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GPS_NMEA.cpp - Generic NMEA GPS library for Arduino
Code by Jordi Mu<EFBFBD>oz and Jose Julio.
This code works with boards based on ATMega168/328 and ATMega1280/2560 (Serial port 1)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GPS configuration : NMEA protocol
Baud rate : 38400
NMEA Sentences :
$GPGGA : Global Positioning System Fix Data
$GPVTG : Ttack and Ground Speed
Init() : GPS Initialization
Read() : Call this funcion as often as you want to ensure you read the incomming gps data
Lattitude : Lattitude * 10000000 (long value)
Longitude : Longitude * 10000000 (long value)
Altitude : Altitude * 1000 (milimeters) (long value)
Ground_speed : Speed (m/s) * 100 (long value)
Ground_course : Course (degrees) * 100 (long value)
Type : 2 (This indicate that we are using the Generic NMEA library)
NewData : 1 when a new data is received.
You need to write a 0 to NewData when you read the data
Fix : >=1: GPS FIX, 0: No Fix (normal logic)
Quality : 0 = No Fix
1 = Bad (Num sats < 5)
2 = Poor
3 = Medium
4 = Good
NOTE : This code has been tested on a Locosys 20031 GPS receiver (MTK chipset)
#include "GPS_NMEA.h"
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "WProgram.h"
// Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Public Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GPS_NMEA_Class::Init(void)
Type = 2;
GPS_checksum_calc = false;
bufferidx = 0;
// Initialize serial port
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)|| defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
Serial1.begin(38400); // Serial port 1 on ATMega1280/2560
// This code don<6F>t wait for data, only proccess the data available on serial port
// We can call this function on the main loop (50Hz loop)
// If we get a complete packet this function call parse_nmea_gps() to parse and update the GPS info.
void GPS_NMEA_Class::Read(void)
char c;
int numc;
int i;
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) // If AtMega1280/2560 then Serial port 1...
numc = Serial1.available();
numc = Serial.available();
if (numc > 0)
for (i=0;i<numc;i++){
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) // If AtMega1280/2560 then Serial port 1...
c =;
c =;
if (c == '$'){ // NMEA Start
bufferidx = 0;
buffer[bufferidx++] = c;
GPS_checksum = 0;
GPS_checksum_calc = true;
if (c == '\r'){ // NMEA End
buffer[bufferidx++] = 0;
else {
if (bufferidx < (GPS_BUFFERSIZE-1)){
if (c == '*')
GPS_checksum_calc = false; // Checksum calculation end
buffer[bufferidx++] = c;
if (GPS_checksum_calc)
GPS_checksum ^= c; // XOR
bufferidx=0; // Buffer overflow : restart
// Private Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void GPS_NMEA_Class::parse_nmea_gps(void)
byte NMEA_check;
long aux_deg;
long aux_min;
char *parseptr;
if (strncmp(buffer,"$GPGGA",6)==0){ // Check if sentence begins with $GPGGA
if (buffer[bufferidx-4]=='*'){ // Check for the "*" character
NMEA_check = parseHex(buffer[bufferidx-3])*16 + parseHex(buffer[bufferidx-2]); // Read the checksums characters
if (GPS_checksum == NMEA_check){ // Checksum validation
NewData = 1; // New GPS Data
parseptr = strchr(buffer, ',')+1;
//parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
Time = parsenumber(parseptr,2); // GPS UTC time
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
aux_deg = parsedecimal(parseptr,2); // degrees
aux_min = parsenumber(parseptr+2,4); // minutes (sexagesimal) => Convert to decimal
Lattitude = aux_deg*10000000 + (aux_min*50)/3; // degrees + minutes/0.6 (*10000000) (0.6 = 3/5)
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
if (*parseptr=='S')
Lattitude = -1*Lattitude; // South Lattitudes are negative
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
// W Longitudes are Negative
aux_deg = parsedecimal(parseptr,3); // degrees
aux_min = parsenumber(parseptr+3,4); // minutes (sexagesimal)
Longitude = aux_deg*10000000 + (aux_min*50)/3; // degrees + minutes/0.6 (*10000000)
//Longitude = -1*Longitude; // This Assumes that we are in W longitudes...
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
if (*parseptr=='W')
Longitude = -1*Longitude; // West Longitudes are negative
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
Fix = parsedecimal(parseptr,1);
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
NumSats = parsedecimal(parseptr,2);
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
HDOP = parsenumber(parseptr,1); // HDOP * 10
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
Altitude = parsenumber(parseptr,1)*100; // Altitude in decimeters*100 = milimeters
if (Fix < 1)
Quality = 0; // No FIX
else if(NumSats<5)
Quality = 1; // Bad (Num sats < 5)
else if(HDOP>30)
Quality = 2; // Poor (HDOP > 30)
else if(HDOP>25)
Quality = 3; // Medium (HDOP > 25)
Quality = 4; // Good (HDOP < 25)
if (PrintErrors)
Serial.println("GPSERR: Checksum error!!");
else if (strncmp(buffer,"$GPVTG",6)==0){ // Check if sentence begins with $GPVTG
if (buffer[bufferidx-4]=='*'){ // Check for the "*" character
NMEA_check = parseHex(buffer[bufferidx-3])*16 + parseHex(buffer[bufferidx-2]); // Read the checksums characters
if (GPS_checksum == NMEA_check){ // Checksum validation
parseptr = strchr(buffer, ',')+1;
Ground_Course = parsenumber(parseptr,2); // Ground course in degrees * 100
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
Ground_Speed = parsenumber(parseptr,2)*10/36; // Convert Km/h to m/s (*100)
//GPS_line = true;
if (PrintErrors)
Serial.println("GPSERR: Checksum error!!");
bufferidx = 0;
if (PrintErrors)
Serial.println("GPSERR: Bad sentence!!");
// Parse hexadecimal numbers
byte GPS_NMEA_Class::parseHex(char c) {
if (c < '0')
return (0);
if (c <= '9')
return (c - '0');
if (c < 'A')
return (0);
if (c <= 'F')
return ((c - 'A')+10);
// Decimal number parser
long GPS_NMEA_Class::parsedecimal(char *str,byte num_car) {
long d = 0;
byte i;
i = num_car;
while ((str[0] != 0)&&(i>0)) {
if ((str[0] > '9') || (str[0] < '0'))
return d;
d *= 10;
d += str[0] - '0';
return d;
// Function to parse fixed point numbers (numdec=number of decimals)
long GPS_NMEA_Class::parsenumber(char *str,byte numdec) {
long d = 0;
byte ndec = 0;
while (str[0] != 0) {
if (str[0] == '.'){
ndec = 1;
else {
if ((str[0] > '9') || (str[0] < '0'))
return d;
d *= 10;
d += str[0] - '0';
if (ndec > 0)
if (ndec > numdec) // we reach the number of decimals...
return d;
return d;