
156 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include <AP_Logger/LogStructure.h>
// @LoggerMessage: AHR2
// @Description: Backup AHRS data
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Roll: Estimated roll
// @Field: Pitch: Estimated pitch
// @Field: Yaw: Estimated yaw
// @Field: Alt: Estimated altitude
// @Field: Lat: Estimated latitude
// @Field: Lng: Estimated longitude
// @Field: Q1: Estimated attitude quaternion component 1
// @Field: Q2: Estimated attitude quaternion component 2
// @Field: Q3: Estimated attitude quaternion component 3
// @Field: Q4: Estimated attitude quaternion component 4
struct PACKED log_AHRS {
uint64_t time_us;
int16_t roll;
int16_t pitch;
uint16_t yaw;
float alt;
int32_t lat;
int32_t lng;
float q1, q2, q3, q4;
// @LoggerMessage: AOA
// @Description: Angle of attack and Side Slip Angle values
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: AOA: Angle of Attack calculated from airspeed, wind vector,velocity vector
// @Field: SSA: Side Slip Angle calculated from airspeed, wind vector,velocity vector
struct PACKED log_AOA_SSA {
uint64_t time_us;
float AOA;
float SSA;
// @LoggerMessage: ATT
// @Description: Canonical vehicle attitude
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: DesRoll: vehicle desired roll
// @Field: Roll: achieved vehicle roll
// @Field: DesPitch: vehicle desired pitch
// @Field: Pitch: achieved vehicle pitch
// @Field: DesYaw: vehicle desired yaw
// @Field: Yaw: achieved vehicle yaw
// @Field: ErrRP: lowest estimated gyro drift error
// @Field: ErrYaw: difference between measured yaw and DCM yaw estimate
// @Field: AEKF: active EKF type
struct PACKED log_Attitude {
uint64_t time_us;
int16_t control_roll;
int16_t roll;
int16_t control_pitch;
int16_t pitch;
uint16_t control_yaw;
uint16_t yaw;
uint16_t error_rp;
uint16_t error_yaw;
uint8_t active;
// @LoggerMessage: ORGN
// @Description: Vehicle navigation origin or other notable position
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Type: Position type
// @Field: Lat: Position latitude
// @Field: Lng: Position longitude
// @Field: Alt: Position altitude
struct PACKED log_ORGN {
uint64_t time_us;
uint8_t origin_type;
int32_t latitude;
int32_t longitude;
int32_t altitude;
// @LoggerMessage: POS
// @Description: Canonical vehicle position
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: Lat: Canonical vehicle latitude
// @Field: Lng: Canonical vehicle longitude
// @Field: Alt: Canonical vehicle altitude
// @Field: RelHomeAlt: Canonical vehicle altitude relative to home
// @Field: RelOriginAlt: Canonical vehicle altitude relative to navigation origin
struct PACKED log_POS {
uint64_t time_us;
int32_t lat;
int32_t lng;
float alt;
float rel_home_alt;
float rel_origin_alt;
// @LoggerMessage: RATE
// @Description: Desired and achieved vehicle attitude rates. Not logged in Fixed Wing Plane modes.
// @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup
// @Field: RDes: vehicle desired roll rate
// @Field: R: achieved vehicle roll rate
// @Field: ROut: normalized output for Roll
// @Field: PDes: vehicle desired pitch rate
// @Field: P: vehicle pitch rate
// @Field: POut: normalized output for Pitch
// @Field: Y: achieved vehicle yaw rate
// @Field: YOut: normalized output for Yaw
// @Field: YDes: vehicle desired yaw rate
// @Field: ADes: desired vehicle vertical acceleration
// @Field: A: achieved vehicle vertical acceleration
// @Field: AOut: percentage of vertical thrust output current being used
struct PACKED log_Rate {
uint64_t time_us;
float control_roll;
float roll;
float roll_out;
float control_pitch;
float pitch;
float pitch_out;
float control_yaw;
float yaw;
float yaw_out;
float control_accel;
float accel;
float accel_out;
{ LOG_AHR2_MSG, sizeof(log_AHRS), \
"AHR2","QccCfLLffff","TimeUS,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,Alt,Lat,Lng,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4","sddhmDU????", "FBBB0GG????" }, \
{ LOG_AOA_SSA_MSG, sizeof(log_AOA_SSA), \
"AOA", "Qff", "TimeUS,AOA,SSA", "sdd", "F00" }, \
{ LOG_ATTITUDE_MSG, sizeof(log_Attitude),\
"ATT", "QccccCCCCB", "TimeUS,DesRoll,Roll,DesPitch,Pitch,DesYaw,Yaw,ErrRP,ErrYaw,AEKF", "sddddhhdh-", "FBBBBBBBB-" }, \
{ LOG_ORGN_MSG, sizeof(log_ORGN), \
"ORGN","QBLLe","TimeUS,Type,Lat,Lng,Alt", "s-DUm", "F-GGB" }, \
{ LOG_POS_MSG, sizeof(log_POS), \
"POS","QLLfff","TimeUS,Lat,Lng,Alt,RelHomeAlt,RelOriginAlt", "sDUmmm", "FGG000" }, \
{ LOG_RATE_MSG, sizeof(log_Rate), \
"RATE", "Qffffffffffff", "TimeUS,RDes,R,ROut,PDes,P,POut,YDes,Y,YOut,ADes,A,AOut", "skk-kk-kk-oo-", "F?????????BB-" },