min_yaw:
need_new_dcm = True
self.joint_angles.z = self.min_yaw
if self.gimbal_angular_rate.z < 0:
self.gimbal_angular_rate.z = 0
if need_new_dcm:
# when we hit the gimbal limits we need to recalc the matrix
rotmat_copter_gimbal.from_euler312(self.joint_angles.x, self.joint_angles.y, self.joint_angles.z)
self.dcm = self.vehicle.dcm * rotmat_copter_gimbal.transposed()
self.joint_angles = Vector3(*rotmat_copter_gimbal.transposed().to_euler312())
# update observed gyro
self.gyro = self.gimbal_angular_rate + self.true_gyro_bias
@ -169,6 +210,10 @@ class Gimbal3Axis(object):
self.last_report_t = now
if now - self.last_print_t >= 1.0:
self.last_print_t = now
print('joint_angles ', self.joint_angles)
def send_report(self):
'''send a report to the vehicle control code over MAVLink'''
from pymavlink import mavutil
@ -192,7 +237,6 @@ class Gimbal3Axis(object):
self.seen_gimbal_control = True
print("rate=%s" % self.demanded_angular_rate)
if m.get_type() == 'HEARTBEAT' and not self.seen_heartbeat:
self.seen_heartbeat = True
self.connection.mav.srcSystem = m.get_srcSystem()
Reference in New Issue
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