
94 lines
3.9 KiB

from nicegui import ui, binding, app, run
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
import docker
import time
docker_client = docker.from_env()
# Dictionary of applications: key is the button text, value is the command to execute
applications = {
"Terminal": ["qterminal"],
"rqt": ["rqt"],
"rviz2": ["rviz2"],
"Gazebo": ["/gz_entrypoint.sh"],
"Gazebo Standalone": "gz sim -v4".split(),
# Add more applications here if needed
# Function to launch an application
def launch_app(command):
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"{command[0]} not found. Make sure it's installed and accessible in the PATH.")
# Create the NiceGUI interface
ui.label("Spiri Robotics SDK").style('font-size: 40px; margin-bottom: 10px;').classes('w-full text-center')
robots = []
from spiri_sdk_guitools.sim_drone import Robot
import aiodocker
import asyncio
async def main():
with ui.tabs().classes('w-full') as tabs:
tab_tools = ui.tab('Tools')
tab_robots = ui.tab('Robots')
# two = ui.tab('Two')
with ui.tab_panels(tabs, value=tab_tools).classes("w-full"):
with ui.tab_panel(tab_tools):
# Create and place buttons dynamically based on the dictionary
with ui.grid(columns=3):
for app_name, command in applications.items():
ui.button(app_name, on_click=lambda cmd=command: launch_app(cmd)).style('width: 150px; height: 50px; margin: 5px;')
with ui.tab_panel(tab_robots):
new_robot_widget = ui.element().classes("w-1/2")
with ui.element().classes("w-1/2"):
def cleanup_all_containers():
#Find all containers that start with spiri-sdk
containers = docker_client.containers.list(all=True)
removal_count = 0
for container in containers:
if container.name.startswith("robot-sim-"):
removal_count += 1
ui.label(f"Removed {removal_count} containers")
ui.button("Cleanup all containers", on_click=cleanup_all_containers)
ui.label("Current robots").classes("text-3xl")
robots_widget = ui.element().classes("w-full")
#Add a new robot
with new_robot_widget:
ui.label("Add new robot").classes("text-3xl")
newRobotParams = defaultdict(binding.BindableProperty)
ui.number(value=1, label="SysID", min=1, max=254,
).bind_value(newRobotParams, 'sysid')
default_robot_compose = (
"#/robots/spiri-mu/virtual_camera/docker-compose.yaml --build"
ui.label("Compose files").classes("text-xl")
ui.codemirror(value=default_robot_compose, language="bash", theme="basicDark").bind_value(newRobotParams, 'compose_files')
async def new_robot():
compose_files = []
#Split on comma or newline, and remove comments
for line in newRobotParams['compose_files'].split('\n'):
line = line.split('#')[0].strip()
if line:
current_robot = newRobotParams.copy()
current_robot['compose_files'] = compose_files
robot = Robot(**current_robot)
newRobotParams['sysid'] += 1
ui.button("Add", on_click=new_robot)
# Start the NiceGUI application
ui.run(title="Spiri SDK Launcher", port=8923, dark=None)