2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
--[[ perform simple aerobatic manoeuvres in AUTO mode
cmd = 1 : axial rolls , arg1 = roll rate dps , arg2 = number of rolls
cmd = 2 : loops or 180 deg return , arg1 = pitch rate dps , arg2 = number of loops , if zero do a 1 / 2 cuban8 - like return
cmd = 3 : rolling circle , arg1 = radius , arg2 = number of rolls
cmd = 4 : knife edge at any angle , arg1 = roll angle to hold , arg2 = duration
cmd = 5 : pause , holding heading and alt to allow stabilization after a move , arg1 = duration in seconds
] ] --
-- setup param block for aerobatics, reserving 30 params beginning with AERO_
local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 70
assert ( param : add_table ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , " AEROM_ " , 30 ) , ' could not add param table ' )
-- this control script uses AERO_TRICK_ID to report the selected trick number from the scripting_rc_selection rc channel
assert ( param : add_param ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , 1 , ' HGT_P ' , 1 ) , ' could not add param4 ' ) -- height P gain
assert ( param : add_param ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , 2 , ' HGT_I ' , 2 ) , ' could not add param5 ' ) -- height I gain
assert ( param : add_param ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , 3 , ' HGT_KE_ADD ' , 20 ) , ' could not add param6 ' ) --height knife-edge addition for pitch
assert ( param : add_param ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , 4 , ' THR_PIT_FF ' , 80 ) , ' could not add param67 ' ) --throttle FF from pitch
assert ( param : add_param ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , 5 , ' SPD_P ' , 5 ) , ' could not add param8 ' ) -- speed P gain
assert ( param : add_param ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , 6 , ' SPD_I ' , 25 ) , ' could not add param9 ' ) -- speed I gain
function bind_param ( name )
local p = Parameter ( )
assert ( p : init ( name ) , string.format ( ' could not find %s parameter ' , name ) )
return p
function bind_add_param ( name , idx , default_value )
assert ( param : add_param ( PARAM_TABLE_KEY , idx , name , default_value ) , string.format ( ' could not add param %s ' , name ) )
return bind_param ( PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name )
local ERR_CORR_TC = bind_add_param ( ' ERR_COR_TC ' , 7 , 3 )
local ROLL_CORR_TC = bind_add_param ( ' ROL_COR_TC ' , 8 , 1 )
--local VEL_TC = bind_add_param('VEL_TC', 8, 3)
local LOOP_RATE = 20
DO_JUMP = 177
k_throttle = 70
local HGT_P = bind_param ( " AEROM_HGT_P " ) -- height P gain
local HGT_I = bind_param ( " AEROM_HGT_I " ) -- height I gain
local HGT_KE_BIAS = bind_param ( " AEROM_HGT_KE_ADD " ) -- height knifeedge addition for pitch
local THR_PIT_FF = bind_param ( " AEROM_THR_PIT_FF " ) -- throttle FF from pitch
local SPD_P = bind_param ( " AEROM_SPD_P " ) -- speed P gain
local SPD_I = bind_param ( " AEROM_SPD_I " ) -- speed I gain
local TRIM_THROTTLE = bind_param ( " TRIM_THROTTLE " )
local TRIM_ARSPD_CM = bind_param ( " TRIM_ARSPD_CM " )
local RLL2SRV_TCONST = bind_param ( " RLL2SRV_TCONST " )
local PITCH_TCONST = bind_param ( " PTCH2SRV_TCONST " )
local last_roll_err = 0.0
local last_id = 0
local initial_yaw_deg = 0
local wp_yaw_deg = 0
local initial_height = 0
local repeat_count = 0
local running = false
local roll_stage = 0
local MIN_SPEED = 0.1
local LOOKAHEAD = 1
2022-09-22 03:41:18 -03:00
local arg3 = 0
local arg4 = 0
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
-- constrain a value between limits
function constrain ( v , vmin , vmax )
if v < vmin then
v = vmin
if v > vmax then
v = vmax
return v
-- roll angle error 180 wrap to cope with errors while in inverted segments
function roll_angle_error_wrap ( roll_angle_error )
if math.abs ( roll_angle_error ) > 180 then
if roll_angle_error > 0 then
roll_angle_error = roll_angle_error - 360
roll_angle_error = roll_angle_error + 360
return roll_angle_error
--roll controller to keep wings level in earth frame. if arg is 0 then level is at only 0 deg, otherwise its at 180/-180 roll also for loops
function earth_frame_wings_level ( arg )
local roll_deg = math.deg ( ahrs : get_roll ( ) )
local roll_angle_error = 0.0
if ( roll_deg > 90 or roll_deg < - 90 ) and arg ~= 0 then
roll_angle_error = 180 - roll_deg
roll_angle_error = - roll_deg
return roll_angle_error_wrap ( roll_angle_error ) / ( RLL2SRV_TCONST : get ( ) )
function wrap_360 ( angle )
local res = math.fmod ( angle , 360.0 )
if res < 0 then
res = res + 360.0
return res
function wrap_180 ( angle )
local res = wrap_360 ( angle )
if res > 180 then
res = res - 360
return res
function wrap_pi ( angle )
local angle_deg = math.deg ( angle )
local angle_wrapped = wrap_180 ( angle_deg )
return math.rad ( angle_wrapped )
function wrap_2pi ( angle )
local angle_deg = math.deg ( angle )
local angle_wrapped = wrap_360 ( angle_deg )
return math.rad ( angle_wrapped )
function euler_rad_ef_to_bf ( roll , pitch , yaw , ef_roll_rate , ef_pitch_rate , ef_yaw_rate )
local sr = math.sin ( roll )
local cr = math.cos ( roll )
local sp = math.sin ( pitch )
local cp = math.cos ( pitch )
local sy = math.sin ( yaw )
local cy = math.cos ( yaw )
local bf_roll_rate = ef_roll_rate + - sp * ef_yaw_rate
local bf_pitch_rate = cr * ef_pitch_rate + sr * cp * ef_yaw_rate
local bf_yaw_rate = - sr * ef_pitch_rate + cr * cp * ef_yaw_rate
return makeVector3f ( bf_roll_rate , bf_pitch_rate , bf_yaw_rate )
-- a PI controller implemented as a Lua object
local function PI_controller ( kP , kI , iMax )
-- the new instance. You can put public variables inside this self
-- declaration if you want to
local self = { }
-- private fields as locals
local _kP = kP or 0.0
local _kI = kI or 0.0
local _kD = kD or 0.0
local _iMax = iMax
local _last_t = nil
local _I = 0
local _P = 0
local _total = 0
local _counter = 0
local _target = 0
local _current = 0
-- update the controller.
