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#!/usr/bin/env python
2016-11-08 07:06:05 -04:00
from __future__ import print_function
import re
from param import known_param_fields, known_units
from emit import Emit
from cgi import escape as cescape
except Exception:
from html import escape as cescape
# Emit docs in a RST format
class RSTEmit(Emit):
def blurb(self):
if self.sitl:
return """SITL parameters"""
return """This is a complete list of the parameters which can be set (e.g. via the MAVLink protocol) to control vehicle behaviour. They are stored in persistent storage on the vehicle.
This list is automatically generated from the latest ardupilot source code, and so may contain parameters which are not yet in the stable released versions of the code.
""" # noqa
def toolname(self):
return "Tools/autotest/param_metadata/"
2021-08-18 21:37:55 -03:00
def output_fname(self):
return 'Parameters.rst'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Emit.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
2021-08-18 21:37:55 -03:00
self.f = open(self.output_fname(), mode='w')
self.spacer = re.compile("^", re.MULTILINE)
self.rstescape = re.compile("([^a-zA-Z0-9\n ])")
if self.sitl:
parameterlisttype = "SITL Parameter List"
2021-08-18 21:37:55 -03:00
parameterlisttype = "Complete Parameter List"
parameterlisttype += "\n" + "=" * len(parameterlisttype)
self.preamble = """.. Dynamically generated list of documented parameters
.. This page was generated using {toolname}
.. _parameters:
self.t = ''
def escape(self, s):
2021-08-18 21:37:55 -03:00
ret = re.sub(self.rstescape, r"\\\g<1>", s)
return ret
def close(self):
def start_libraries(self):
def tablify_row(self, rowheading, row, widths, height):
joiner = "|"
row_lines = [x.split("\n") for x in row]
for row_line in row_lines:
row_line.extend([""] * (height - len(row_line)))
if rowheading is not None:
rowheading_lines = rowheading.split("\n")
rowheading_lines.extend([""] * (height - len(rowheading_lines)))
out_lines = []
for i in range(0, height):
out_line = ""
if rowheading is not None:
rowheading_line = rowheading_lines[i]
out_line += joiner + " " + rowheading_line + " " * (widths[0] - len(rowheading_line) - 1)
joiner = "#"
j = 0
for item in row_lines:
widthnum = j
if rowheading is not None:
widthnum += 1
line = item[i]
out_line += joiner + " " + line + " " * (widths[widthnum] - len(line) - 1)
joiner = "|"
j += 1
out_line += "|"
return "\n".join(out_lines)
def tablify_longest_row_length(self, rows, rowheadings, headings):
check_width_rows = rows[:]
if headings is not None:
longest_row_length = 0
for row in check_width_rows:
if len(row) > longest_row_length:
longest_row_length = len(row)
if rowheadings is not None:
longest_row_length += 1
return longest_row_length
def longest_line_in_string(self, string):
longest = 0
for line in string.split("\n"):
if len(line) > longest:
longest = len(line)
return longest
def tablify_calc_row_widths_heights(self, rows, rowheadings, headings):
rows_to_check = []
if headings is not None:
heights = [0] * len(rows_to_check)
longest_row_length = self.tablify_longest_row_length(rows, rowheadings, headings)
widths = [0] * longest_row_length
all_rowheadings = []
if rowheadings is not None:
if headings is not None:
for rownum in range(0, len(rows_to_check)):
row = rows_to_check[rownum]
values_to_check = []
if rowheadings is not None:
colnum = 0
for value in values_to_check:
height = len(value.split("\n"))
if height > heights[rownum]:
heights[rownum] = height
longest_line = self.longest_line_in_string(value)
width = longest_line + 2 # +2 for leading/trailing ws
if width > widths[colnum]:
widths[colnum] = width
colnum += 1
return (widths, heights)
def tablify(self, rows, headings=None, rowheadings=None):
(widths, heights) = self.tablify_calc_row_widths_heights(rows, rowheadings, headings)
# create dividing lines
bar = ""
heading_bar = ""
