Rework logging file system to be more robust

This commit is contained in:
Doug Weibel 2011-11-22 20:17:28 -07:00
parent c5c5884006
commit 244eeea34a

View File

@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ print_log_menu(void)
int log_start;
int log_end;
int temp;
int temp;
uint16_t num_logs = get_num_logs();
//Serial.print("num logs: "); Serial.println(num_logs, DEC);
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("logs enabled: "));
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ print_log_menu(void)
if (num_logs == 0) {
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("\nNo logs\nType 'dump 0'.\n\n"));
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("\nNo logs\n\n"));
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("\n%d logs\n"), num_logs);
@ -109,17 +109,18 @@ dump_log(uint8_t argc, const Menu::arg *argv)
last_log_num = g.log_last_filenumber;
if ((argc != 2) || (dump_log <= (last_log_num - get_num_logs())) || (dump_log > last_log_num)) {
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("bad log number\n"));
Log_Read(0, 4095);
get_log_boundaries(dump_log, dump_log_start, dump_log_end);
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Dumping Log number %d, start page %d, end page %d\n"),
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Dumping Log %d, start pg %d, end pg %d\n"),
Log_Read(dump_log_start, dump_log_end);
Serial.printf_P(PSTR("Log read complete\n"));
return 0;
@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ static byte get_num_logs(void)
if(g.log_last_filenumber < 1) return 0;
if(DataFlash.GetFileNumber() == 0XFFFF) return 0;
lastpage = find_last();
@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ static byte get_num_logs(void)
last = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
DataFlash.StartRead(lastpage + 2);
first = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
if(first == 0xFFFF) {
if(first > last) {
first = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
@ -285,130 +287,118 @@ static int find_last(void)
// This function finds the last page of a particular log file
static int find_last_log_page(uint16_t log_number)
int16_t bottom_page;
int16_t top_page;
int16_t bottom_page_file;
int16_t bottom_page_filepage;
int16_t top_page_file;
int16_t top_page_filepage;
int16_t look_page;
int16_t look_page_file;
int16_t look_page_filepage;
int16_t check;
bool XLflag = false;
// First see if the logs are empty
if(DataFlash.GetFileNumber() == 0XFFFF) {
uint16_t bottom_page;
uint16_t bottom_page_file;
uint16_t bottom_page_filepage;
uint16_t top_page;
uint16_t top_page_file;
uint16_t top_page_filepage;
uint16_t look_page;
uint16_t look_page_file;
uint16_t look_page_filepage;
bottom_page = 1;
bottom_page_file = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
bottom_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
// First see if the logs are empty. If so we will exit right away.
if(bottom_page_file == 0XFFFF) {
return 0;
top_page = DF_LAST_PAGE;
top_page_file = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
top_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
// Next, see if logs wrap the top of the dataflash
if(DataFlash.GetFileNumber() == 0xFFFF)
// This case is that we have not wrapped the top of the dataflash
top_page = DF_LAST_PAGE;
bottom_page = 1;
while((top_page - bottom_page) > 1) {
look_page = (top_page + bottom_page) / 2;
if(DataFlash.GetFileNumber() > log_number)
top_page = look_page;
while((top_page - bottom_page) > 1) {
look_page = ((long)top_page + (long)bottom_page) / 2L;
look_page_file = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
look_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
// We have a lot of different logic cases dependant on if the log space is overwritten
// and where log breaks might occur relative to binary search points.
// Someone could make work up a logic table and simplify this perhaps, or perhaps
// it is easier to interpret as is.
if (look_page_file == 0xFFFF) {
top_page = look_page;
top_page_file = look_page_file;
top_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else if (look_page_file == log_number && bottom_page_file == log_number && top_page_file == log_number) {
// This case is typical if a single file fills the log and partially overwrites itself
if (bottom_page_filepage < top_page_filepage) {
bottom_page = look_page;
return bottom_page;
} else {
// The else case is that the logs do wrap the top of the dataflash
bottom_page = 1;
top_page = DF_LAST_PAGE;
bottom_page_file = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
bottom_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
top_page_file = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
top_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
// Check is we have exactly filled the dataflash but not wrapped. If so we can exit quickly.
if(top_page_file == log_number && bottom_page_file != log_number) {
return top_page_file;
// Check if the top is 1 file higher than we want. If so we can exit quickly.
if(top_page_file == log_number+1) {
return top_page - top_page_filepage;
// Check if the file has partially overwritten itself
if(top_page_filepage >= DF_LAST_PAGE) {
XLflag = true;
} else {
top_page = top_page - top_page_filepage;
top_page_file = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
if(top_page_file == log_number) {
bottom_page = top_page;
top_page = DF_LAST_PAGE;
top_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
if(XLflag) bottom_page = 1;
while((top_page - bottom_page) > 1) {
look_page = (top_page + bottom_page) / 2;
if(DataFlash.GetFilePage() < top_page_filepage)
top_page = look_page;
top_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
} else {
bottom_page = look_page;
bottom_page_file = look_page_file;
bottom_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else {
top_page = look_page;
top_page_file = look_page_file;
top_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
return bottom_page;
// Step down through the files to find the one we want
bottom_page = top_page;
bottom_page_filepage = top_page_filepage;
int16_t last_bottom_page_file;
top_page = bottom_page;
bottom_page = bottom_page - bottom_page_filepage;
if(bottom_page < 1) bottom_page = 1;
last_bottom_page_file = bottom_page_file;
bottom_page_file = DataFlash.GetFileNumber();
bottom_page_filepage = DataFlash.GetFilePage();
if (bottom_page_file == last_bottom_page_file &&
bottom_page_filepage == 0) {
/* no progress can be made - give up. The log may be corrupt */
return -1;
} while (bottom_page_file != log_number && bottom_page != 1);
// Deal with stepping down too far due to overwriting a file
while((top_page - bottom_page) > 1) {
look_page = (top_page + bottom_page) / 2;
if(DataFlash.GetFileNumber() < log_number)
top_page = look_page;
} else if (look_page_file == log_number && look_page_file ==bottom_page_file) {
if (bottom_page_filepage < look_page_filepage) {
bottom_page = look_page;
bottom_page_file = look_page_file;
bottom_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else {
top_page = look_page;
top_page_file = look_page_file;
top_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else if (look_page_file == log_number) {
bottom_page = look_page;
bottom_page_file = look_page_file;
bottom_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else if(look_page_file < log_number && bottom_page_file > look_page_file && bottom_page_file <= log_number) {
top_page = look_page;
top_page_file = look_page_file;
top_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else if(look_page_file < log_number) {
bottom_page = look_page;
bottom_page_file = look_page_file;
bottom_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else if(look_page_file > log_number && top_page_file < look_page_file && top_page_file >= log_number) {
bottom_page = look_page;
bottom_page_file = look_page_file;
bottom_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
} else {
top_page = look_page;
top_page_file = look_page_file;
top_page_filepage = look_page_filepage;
// The -1 return is for the case where a very short power up increments the log
// number counter but no log file is actually created. This happens if power is
// removed before the first page is written to flash.
if(bottom_page ==1 && DataFlash.GetFileNumber() != log_number) return -1;
return bottom_page;
// End while
if (bottom_page_file == log_number && top_page_file == log_number) {
if( bottom_page_filepage < top_page_filepage)
return top_page;
return bottom_page;
} else if (bottom_page_file == log_number) {
return bottom_page;
} else if (top_page_file == log_number) {
return top_page;
} else {
return -1;
// Write an attitude packet. Total length : 10 bytes