function self . update ( target , current )
local now = millis ( ) : tofloat ( ) * 0.001
if not _last_t then
_last_t = now
local dt = now - _last_t
_last_t = now
local err = target - current
_counter = _counter + 1
local P = _kP * err
_I = _I + _kI * err * dt
if _iMax then
_I = constrain ( _I , - _iMax , iMax )
local I = _I
local ret = P + I
_target = target
_current = current
_P = P
_total = ret
return ret
-- reset integrator to an initial value
function self . reset ( integrator )
_I = integrator
function self . set_I ( I )
_kI = I
function self . set_P ( P )
_kP = P
function self . set_Imax ( Imax )
_iMax = Imax
-- log the controller internals
function self . log ( name , add_total )
-- allow for an external addition to total
logger.write ( name , ' Targ,Curr,P,I,Total,Add ' , ' ffffff ' , _target , _current , _P , _I , _total , add_total )
-- return the instance
return self
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
local function speed_controller ( kP_param , kI_param , kFF_roll_param , kFF_pitch_param , Imax )
local self = { }
local kFF_roll = kFF_roll_param
local kFF_pitch = kFF_pitch_param
local PI = PI_controller ( kP_param : get ( ) , kI_param : get ( ) , Imax )
function self . update ( target )
local current_speed = ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) : length ( )
local throttle = PI.update ( target , current_speed )
throttle = throttle + math.sin ( ahrs : get_pitch ( ) ) * kFF_pitch : get ( )
throttle = throttle + math.abs ( math.sin ( ahrs : get_roll ( ) ) ) * kFF_roll : get ( )
return throttle
function self . reset ( )
PI.reset ( 0 )
local temp_throttle = self.update ( ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) : length ( ) )
local current_throttle = SRV_Channels : get_output_scaled ( k_throttle )
PI.reset ( current_throttle - temp_throttle )
return self
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
local function height_controller ( kP_param , kI_param , KnifeEdge_param , Imax )
local self = { }
local kP = kP_param
local kI = kI_param
local KnifeEdge = KnifeEdge_param
local PI = PI_controller ( kP : get ( ) , kI : get ( ) , Imax )
function self . update ( target )
local target_pitch = PI.update ( target , ahrs : get_position ( ) : alt ( ) * 0.01 )
local roll_rad = ahrs : get_roll ( )
local ke_add = math.abs ( math.sin ( roll_rad ) ) * KnifeEdge : get ( )
target_pitch = target_pitch + ke_add
PI.log ( " HPI " , ke_add )
return target_pitch
function self . reset ( )
PI.reset ( math.max ( math.deg ( ahrs : get_pitch ( ) ) , 3.0 ) )
PI.set_P ( kP : get ( ) )
PI.set_I ( kI : get ( ) )
return self
local height_PI = height_controller ( HGT_P , HGT_I , HGT_KE_BIAS , 20.0 )
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
local speed_PI = speed_controller ( SPD_P , SPD_I , HGT_KE_BIAS , THR_PIT_FF , 100.0 )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
function euler_rate_ef_to_bf ( rrate , prate , yrate , roll , pitch , yaw )
local sr = math.sin ( roll )
local cr = math.cos ( roll )
local sp = math.sin ( pitch )
local cp = math.cos ( pitch )
local sy = math.sin ( yaw )
local cy = math.cos ( yaw )
local bf_roll_rate = rrate - sp * yrate
local bf_pitch_rate = cr * prate + sr * cp * yrate
local bf_yaw_rate = - sr * prate + cr * cp * yrate
return makeVector3f ( bf_roll_rate , bf_pitch_rate , bf_yaw_rate )
-- a controller to target a zero pitch angle and zero heading change, used in a roll
-- output is a body frame pitch rate, with convergence over time tconst in seconds
function pitch_controller ( target_pitch_deg , target_yaw_deg , tconst )
local roll_deg = math.deg ( ahrs : get_roll ( ) )
local pitch_deg = math.deg ( ahrs : get_pitch ( ) )
local yaw_deg = math.deg ( ahrs : get_yaw ( ) )
-- get earth frame pitch and yaw rates
local ef_pitch_rate = ( target_pitch_deg - pitch_deg ) / tconst
local ef_yaw_rate = wrap_180 ( target_yaw_deg - yaw_deg ) / tconst
local bf_pitch_rate = math.sin ( math.rad ( roll_deg ) ) * ef_yaw_rate + math.cos ( math.rad ( roll_deg ) ) * ef_pitch_rate
local bf_yaw_rate = math.cos ( math.rad ( roll_deg ) ) * ef_yaw_rate - math.sin ( math.rad ( roll_deg ) ) * ef_pitch_rate
return bf_pitch_rate , bf_yaw_rate
-- a controller for throttle to account for pitch
function throttle_controller ( )
local pitch_rad = ahrs : get_pitch ( )
local thr_ff = THR_PIT_FF : get ( )
local throttle = TRIM_THROTTLE : get ( ) + math.sin ( pitch_rad ) * thr_ff
return constrain ( throttle , 0 , 100.0 )
-- recover entry altitude
function recover_alt ( )
local target_pitch = height_PI.update ( initial_height )
local pitch_rate , yaw_rate = pitch_controller ( target_pitch , wp_yaw_deg , PITCH_TCONST : get ( ) )
return target_pitch , pitch_rate , yaw_rate
function get_wp_location ( i )
local m = mission : get_item ( i )
local loc = Location ( )
loc : lat ( m : x ( ) )
loc : lng ( m : y ( ) )
loc : relative_alt ( false )
loc : terrain_alt ( false )
loc : origin_alt ( false )
loc : alt ( math.floor ( m : z ( ) * 100 ) )
return loc
function resolve_jump ( i )
local m = mission : get_item ( i )
while m : command ( ) == DO_JUMP do
i = math.floor ( m : param1 ( ) )
m = mission : get_item ( i )
return i
--------Trajectory definitions---------------------
function path_circle ( t , radius , unused )
t = t * math.pi * 2
local vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( t ) , 1.0 - math.cos ( t ) , 0 )
return vec : scale ( radius ) , 0.0
function knife_edge_circle ( t , radius , unused )
t = t * math.pi * 2
local vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( t ) , 1.0 - math.cos ( t ) , 0 )
return vec : scale ( radius ) , math.pi / 2
function path_climbing_circle ( t , radius , height )
local angle = t * math.pi * 2
local vec = makeVector3f ( radius * math.sin ( angle ) , radius * ( 1.0 - math.cos ( angle ) ) , - math.sin ( 0.5 * angle ) * height )
return vec , 0.0
--TODO: fix this to have initial tangent 0