for width in widths:
bar += "+"
heading_bar += "+"
bar += "-" * width
heading_bar += "=" * width
bar += "+"
heading_bar += "+"
# create table
ret = bar + "\n"
if headings is not None:
rowheading = None
if rowheadings is not None:
rowheading = ""
ret += self.tablify_row(rowheading, headings, widths, heights[0]) + "\n"
ret += heading_bar + "\n"
for i in range(0, len(rows)):
rowheading = None
height = i
if rowheadings is not None:
rowheading = rowheadings[i]
if headings is not None:
height += 1
ret += self.tablify_row(rowheading, rows[i], widths, heights[height]) + "\n"
ret += bar + "\n"
return ret
def render_prog_values_field(self, render_info, param, field):
values = (param.__dict__[field]).split(',')
rows = []
for value in values:
v = [x.strip() for x in value.split(':')]
return self.tablify(rows, headings=render_info["headings"])
2021-08-18 21:37:55 -03:00
def render_table_headings(self, ret, row, headings, field_table_info, field, param):
row.append(self.render_prog_values_field(field_table_info[field], param, field))
return ''
def emit(self, g):
tag = '%s Parameters' % self.escape(g.reference)
reference = "parameters_" + g.reference
field_table_info = {
"Values": {
"headings": ['Value', 'Meaning'],
"Bitmask": {
"headings": ['Bit', 'Meaning'],
ret = """
.. _{reference}:
""".format(tag=tag, underline="-" * len(tag),
for param in g.params:
if not hasattr(param, 'DisplayName') or not hasattr(param, 'Description'):
d = param.__dict__
# Get param path if defined (i.e. is duplicate parameter)
param_path = getattr(param, 'path', '')
name =':')[-1]
tag_param_path = ' (%s)' % param_path if param_path else ''
tag = '%s%s: %s' % (self.escape(name), self.escape(tag_param_path), self.escape(param.DisplayName),)
tag = tag.strip()
reference =
# remove e.g. "ArduPlane:" from start of parameter name:
reference = reference.split(":")[-1]
if param_path:
reference += '__' + param_path
ret += """
.. _{reference}:
""".format(tag=tag, tag_underline='~' * len(tag), reference=reference)
if d.get('User', None) == 'Advanced':
ret += '\n| *Note: This parameter is for advanced users*'
if d.get('RebootRequired', None) == 'True':
ret += '\n| *Note: Reboot required after change*'
elif 'RebootRequired' in d and d.get('RebootRequired') != 'True':
raise Exception("Bad RebootRequired metadata tag value for {} in {}".format(d.get('name'),d.get('real_path')))
ret += "\n\n%s\n" % self.escape(param.Description)
headings = []
row = []
for field in sorted(param.__dict__.keys()):
2021-08-18 21:37:55 -03:00
if (field not in ['name', 'DisplayName', 'Description', 'User', 'RebootRequired'] and
field in known_param_fields):
if field in field_table_info and Emit.prog_values_field.match(param.__dict__[field]):
2021-08-18 21:37:55 -03:00
ret += self.render_table_headings(ret, row, headings, field_table_info, field, param)
elif field == "Range":
(param_min, param_max) = (param.__dict__[field]).split(' ')
row.append("%s - %s" % (param_min, param_max,))
elif field == 'Units':
2021-08-17 17:10:34 -03:00
abbreviated_units = param.__dict__[field]
if abbreviated_units != '':
# use the known_units dictionary to
2021-08-17 17:10:34 -03:00
# convert the abbreviated unit into a full
# textual one:
2021-08-17 17:10:34 -03:00
units = known_units[abbreviated_units]
if len(row):
ret += "\n\n" + self.tablify([row], headings=headings) + "\n\n"
self.t += ret + "\n"
def table_test():
e = RSTEmit()
print("Test 1")
print(e.tablify([["A", "B"], ["C", "D"]]))
print("Test 2")
2016-11-08 07:06:05 -04:00
print(e.tablify([["A", "B"], ["CD\nE", "FG"]]))
print("Test 3")
print(e.tablify([["A", "B"], ["CD\nEF", "GH"]], rowheadings=["r1", "row2"]))
print("Test 4")
print(e.tablify([["A", "B"], ["CD\nEF", "GH"]], headings=["c1", "col2"]))
print("Test 5")
print(e.tablify([["A", "B"], ["CD\nEF", "GH"]], headings=["c1", "col2"], rowheadings=["r1", "row2"]))
if __name__ == '__main__':