standalone #1

aqua3 merged 10 commits from standalone into main 2024-07-11 15:54:35 -03:00
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c704880053 - Show all commits

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@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
- `docker compose -f docker-compose-test-stadalone.yml up --build`
- To run xbee_mav as an exclusive service to flash xbee devices, use:
- `docker compose -f docker-compose-flash-device.yml up --build`
Note: The xbee config file is located in: `/xbeemav/Resources/XBee_Config.xml`
Note: The xbee config file is located in: `/xbeemav/Resources/XBee_Config.xml`.
This setup assumes the xbee is attached to /dev/ttyUSB0 and programmed to work at a baud rate of 230400.
## Description