function path_figure_eight ( t , radius )
t = t * math.pi * 2
local vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( t ) , math.sin ( t ) * math.cos ( t ) , 0 )
return vec : scale ( radius ) , 0.0
function path_vertical_circle ( t , radius , unused )
t = t * math.pi * 2
local vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( t ) , 0.0 , - 1.0 + math.cos ( t ) )
return vec : scale ( radius ) , 0.0
function path_straight_roll ( t , length , num_rolls )
local vec = makeVector3f ( t * length , 0.0 , 0.0 )
return vec , t * num_rolls * 2 * math.pi
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
function straight_flight ( t , length , bank_angle )
local pos = makeVector3f ( t * length , 0 , 0 )
local roll = math.rad ( bank_angle )
return pos , roll
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function path_rolling_circle ( t , radius , num_rolls )
--t = t*math.pi*2
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
local vec = Vector3f ( )
if radius < 0.0 then
vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , - 1.0 + math.cos ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , 0 )
vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , 1.0 - math.cos ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , 0 )
return vec : scale ( math.abs ( radius ) ) , t * num_rolls * 2 * math.pi
function path_banked_circle ( t , radius , bank_angle )
--t = t*math.pi*2
local vec = Vector3f ( )
if radius < 0.0 then
vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , - 1.0 + math.cos ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , 0 )
vec = makeVector3f ( math.sin ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , 1.0 - math.cos ( 2 * math.pi * t ) , 0 )
return vec : scale ( math.abs ( radius ) ) , math.deg ( bank_angle )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
function half_cuban_eight ( t , r , unused )
local T = 3.0 * math.pi * r / 2.0 + 2 * r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) + r
local trsqr2 = 2 * r * math.sqrt ( 2 )
local pos
local roll
if ( t < trsqr2 / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( T * t , 0.0 , 0.0 )
roll = 0.0
elseif ( t < ( trsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( T * t / r - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) - math.pi / 2 ) + trsqr2 , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( T * t / r - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) - math.pi / 2 ) )
roll = 0.0
elseif ( t < ( trsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 3 * r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = 0.0
elseif ( t < ( trsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + 3 * r / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 3 * r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = ( t - ( trsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r / 4 ) / T ) * 2 * math.pi * T / ( r )
elseif ( t < ( trsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 3 * r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = math.pi
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( - T * t / r + 5.0 * math.pi / 4.0 + 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 1 - math.pi / 4 ) , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( - T * t / r + 5.0 * math.pi / 4.0 + 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 1 - math.pi / 4 ) )
roll = math.pi
--roll = 0
return pos , roll
function cuban_eight ( t , r , unused )
local T = 3.0 * math.pi * r + r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 2 * r
local rsqr2 = r * math.sqrt ( 2 )
local pos
local roll
if ( t < rsqr2 / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( T * t , 0.0 , 0.0 )
roll = 0.0
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( T * t / r - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - math.pi / 2 ) + rsqr2 , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( T * t / r - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - math.pi / 2 ) )
roll = 0.0
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = 0.0
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + 3 * r / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = ( t - ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r / 4 ) / T ) * 2 * math.pi * T / ( r )
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = math.pi
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r + 3 * math.pi * r / 2.0 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( - T * t / r + 5.0 * math.pi / 4.0 + math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 1 - math.pi / 4 ) - r * math.sqrt ( 2.0 ) , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( - T * t / r + 5.0 * math.pi / 4.0 + math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 1 - math.pi / 4 ) )
roll = math.pi
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r + 3 * math.pi * r / 2.0 + r / 4.0 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - 1 - 3 * math.pi / 2 ) * ( r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - 1 - 3 * math.pi / 2.0 ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = math.pi
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r + 3 * math.pi * r / 2.0 + 3 * r / 4.0 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - 1 - 3 * math.pi / 2 ) * ( r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - 1 - 3 * math.pi / 2.0 ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = math.pi + ( t - ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r + 3 * math.pi * r / 2.0 + r / 4.0 ) / T ) * 2 * math.pi * T / ( r )
elseif ( t < ( rsqr2 + 5.0 * math.pi * r / 4.0 + r + 3 * math.pi * r / 2.0 + r ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - 1 - 3 * math.pi / 2 ) * ( r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * t / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - math.sqrt ( 2 ) - 1 - 3 * math.pi / 2.0 ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = 0.0
