# flash-devices-batch.sh # Expects .env file to have the following structure: # # DEVICES=" # /dev/ttyUSB0,230400 # /dev/ttyUSB1,230400 # /dev/ttyUSB2,230400 # " # #!/bin/sh # Load environment variables from .env file . ./.env # Iterate over each device in the DEVICES string for device in $DEVICES; do # Split the device string into path and baud rate DEVICE_PATH=$(echo $device | cut -d',' -f1) BAUD_RATE=$(echo $device | cut -d',' -f2) # Export the variables for docker-compose to use export DEVICE_PATH export BAUD_RATE # Run docker-compose with the current device docker compose -f docker-compose-flash-device.yml up --build # Optionally, bring down the containers after each run docker compose -f docker-compose-flash-device.yml down done