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2014-01-27 01:09:48 -04:00
/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
* control_circle.pde - init and run calls for circle flight mode
// circle_init - initialise circle controller
static bool circle_init(bool ignore_checks)
if ((GPS_ok() && inertial_nav.position_ok()) || ignore_checks) {
circle_pilot_yaw_override = false;
return true;
return false;
// loiter_run - runs the loiter controller
// should be called at 100hz or more
static void circle_run()
float target_yaw_rate = 0;
float target_climb_rate = 0;
// if not auto armed set throttle to zero and exit immediately
if(!ap.auto_armed || ap.land_complete) {
attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0, false);
// process pilot inputs
if (! {
// get pilot's desired yaw rate
target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(g.rc_4.control_in);
if (target_yaw_rate != 0) {
circle_pilot_yaw_override = true;
// get pilot desired climb rate
target_climb_rate = get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(g.rc_3.control_in);
// check for pilot requested take-off
if (ap.land_complete && target_climb_rate > 0) {
// indicate we are taking off
// clear i term when we're taking off
// run circle controller
// call attitude controller
if (circle_pilot_yaw_override) {
attitude_control.angleef_rp_rateef_y(circle_nav.get_roll(), circle_nav.get_pitch(), target_yaw_rate);
attitude_control.angleef_rpy(circle_nav.get_roll(), circle_nav.get_pitch(), circle_nav.get_yaw());
// run altitude controller
if (sonar_alt_health >= SONAR_ALT_HEALTH_MAX) {
// if sonar is ok, use surface tracking
target_climb_rate = get_throttle_surface_tracking(target_climb_rate,G_Dt);
// update altitude target and call position controller
pos_control.set_alt_target_from_climb_rate(target_climb_rate, G_Dt);
// re-fetch angle targets for reporting
const Vector3f angle_target = attitude_control.angle_ef_targets();
control_roll = angle_target.x;
control_pitch = angle_target.y;
control_yaw = angle_target.z;
// circle navigation controller
// circle_set_center -- set circle controller's center position and starting angle
static void
circle_set_center(const Vector3f current_position, float heading_in_radians)
float max_velocity;
float cir_radius = g.circle_radius * 100;
// set circle center to circle_radius ahead of current position
circle_center.x = current_position.x + cir_radius * cos_yaw;
circle_center.y = current_position.y + cir_radius * sin_yaw;
// if we are doing a panorama set the circle_angle to the current heading
if( g.circle_radius <= 0 ) {
circle_angle = heading_in_radians;
circle_angular_velocity_max = ToRad(g.circle_rate);
circle_angular_acceleration = circle_angular_velocity_max; // reach maximum yaw velocity in 1 second
// set starting angle to current heading - 180 degrees
circle_angle = wrap_PI(heading_in_radians-PI);
// calculate max velocity based on waypoint speed ensuring we do not use more than half our max acceleration for accelerating towards the center of the circle
max_velocity = min(wp_nav.get_horizontal_velocity(), safe_sqrt(0.5f*wp_nav.get_wp_acceleration()*g.circle_radius*100.0f));
// angular_velocity in radians per second
circle_angular_velocity_max = max_velocity/((float)g.circle_radius * 100.0f);
circle_angular_velocity_max = constrain_float(ToRad(g.circle_rate),-circle_angular_velocity_max,circle_angular_velocity_max);
// angular_velocity in radians per second
circle_angular_acceleration = wp_nav.get_wp_acceleration()/((float)g.circle_radius * 100);
if (g.circle_rate < 0.0f) {
circle_angular_acceleration = -circle_angular_acceleration;
// initialise other variables
circle_angle_total = 0;
circle_angular_velocity = 0;
// initialise loiter target. Note: feed forward velocity set to zero
// To-Do: modify circle to use position controller and pass in zero velocity. Vector3f(0,0,0)
// update_circle - circle position controller's main call which in turn calls loiter controller with updated target position
static void
static float last_update; // time of last circle call
// calculate dt
uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->millis();
float dt = (now - last_update) / 1000.0f;
// ensure enough time has passed since the last iteration
if (dt >= 0.095f) {
float cir_radius = g.circle_radius * 100;
Vector3f circle_target;
// range check dt
if (dt >= 1.0f) {
dt = 0;
// update time of circle call
last_update = now;
// ramp up angular velocity to maximum
if (g.circle_rate >= 0) {
if (circle_angular_velocity < circle_angular_velocity_max) {
circle_angular_velocity += circle_angular_acceleration * dt;
circle_angular_velocity = constrain_float(circle_angular_velocity, 0, circle_angular_velocity_max);
if (circle_angular_velocity > circle_angular_velocity_max) {
circle_angular_velocity += circle_angular_acceleration * dt;
circle_angular_velocity = constrain_float(circle_angular_velocity, circle_angular_velocity_max, 0);
// update the target angle
circle_angle += circle_angular_velocity * dt;
circle_angle = wrap_PI(circle_angle);
// update the total angle travelled
circle_angle_total += circle_angular_velocity * dt;
// if the circle_radius is zero we are doing panorama so no need to update loiter target
if( g.circle_radius != 0.0 ) {
// calculate target position
circle_target.x = circle_center.x + cir_radius * cosf(-circle_angle);
circle_target.y = circle_center.y - cir_radius * sinf(-circle_angle);
circle_target.z = wp_nav.get_desired_alt();
// re-use loiter position controller
// call loiter controller
// get_look_at_yaw - updates bearing to look at center of circle or do a panorama
// should be called at 100hz
static void get_circle_yaw()
static uint8_t look_at_yaw_counter = 0; // used to reduce update rate to 10hz
// if circle radius is zero do panorama
if( g.circle_radius == 0 ) {
// slew yaw towards circle angle
control_yaw = get_yaw_slew(control_yaw, ToDeg(circle_angle)*100, AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE);
if( look_at_yaw_counter >= 10 ) {
look_at_yaw_counter = 0;
yaw_look_at_WP_bearing = pv_get_bearing_cd(inertial_nav.get_position(), yaw_look_at_WP);
// slew yaw
control_yaw = get_yaw_slew(control_yaw, yaw_look_at_WP_bearing, AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE);
// call stabilize yaw controller