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( T * t / r - ( 6 * math.pi / 4.0 + math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 2 ) ) + rsqr2 , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( T * t / r - ( 6 * math.pi / 4.0 + math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 2 ) ) )
roll = 0.0
return pos , roll
function half_reverse_cuban_eight ( t , r , unused )
local T = 3.0 * math.pi * r / 2.0 + 2 * r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) + r
local trsqr2 = 2 * r * math.sqrt ( 2 )
local pos
local roll
if ( t < ( math.pi * r / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( - T * ( 1 - t ) / r + 5.0 * math.pi / 4.0 + 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 1 - math.pi / 4 ) , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( - T * ( 1 - t ) / r + 5.0 * math.pi / 4.0 + 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) + 1 - math.pi / 4 ) )
roll = 0
elseif ( t < ( math.pi * r / 4 + r / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 3 * r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = 0
elseif ( t < ( math.pi * r / 4 + 3 * r / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 3 * r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = ( t - ( math.pi * r / 4 + r / 4 ) / T ) * 2 * math.pi * T / ( r )
elseif ( t < ( math.pi * r / 4 + r ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 3 * r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) + ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) , 0 , - r - r / math.sqrt ( 2 ) - ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 5 * math.pi / 4 - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) * ( - r * math.sqrt ( 2 ) ) )
roll = math.pi
elseif ( t < ( 3 * math.pi * r / 2 + r ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) - math.pi / 2 ) + trsqr2 , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( T * ( 1 - t ) / r - 2 * math.sqrt ( 2 ) - math.pi / 2 ) )
roll = math.pi
pos = makeVector3f ( T * ( 1 - t ) , 0.0 , 0.0 )
roll = math.pi
return pos , roll
function humpty_bump ( t , r , h )
assert ( h > 2 * r )
local T = 2 * ( math.pi * r + h - r )
local l = h - 2 * r
local pos
local roll
if ( t < ( math.pi * r / 2 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r * math.cos ( T * t / r - math.pi / 2 ) , 0 , - r - r * math.sin ( T * t / r - math.pi / 2 ) )
roll = 0
elseif ( t < ( math.pi * r / 2 + l / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r , 0 , - r - ( T * t - r * math.pi / 2 ) )
roll = 0
elseif ( t < ( math.pi * r / 2 + 3 * l / 4 ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r , 0 , - r - ( T * t - r * math.pi / 2 ) )
roll = ( t - ( math.pi * r / 2 + l / 4 ) / T ) * 2 * math.pi * T / l
elseif ( t < ( math.pi * r / 2 + l ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( r , 0 , - r - ( T * t - r * math.pi / 2 ) )
roll = math.pi
elseif ( t < ( 3 * math.pi * r / 2 + l ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 2 * r + r * math.cos ( T * t / r - 3 * math.pi / 2 - l / r ) , 0 , - r - l + r * math.sin ( T * t / r - 3 * math.pi / 2 - l / r ) )
roll = math.pi
elseif ( t < ( 3 * math.pi * r / 2 + 2 * l ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 3 * r , 0 , - r - l + ( T * t - 3 * r * math.pi / 2.0 - l ) )
roll = math.pi
elseif ( t < ( 2 * math.pi * r + 2 * l ) / T ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 2 * r + r * math.cos ( T * t / r - 3 * math.pi / 2 - 2 * l / r ) , 0 , - r + math.sin ( T * t / r - 3 * math.pi / 2 - 2 * l / r ) )
roll = math.pi
pos = makeVector3f ( 2 * r - ( T * t - 2 * r * math.pi - 2 * l ) , 0 , 0 )
roll = math.pi
return pos , roll
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
function test_height_control ( t , length , unused )
if t < 0.25 then
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 0.0 , 0.0 ) , 0.0
elseif t < 0.5 then
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 0.0 , - 10.0 ) , 0.0
elseif t < 0.75 then
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 0.0 , - 20.0 ) , 0.0
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 0.0 , - 30.0 ) , 0.0
function test_lane_change ( t , length , unused )
if t < 0.25 then
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 0.0 , 0.0 ) , 0.0
elseif t < 0.5 then
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 10.0 , 0.0 ) , 0.0
elseif t < 0.75 then
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 20.0 , 0.0 ) , 0.0
return makeVector3f ( t * length , 30.0 , 0.0 ) , 0.0
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
function path_straight_roll ( t , length , num_rolls )
local vec = makeVector3f ( t * length , 0.0 , 0.0 )
return vec , t * num_rolls * 2 * math.pi
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
--todo: change y coordinate to z for vertical box
--function aerobatic_box(t, l, w, r):
function horizontal_aerobatic_box ( t , arg1 , arg2 )
2022-09-22 03:41:18 -03:00
local r = math.abs ( arg3 )
if ( arg3 <= 0.0 ) then
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " Invalid radius value of : %f, using default. " , arg3 ) )
r = math.min ( arg1 , arg2 ) / 3.0
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
local l = arg1 - 2 * r
local w = arg2 - 2 * r
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
local perim = 2 * l + 2 * w + 2 * math.pi * r
local pos
if ( t < 0.5 * l / ( perim ) ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( perim * t , 0.0 , 0.0 )
elseif ( t < ( 0.5 * l + 0.5 * math.pi * r ) / perim ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 0.5 * l + r * math.sin ( ( perim * t - 0.5 * l ) / r ) , r * ( 1 - math.cos ( ( perim * t - 0.5 * l ) / r ) ) , 0.0 )
elseif ( t < ( 0.5 * l + 0.5 * math.pi * r + w ) / perim ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 0.5 * l + r , r + ( perim * t - ( 0.5 * l + 0.5 * math.pi * r ) ) , 0.0 )
