feature/multiple-compose #11

unsalted_salt merged 7 commits from feature/multiple-compose into master 2024-11-18 14:27:31 -04:00

@traverseda fix for virtual camera docker container. plus added missing package in virtual camera dockerfile.

@traverseda fix for virtual camera docker container. plus added missing package in virtual camera dockerfile.
unsalted_salt added 6 commits 2024-11-18 13:55:54 -04:00
add missing apt package ros-gz-image
Some checks failed
Build Docs / build (push) Failing after 49s
Update for more reliable compose
Some checks failed
Build Docs / build (push) Failing after 49s
Simplified ros topic filter
Some checks failed
Build Docs / build (push) Failing after 44s
Added more useful docker tools
Some checks failed
Build Docs / build (push) Failing after 45s
Made robot container header larger
Some checks failed
Build Docs / build (push) Has been cancelled
Made detail widget uneditable
Some checks failed
Build Docs / build (push) Failing after 49s
unsalted_salt added 1 commit 2024-11-18 14:21:38 -04:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into feature/multiple-compose
Some checks failed
Build Docs / build (push) Has been cancelled

Fixed remote, it was outdated due to this branch was deleted and then created again.. should be ok to merge to master now.. these changes are done by Alex, on Friday afternoon.

Fixed remote, it was outdated due to this branch was deleted and then created again.. should be ok to merge to master now.. these changes are done by Alex, on Friday afternoon.
unsalted_salt merged commit 8c8e889571 into master 2024-11-18 14:27:31 -04:00
unsalted_salt deleted branch feature/multiple-compose 2024-11-18 14:27:32 -04:00
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Reference: Spiri/spiri-sdk#11
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