This is the unified workspace to be used with all the robots, starting from drones, ground robots and legged.
.gitignore | ||
packages_https_m300.rosinstall | || |
DJI M300
This workspace includes relevant packages to run rosbuzz with the DJI OSDK on the M300 drones.
The workspace has been tested in Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic.
Dependencies to install
sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python-wstool ros-kinetic-cmake-modules protobuf-compiler autoconf ros-kinetic-mavros* ros-kinetic-tf* \
ros-kinetic-rviz ros-kinetic-cv-bridge ros-kinetic-image-geometry ros-kinetic-pcl-* ros-kinetic-octomap* ros-kinetic-image-proc \
ros-kinetic-nmea-comms ffmpeg libusb-1.0-0-dev libsdl2-dev
Clone the package
git clone
Setup the workspace
cd mist_ws
wstool init
wstool merge packages_https_m300.rosinstall
wstool update
Build the whole workspace
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIM=0 -DKIN=1
catkin build
- In case of permission error, make sure to follow the permission section to have read/write access for the uart communication.