elseif ( t < ( 0.5 * l + math.pi * r + w ) / perim ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 0.5 * l + r + r * ( - 1 + math.cos ( ( perim * t - ( 0.5 * l + 0.5 * math.pi * r + w ) ) / r ) ) , r + w + r * ( math.sin ( ( perim * t - ( 0.5 * l + 0.5 * math.pi * r + w ) ) / r ) ) , 0.0 )
elseif ( t < ( 1.5 * l + math.pi * r + w ) / perim ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( 0.5 * l - ( perim * t - ( 0.5 * l + math.pi * r + w ) ) , 2 * r + w , 0.0 )
elseif ( t < ( 1.5 * l + 1.5 * math.pi * r + w ) / perim ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( - 0.5 * l + r * ( - math.sin ( ( perim * t - ( 1.5 * l + math.pi * r + w ) ) / r ) ) , 2 * r + w + r * ( - 1 + math.cos ( ( perim * t - ( 1.5 * l + math.pi * r + w ) ) / r ) ) , 0.0 )
elseif ( t < ( 1.5 * l + 1.5 * math.pi * r + 2 * w ) / perim ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( - 0.5 * l - r , w + r - ( perim * t - ( 1.5 * l + 1.5 * math.pi * r + w ) ) , 0.0 )
elseif ( t < ( 1.5 * l + 2 * math.pi * r + 2 * w ) / perim ) then
pos = makeVector3f ( - 0.5 * l - r + r * ( 1 - math.cos ( ( perim * t - ( 1.5 * l + 1.5 * math.pi * r + 2 * w ) ) / r ) ) , r + r * ( - math.sin ( ( perim * t - ( 1.5 * l + 1.5 * math.pi * r + 2 * w ) ) / r ) ) , 0.0 )
pos = makeVector3f ( - 0.5 * l + perim * t - ( 1.5 * l + 2 * math.pi * r + 2 * w ) , 0.0 , 0.0 )
return pos , 0.0
function vertical_aerobatic_box ( t , arg1 , arg2 )
--gcs:send_text(0, string.format("t val: %f", t))
local q = Quaternion ( )
q : from_euler ( - math.rad ( 90 ) , 0 , 0 )
local point , angle = horizontal_aerobatic_box ( t , arg1 , arg2 )
q : earth_to_body ( point )
return point , angle
function target_groundspeed ( )
return ahrs : get_EAS2TAS ( ) * TRIM_ARSPD_CM : get ( ) * 0.01
--Estimate the length of the path in metres
function path_length ( path_f , arg1 , arg2 )
local dt = 0.01
local total = 0.0
for i = 0 , math.floor ( 1.0 / dt ) do
local t = i * dt
local t2 = t + dt
local v1 = path_f ( t , arg1 , arg2 )
local v2 = path_f ( t2 , arg1 , arg2 )
local dv = v2 - v1
total = total + dv : length ( )
return total
-- path_f: path function returning position
-- t: normalised [0, 1] time
-- arg1, arg2: arguments for path function
-- orientation: maneuver frame orientation
--returns: requested position in maneuver frame
function rotate_path ( path_f , t , arg1 , arg2 , orientation , offset )
point , angle = path_f ( t , arg1 , arg2 )
orientation : earth_to_body ( point )
--TODO: rotate angle?
return point + offset , angle
-- dt: sample time
-- cutoff_freq: cutoff frequency for low pass filter, in Hz
--returns: alpha value required to implement LP filter
function calc_lowpass_alpha_dt ( dt , cutoff_freq )
if dt <= 0.0 or cutoff_freq <= 0.0 then
return 1.0
local rc = 1.0 / ( 2.0 * 3.14159265 * cutoff_freq )
local drc = dt / ( dt + rc )
if drc < 0.0 then
return 0.0
if drc > 1.0 then
return 1.0
return drc
--Wrapper to construct a Vector3f{x, y, z} from (x, y, z)
function makeVector3f ( x , y , z )
local vec = Vector3f ( )
vec : x ( x )
vec : y ( y )
vec : z ( z )
return vec
--Given vec1, vec2, returns an (rotation axis, angle) tuple that rotates vec1 to be parallel to vec2
--If vec1 and vec2 are already parallel, returns a zero vector and zero angle
--Note that the rotation will not be unique.
function vectors_to_rotation ( vector1 , vector2 )
axis = vector1 : cross ( vector2 )
if axis : length ( ) < 0.00001 then
local vec = Vector3f ( )
vec : x ( 1 )
return vec , 0
axis : normalize ( )
angle = vector1 : angle ( vector2 )
return axis , angle
--returns Quaternion
function vectors_to_rotation_w_roll ( vector1 , vector2 , roll )
axis , angle = vectors_to_rotation ( vector1 , vector2 )
local vector_rotation = Quaternion ( )
vector_rotation : from_axis_angle ( axis , angle )
local roll_rotation = Quaternion ( )
roll_rotation : from_euler ( roll , 0 , 0 )
local total_rot = vector_rotation * roll_rotation
return to_axis_and_angle ( total_rot )
--Given vec1, vec2, returns an angular velocity tuple that rotates vec1 to be parallel to vec2
--If vec1 and vec2 are already parallel, returns a zero vector and zero angle
function vectors_to_angular_rate ( vector1 , vector2 , time_constant )
axis , angle = vectors_to_rotation ( vector1 , vector2 )
angular_velocity = angle / time_constant
return axis : scale ( angular_velocity )
function vectors_to_angular_rate_w_roll ( vector1 , vector2 , time_constant , roll )
axis , angle = vectors_to_rotation_w_roll ( vector1 , vector2 , roll )
angular_velocity = angle / time_constant
return axis : scale ( angular_velocity )
function to_axis_and_angle ( quat )
local axis_angle = Vector3f ( )
quat : to_axis_angle ( axis_angle )
angle = axis_angle : length ( )
if ( angle < 0.00001 ) then
return makeVector3f ( 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) , 0.0
return axis_angle : scale ( 1.0 / angle ) , angle
function test_axis_and_angle ( )
local quat = Quaternion ( )
quat : q1 ( 1.0 )
local axis , angle = to_axis_and_angle ( quat )
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " axis angle test: %f %f %f %f " , axis : x ( ) , axis : y ( ) , axis : z ( ) , angle ) )
local quat2 = Quaternion ( )
quat2 : q1 ( math.cos ( math.pi / 4 ) )
quat2 : q2 ( 0 )
quat2 : q3 ( 0 )
quat2 : q4 ( math.sin ( math.pi / 4 ) )
local axis2 , angle2 = to_axis_and_angle ( quat2 )
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " axis angle test2: %f %f %f %f " , axis2 : x ( ) , axis2 : y ( ) , axis2 : z ( ) , angle2 ) )
local quat3 = Quaternion ( )
quat3 : q1 ( math.cos ( math.pi / 2 ) )
quat3 : q2 ( 0 )
quat3 : q3 ( math.sin ( math.pi / 2 ) )
quat3 : q4 ( 0 )
local axis3 , angle3 = to_axis_and_angle ( quat3 )
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " axis angle test3: %f %f %f %f " , axis3 : x ( ) , axis3 : y ( ) , axis3 : z ( ) , angle3 ) )
--Just used this to test the above function, can probably delete now.
