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2018-09-25 10:09:47 -03:00
#include "Rover.h"
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
#define SAILBOAT_AUTO_TACKING_TIMEOUT_MS 50000 // tacks in auto mode timeout if not successfully completed within this many milliseconds
#define SAILBOAT_TACKING_ACCURACY_DEG 10 // tack is considered complete when vehicle is within this many degrees of target tack angle
2018-09-25 10:09:47 -03:00
To Do List
- Improve tacking in light winds and bearing away in strong wings
- consider drag vs lift sailing differences, ie upwind sail is like wing, dead down wind sail is like parachute
- max speed paramiter and controller, for mapping you may not want to go too fast
2018-09-25 10:09:47 -03:00
- mavlink sailing messages
- motor sailing, some boats may also have motor, we need to decide at what point we would be better of just motoring in low wind, or for a tight loiter, or to hit waypoint exactly, or if stuck head to wind, or to reverse...
- smart decision making, ie tack on windshifts, what to do if stuck head to wind
- some sailing codes track waves to try and 'surf' and to allow tacking on a flat bit, not sure if there is much gain to be had here
- add some sort of pitch monitoring to prevent nose diving in heavy weather
- pitch PID for hydrofoils
- more advanced sail control, ie twist
- independent sheeting for main and jib
- wing type sails with 'elevator' control
- tack on depth sounder info to stop sailing into shallow water on indirect sailing routes
- add option to do proper tacks, ie tacking on flat spot in the waves, or only try once at a certain speed, or some better method than just changing the desired heading suddenly
// update mainsail's desired angle based on wind speed and direction and desired speed (in m/s)
void Rover::sailboat_update_mainsail(float desired_speed)
if (!g2.motors.has_sail()) {
// relax sail if desired speed is zero
if (!is_positive(desired_speed)) {
// + is wind over starboard side, - is wind over port side, but as the sails are sheeted the same on each side it makes no difference so take abs
float wind_dir_apparent = fabsf(g2.windvane.get_apparent_wind_direction_rad());
wind_dir_apparent = degrees(wind_dir_apparent);
// set the main sail to the ideal angle to the wind
float mainsail_angle = wind_dir_apparent - g2.sail_angle_ideal;
// make sure between allowable range
mainsail_angle = constrain_float(mainsail_angle, g2.sail_angle_min, g2.sail_angle_max);
// linear interpolate mainsail value (0 to 100) from wind angle mainsail_angle
float mainsail = linear_interpolate(0.0f, 100.0f, mainsail_angle, g2.sail_angle_min, g2.sail_angle_max);
// use PID controller to sheet out
const float pid_offset = g2.attitude_control.get_sail_out_from_heel(radians(g2.sail_heel_angle_max), G_Dt) * 100.0f;
mainsail = constrain_float((mainsail+pid_offset), 0.0f ,100.0f);
// Velocity Made Good, this is the speed we are traveling towards the desired destination
// only for logging at this stage
float Rover::sailboat_get_VMG() const
// return 0 if not heading towards waypoint
if (!control_mode->is_autopilot_mode()) {
return 0.0f;
float speed;
if (!g2.attitude_control.get_forward_speed(speed)) {
return 0.0f;
return (speed * cosf(wrap_PI(radians(nav_controller->target_bearing_cd()) - ahrs.yaw)));
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// handle user initiated tack while in acro mode
void Rover::sailboat_handle_tack_request_acro()
// set tacking heading target to the current angle relative to the true wind but on the new tack
sailboat.tacking = true;
sailboat.tack_heading_rad = wrap_2PI(ahrs.yaw + 2.0f * wrap_PI((g2.windvane.get_absolute_wind_direction_rad() - ahrs.yaw)));
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// return target heading in radians when tacking (only used in acro)
float Rover::sailboat_get_tack_heading_rad() const
return sailboat.tack_heading_rad;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// handle user initiated tack while in autonomous modes (Auto, Guided, RTL, SmartRTL, etc)
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
void Rover::sailboat_handle_tack_request_auto()
// record time of request for tack. This will be processed asynchronously by sailboat_calc_heading
sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// clear tacking state variables
void Rover::sailboat_clear_tack()
sailboat.tacking = false;
sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms = 0;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// returns true if boat is currently tacking
bool Rover::sailboat_tacking() const
return sailboat.tacking;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// returns true if sailboat should take a indirect navigation route to go upwind
// desired_heading should be in centi-degrees
bool Rover::sailboat_use_indirect_route(float desired_heading_cd) const
if (!g2.motors.has_sail()) {
return false;
// convert desired heading to radians
const float desired_heading_rad = radians(desired_heading_cd * 0.01f);
// check if desired heading is in the no go zone, if it is we can't go direct
return fabsf(wrap_PI(g2.windvane.get_absolute_wind_direction_rad() - desired_heading_rad)) <= radians(g2.sail_no_go);
// if we can't sail on the desired heading then we should pick the best heading that we can sail on
// this function assumes the caller has already checked sailboat_use_indirect_route(desired_heading_cd) returned true
float Rover::sailboat_calc_heading(float desired_heading_cd)
if (!g2.motors.has_sail()) {
return desired_heading_cd;
bool should_tack = false;
// check for user requested tack
uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
if (sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms != 0) {
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// set should_tack flag is user requested tack within last 0.5 sec
should_tack = ((now - sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms) < 500);
sailboat.auto_tack_request_ms = 0;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// calculate left and right no go headings looking upwind
const float left_no_go_heading_rad = wrap_2PI(g2.windvane.get_absolute_wind_direction_rad() + radians(g2.sail_no_go));
const float right_no_go_heading_rad = wrap_2PI(g2.windvane.get_absolute_wind_direction_rad() - radians(g2.sail_no_go));
// calculate current tack, Port if heading is left of no-go, STBD if right of no-go
Sailboat_Tack current_tack;
if (is_negative(g2.windvane.get_apparent_wind_direction_rad())) {
current_tack = TACK_PORT;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
} else {
current_tack = TACK_STARBOARD;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// trigger tack if cross track error larger than waypoint_overshoot parameter
// this effectively defines a 'corridor' of width 2*waypoint_overshoot that the boat will stay within
if ((fabsf(rover.nav_controller->crosstrack_error()) >= g.waypoint_overshoot) && !is_zero(g.waypoint_overshoot) && !sailboat_tacking()) {
// make sure the new tack will reduce the cross track error
// if were on starboard tack we are traveling towards the left hand boundary
if (is_positive(rover.nav_controller->crosstrack_error()) && (current_tack == TACK_STARBOARD)) {
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
should_tack = true;
// if were on port tack we are traveling towards the right hand boundary
if (is_negative(rover.nav_controller->crosstrack_error()) && (current_tack == TACK_PORT)) {
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
should_tack = true;
// if tack triggered, calculate target heading
if (should_tack) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Sailboat: Tacking");
// calculate target heading for the new tack
switch (current_tack) {
sailboat.tack_heading_rad = right_no_go_heading_rad;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
sailboat.tack_heading_rad = left_no_go_heading_rad;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
sailboat.tacking = true;
sailboat.auto_tack_start_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// if we are tacking we maintain the target heading until the tack completes or times out
if (sailboat.tacking) {
// check if we have reached target
if (fabsf(wrap_PI(sailboat.tack_heading_rad - ahrs.yaw)) <= radians(SAILBOAT_TACKING_ACCURACY_DEG)) {
} else if ((now - sailboat.auto_tack_start_ms) > SAILBOAT_AUTO_TACKING_TIMEOUT_MS) {
// tack has taken too long
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Sailboat: Tacking timed out");
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// return tack target heading
return degrees(sailboat.tack_heading_rad) * 100.0f;
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
// return closest possible heading to wind
if (current_tack == TACK_PORT) {
2018-09-14 04:09:07 -03:00
return degrees(left_no_go_heading_rad) * 100.0f;
} else {
return degrees(right_no_go_heading_rad) * 100.0f;