function test_angular_rate ( )
local vector1 = makeVector3f ( 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )
local vector2 = makeVector3f ( 1.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 )
local angular_rate = vectors_to_angular_rate ( vector1 , vector2 , 1.0 )
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " angular rate: %.1f %.1f %.1f " , math.deg ( angular_rate : x ( ) ) , math.deg ( angular_rate : y ( ) ) , math.deg ( angular_rate : z ( ) ) ) )
-- function maneuver_to_body(vec)
-- path_var.initial_maneuver_to_earth:earth_to_body(vec)
-- vec = ahrs:earth_to_body(vec)
-- return vec
-- end
--returns body frame angular rate as Vec3f
-- function path_proportional_error_correction(current_pos_ef, target_pos_ef, forward_velocity, target_velocity_ef)
-- if forward_velocity <= MIN_SPEED then
-- return makeVector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-- end
-- --time over which to correct position error
-- local time_const_pos_to_vel = POS_TC:get()
-- --time over which to achieve desired velocity
-- local time_const_vel_to_acc = VEL_TC:get()
-- local pos_err_ef = target_pos_ef - current_pos_ef
-- local correction_vel_ef = pos_err_ef:scale(1.0/time_const_pos_to_vel)
-- correction_vel_ef = correction_vel_ef:scale(forward_velocity)
-- local curr_vel_ef = ahrs:get_velocity_NED()
-- local vel_error_ef = correction_vel_ef - curr_vel_ef
-- local acc_err_bf = ahrs:earth_to_body(vel_error_ef):scale(1.0/time_const_vel_to_acc)
-- local ang_vel = makeVector3f(0, -acc_err_bf:z()/forward_velocity, acc_err_bf:y()/forward_velocity)
-- return ang_vel
-- end
local path_var = { }
path_var.count = 0
path_var.positions_ef = { }
path_var.roll_angles_bf = { }
path_var.initial_ori = Quaternion ( )
path_var.initial_maneuver_to_earth = Quaternion ( )
function do_path ( path , initial_yaw_deg , arg1 , arg2 )
local now = millis ( ) : tofloat ( ) * 0.001
path_var.count = path_var.count + 1
local target_dt = 1.0 / LOOP_RATE
if not running then
running = true
path_var.length = path_length ( path , arg1 , arg2 )
path_var.total_rate_rads_ef = makeVector3f ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )
local speed = target_groundspeed ( )
--assuming constant velocity
path_var.total_time = path_var.length / speed
path_var.last_pos , last_angle = path ( 0.0 , arg1 , arg2 ) --position at t0
--deliberately only want yaw component, because the maneuver should be performed relative to the earth, not relative to the initial orientation
path_var.initial_ori : from_euler ( 0 , 0 , math.rad ( initial_yaw_deg ) )
path_var.initial_maneuver_to_earth : from_euler ( 0 , 0 , - math.rad ( initial_yaw_deg ) )
path_var.initial_ef_pos = ahrs : get_relative_position_NED_origin ( )
local corrected_position_t0_ef , angle_t0 = rotate_path ( path , LOOKAHEAD * target_dt / path_var.total_time , arg1 , arg2 , path_var.initial_ori , path_var.initial_ef_pos )
local corrected_position_t1_ef , angle_t1 = rotate_path ( path , 2 * LOOKAHEAD * target_dt / path_var.total_time , arg1 , arg2 , path_var.initial_ori , path_var.initial_ef_pos )
path_var.start_pos = ahrs : get_position ( )
path_var.path_int = path_var.start_pos : copy ( )
height_PI.reset ( )
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
speed_PI.reset ( )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
--path_var.positions[-1] is not used in initial runthrough
path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] = corrected_position_t0_ef
path_var.positions_ef [ 1 ] = corrected_position_t1_ef
path_var.roll_angles_bf [ 0 ] = angle_t0
path_var.roll_angles_bf [ 1 ] = angle_t1
path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef = path_var.initial_ori
path_var.time_correction = 0.0
path_var.filtered_angular_velocity = Vector3f ( )
path_var.start_time = now + target_dt
path_var.last_time = now
path_var.average_dt = target_dt
path_var.scaled_dt = target_dt
path_var.path_t = 0
path_var.target_speed = speed
--TODO: dt taken from actual loop rate or just desired loop rate?
--local dt = now - path_var.last_time
--local dt = target_dt
local vel_length = ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) : length ( )
local actual_dt = now - path_var.last_time
path_var.average_dt = 0.98 * path_var.average_dt + 0.02 * actual_dt
local scaled_dt = path_var.average_dt --*vel_length/path_var.target_speed
path_var.scaled_dt = scaled_dt
path_var.last_time = now
path_var.path_t = path_var.path_t + scaled_dt / path_var.total_time
--TODO: Fix this exit condition
local t = path_var.path_t
if t > 1.0 then --done
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
return false
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
--where we aim to be on the path at this timestamp
--rotate from maneuver frame to 'local' EF
local next_target_pos_ef , next_target_angle = rotate_path ( path , path_var.path_t + LOOKAHEAD * path_var.average_dt / path_var.total_time , arg1 , arg2 , path_var.initial_ori , path_var.initial_ef_pos )
next_target_pos_ef = next_target_pos_ef
logger.write ( " TML " , ' t ' , ' f ' , path_var.path_t + LOOKAHEAD * path_var.average_dt / path_var.total_time )
path_var.positions_ef [ - 1 ] = path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] : copy ( )
path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] = path_var.positions_ef [ 1 ] : copy ( )
path_var.positions_ef [ 1 ] = next_target_pos_ef : copy ( )
--roll angle relative to maneuver position without rolling
path_var.roll_angles_bf [ - 1 ] = path_var.roll_angles_bf [ 0 ]
path_var.roll_angles_bf [ 0 ] = path_var.roll_angles_bf [ 1 ]
path_var.roll_angles_bf [ 1 ] = next_target_angle
local current_measured_pos_ef = ahrs : get_relative_position_NED_origin ( )
-- local path_error = {}
-- path_error[-1] = (current_measured_pos - path_var.positions[-1]):length()
-- path_error[0] = (current_measured_pos - path_var.positions[0]):length()
-- path_error[1] = (current_measured_pos - path_var.positions[1]):length()
--TODO: Get the "time correction" logic working
-- local smallest_error_index = -1
-- for i = 0,1,1
-- do
-- if(path_error[i] < path_error[smallest_error_index]) then
-- smallest_error_index = i
-- end
-- end
-- if(smallest_error_index == 1) then
-- path_var.positions[-1] = path_var.positions[0]
-- path_var.positions[0] = path_var.positions[1]
-- path_var.positions[1] = rotate_path(path, t + 2*dt, arg1, arg2, path_var.initial_ori)
-- end
-- if(smallest_error_index == -1) then
-- path_var.positions[1] = path_var.positions[0]
-- path_var.positions[0] = path_var.positions[-1]
-- path_var.positions[-1] = rotate_path(path, t - 2*dt, arg1, arg2, path_var.initial_ori)
-- end
-- path_var.time_correction = path_var.time_correction + smallest_error_index*target_dt
local position_error_ef = path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] - current_measured_pos_ef
local path_loc = path_var.start_pos : copy ( )
path_loc : offset ( path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] : x ( ) - path_var.initial_ef_pos : x ( ) , path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] : y ( ) - path_var.initial_ef_pos : y ( ) )
path_loc : alt ( path_loc : alt ( ) - math.floor ( path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] : z ( ) * 100 ) )
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
logger.write ( " POSM " , ' x,y,z ' , ' fff ' , current_measured_pos_ef : x ( ) , current_measured_pos_ef : y ( ) , current_measured_pos_ef : z ( ) )
logger.write ( " POST " , ' x,y,z ' , ' fff ' , path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] : x ( ) , path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] : y ( ) , path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] : z ( ) )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
logger.write ( " PERR " , ' x,y,z,tc,Lat,Lng,Alt ' , ' ffffLLf ' , position_error_ef : x ( ) , position_error_ef : y ( ) , position_error_ef : z ( ) , path_var.time_correction , path_loc : lat ( ) , path_loc : lng ( ) , path_loc : alt ( ) * 0.01 )
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
logger.write ( " SPED " , ' x,y,z,l ' , ' ffff ' , ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) : x ( ) , ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) : y ( ) , ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) : z ( ) , ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) : length ( ) )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
--velocity required to travel along trajectory
local trajectory_velocity_ef = ( path_var.positions_ef [ 1 ] - path_var.positions_ef [ - 1 ] ) : scale ( 0.5 / path_var.scaled_dt ) --derivative from -dt to dt for more accuracy
local tangent1_ef = ( path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] - path_var.positions_ef [ - 1 ] )
local tangent2_ef = ( path_var.positions_ef [ 1 ] - path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] )
local path_rate_rads_ef = vectors_to_angular_rate ( tangent1_ef , tangent2_ef , path_var.scaled_dt )
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
local path_rate_rads_bf = path_rate_rads_ef : scale ( math.deg ( 1 ) )
path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef : earth_to_body ( path_rate_rads_bf )
logger.write ( " TANG " , ' x,y,z ' , ' fff ' , path_rate_rads_bf : x ( ) , path_rate_rads_bf : y ( ) , path_rate_rads_bf : z ( ) )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
local zero_roll_angle_delta = Quaternion ( )
zero_roll_angle_delta : from_angular_velocity ( path_rate_rads_ef , path_var.scaled_dt )
path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef = zero_roll_angle_delta * path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef
path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef : normalize ( )
--velocity to correct error
local err_corr_tc = ERR_CORR_TC : get ( ) --tested with 3.0 seconds
local err_velocity_ef = ( path_var.positions_ef [ 0 ] - current_measured_pos_ef ) : scale ( 1.0 / err_corr_tc )
local total_velocity_ef = trajectory_velocity_ef + err_velocity_ef
local curr_vel_ef = ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( )
local total_ang_vel_ef = vectors_to_angular_rate ( curr_vel_ef , total_velocity_ef , 1.0 )
local total_ang_vel_bf = ahrs : earth_to_body ( total_ang_vel_ef )
local mf_axis = makeVector3f ( 1 , 0 , 0 )
path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef : earth_to_body ( mf_axis )
local orientation_rel_mf_with_roll_angle = Quaternion ( )
orientation_rel_mf_with_roll_angle : from_axis_angle ( mf_axis , path_var.roll_angles_bf [ 0 ] )
orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle = orientation_rel_mf_with_roll_angle * path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef
--logger.write("ACCO",'r,p,y', 'fff', orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:get_euler_roll(), orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:get_euler_pitch(), orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:get_euler_yaw())
--logger.write("ACCQ",'q1,q2,q3,q4', 'ffff', orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:q1(),orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:q2(),orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:q3(),orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:q4() )
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
logger.write ( " IORI " , ' r,p,y ' , ' fff ' , ahrs : get_roll ( ) , ahrs : get_pitch ( ) , ahrs : get_yaw ( ) )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
local roll_error = orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle * ahrs : get_quaternion ( ) : inverse ( )
roll_error : normalize ( )
local err_axis_ef , err_angle = to_axis_and_angle ( roll_error )
local time_const_roll = ROLL_CORR_TC : get ( )
local err_angle_rate_ef = err_axis_ef : scale ( err_angle / time_const_roll )
local err_angle_rate_bf = ahrs : earth_to_body ( err_angle_rate_ef )
local angular_velocity_bf = total_ang_vel_bf
angular_velocity_bf : x ( err_angle_rate_bf : x ( ) )
angular_velocity_bf = angular_velocity_bf : scale ( math.deg ( 1 ) )
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
logger.write ( " CAV " , ' x,y,z ' , ' fff ' , angular_velocity_bf : x ( ) , angular_velocity_bf : y ( ) , angular_velocity_bf : z ( ) )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
local target_speed = target_groundspeed ( ) --TRIM_ARSPD_CM:get()*0.01
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
throttle = speed_PI.update ( target_speed )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
throttle = constrain ( throttle , 0 , 100.0 )
vehicle : set_target_throttle_rate_rpy ( throttle , angular_velocity_bf : x ( ) , angular_velocity_bf : y ( ) , angular_velocity_bf : z ( ) )
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
return true
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
command_table = { }
command_table [ 1 ] = { path_figure_eight , " Figure Eight " }
command_table [ 2 ] = { path_vertical_circle , " Loop " }
command_table [ 3 ] = { horizontal_aerobatic_box , " Horizontal Rectangle " }
command_table [ 4 ] = { path_climbing_circle , " Climbing Circle " }
command_table [ 5 ] = { vertical_aerobatic_box , " Vertical Box " }
command_table [ 6 ] = { path_banked_circle , " Banked Circle " }
command_table [ 7 ] = { path_straight_roll , " Axial Roll " }
command_table [ 8 ] = { path_rolling_circle , " Rolling Circle " }
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
command_table [ 9 ] = { half_cuban_eight , " Half Cuban Eight " }
command_table [ 10 ] = { half_reverse_cuban_eight , " Half Reverse Cuban Eight " }
command_table [ 11 ] = { cuban_eight , " Cuban Eight " }
command_table [ 12 ] = { humpty_bump , " Humpty Bump " }
command_table [ 13 ] = { straight_flight , " Straight Flight " }
2022-09-22 03:41:18 -03:00
command_table [ 100 ] = { save_parameters , " Reading parameters " }
function save_parameters ( arg1 , arg2 )
arg3 = arg1
arg4 = arg2
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
function update ( )
id , cmd , arg1 , arg2 = vehicle : nav_script_time ( )
if id then
if id ~= last_id then
-- we've started a new command
running = false
last_id = id
repeat_count = 0
initial_yaw_deg = math.deg ( ahrs : get_yaw ( ) )
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " Starting %s! " , command_table [ cmd ] [ 2 ] ) )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
initial_height = ahrs : get_position ( ) : alt ( ) * 0.01
-- work out yaw between previous WP and next WP
local cnum = mission : get_current_nav_index ( )
-- find previous nav waypoint
local loc_prev = get_wp_location ( cnum - 1 )
local loc_next = get_wp_location ( cnum + 1 )
local i = cnum - 1
while get_wp_location ( i ) : lat ( ) == 0 and get_wp_location ( i ) : lng ( ) == 0 do
i = i - 1
loc_prev = get_wp_location ( i )
-- find next nav waypoint
i = cnum + 1
while get_wp_location ( i ) : lat ( ) == 0 and get_wp_location ( i ) : lng ( ) == 0 do
i = i + 1
loc_next = get_wp_location ( resolve_jump ( i ) )
wp_yaw_deg = math.deg ( loc_prev : get_bearing ( loc_next ) )
2022-10-06 01:49:19 -03:00
if math.abs ( wrap_180 ( initial_yaw_deg - wp_yaw_deg ) ) > 90 then
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " Doing turnaround! " ) )
wp_yaw_deg = wrap_180 ( wp_yaw_deg + 180 )
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
initial_yaw_deg = wp_yaw_deg
2022-09-22 03:41:18 -03:00
local done = false
if ( cmd == 100 ) then
--parameter node
save_parameters ( arg1 , arg2 )
done = true
2022-09-22 10:14:36 -03:00
done = not do_path ( command_table [ cmd ] [ 1 ] , initial_yaw_deg , arg1 , arg2 )
2022-09-22 03:41:18 -03:00
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
if done then
2022-09-22 03:41:18 -03:00
vehicle : nav_script_time_done ( last_id )
2022-09-22 02:56:21 -03:00
gcs : send_text ( 0 , string.format ( " Finishing %s! " , command_table [ cmd ] [ 2 ] ) )
running = false
2022-09-15 00:52:13 -03:00
running = false
return update , 1000.0 / LOOP_RATE
return update ( )