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Emran Billah 2a68639632 Fixing error related to unreferenced stime. Replacing with ctime resolves build issues, but might pose challenges down the road. Point to note, if things start looking weird 2024-04-28 13:51:21 -03:00
buzz_scripts minor fix to state machine and CA gains tuning 2019-04-11 11:59:27 -04:00
include/rosbuzz move rosbuzz headers and reneabled pursuit and graph formation from webcontrol 2019-04-10 14:14:19 -04:00
launch Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MISTLab/ROSBuzz 2019-04-10 14:57:11 -04:00
misc Add spiri case to cmdlinectr.sh 2018-09-26 15:11:29 -04:00
msg Neighbours pos publisher addition 2017-01-09 17:15:33 -05:00
src Fixing error related to unreferenced stime. Replacing with ctime resolves build issues, but might pose challenges down the road. Point to note, if things start looking weird 2024-04-28 13:51:21 -03:00
.gitignore logger addition 2017-08-30 21:02:37 -04:00
CMakeLists.txt implemented Voronoi Centroid tessellation - still need works 2018-11-07 10:24:06 -05:00
package.xml generalized some parts of RRT and complete export occ_grid 2017-12-20 12:20:43 -05:00
readme.md Update readme.md 2019-05-28 10:25:48 -04:00




ROSBuzz is a ROS node encompassing Buzz Virtual Machine (BVM) and interfacing with ROS ecosystem for mobile robots. The only node of the package is rosbuzz_node. It can be used in simulation-in-the-loop using Gazebo and was tested over many platforms (Clearpath Husky, DJI M100, Intel Aero, 3DR Solos, Pleidis Spiris, etc.). More information about ROSBuzz peripheral nodes is available in [1].

What is Buzz?

Buzz is a novel programming language for heterogeneous robots swarms. Buzz advocates a compositional approach, by offering primitives to define swarm behaviors both in a bottom-up and in a top-down fashion. Its official documentation and code are available Buzz.


  • Buzz:

Follow the required steps in Buzz.

  • ROS base binary distribution (Indigo or higher):

Follow the required steps in ROS Kinetic. Note that the guidance and camera node of DJI for the M100 require to use the Indigo distribution.

  • ROS additionnal dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-mavros ros-<distro>-mavros-extras


mkdir -p ROS_WS/src
cd ROS_WS/src
git clone https://github.com/MISTLab/ROSBuzz rosbuzz
cd ..
catkin_make -DSIM=0 -DKIN=1

Compilation Flags

Flags to be passed during compilation.

Flag Rationale
-DSIM Indicates Compilation for robot or Simulation.
-DKIN Indicates compilation for ROS Distro Kinetic

Source ROS environment

source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source ~/ROS_WS/devel/setup.bash


To run the ROSBuzz package using the launch file, execute the following:

$ roslaunch rosbuzz rosbuzz.launch

Have a look at the launch file to understand what parameters are available to suit your usage. All topics and services names are listed in launch_config/topics.yaml. Note : Before launching the ROSBuzz node, verify all the parameters in the launch file. A launch file using gdb is available too (rosbuzzd.launch).

A launch file for a groundstation is also available launch/groundstation.launch. It uses the robot ID = 0, which is detected as a groundstation by our Buzz scripts. It also has hardcoded GPS coordinates to avoid the need of a GPS sensor on the groundstation. While a groundstation is never required to deploy a swarm with ROSBuzz, it opens a websocket on ROS, useful to monitor the swarm and it creates a rosbag of the flight.

  • Buzz scripts: Several behavioral scripts are included in the "buzz_Scripts" folder, such as "graphformGPS.bzz" uses in [1] and the "testaloneWP.bzz" to control a single drone with a ".csv" list of waypoints. The script "empty.bzz" is a template script.


  • Messages from Buzz (BVM): The node publishes mavros_msgs/Mavlink message "outMavlink".

  • Command to the flight controller: The node publishes geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message "setpoint_position/local".

  • Other information from the swarw: The node publishes:

    • "bvmstate" (std_msgs/String)
    • "neighbours_pos" (rosbuzz_msgs/neigh_pos)
    • "fleet_status" (mavros_msgs/Mavlink)


  • Information from the Robot controller (mavros compliant): The node subscribes to:

    • "global_position/global" (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message)
    • "global_position/rel_alt" (std_msgs/Float64)
    • "local_position/pose" (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
    • "battery" (sensor_msgs/BatteryState)
    • either "extended_state" (mavros_msgs/ExtendedState) or "state" (mavros_msgs/State)
  • Messages to Buzz (BVM): The node subscribes to mavros_msgs/Mavlink incoming message with name "inMavlink".


  • Remote Controller: The package offers a service "buzzcmd" (mavros_msgs/CommandLong) to control it. In the "misc" folder, a bash script shows how to control the swarm state from the command line.


  • [1] ROS and Buzz : consensus-based behaviors for heterogeneous teams. St-Onge, D., Shankar Varadharajan, V., Li, G., Svogor, I. and Beltrame, G. arXiv : https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.08843

  • [2] Over-The-Air Updates for Robotic Swarms. Submitted to IEEE Software (August 2017). 8pgs. Shankar Varadharajan, V., St-Onge, D., Guß, C. and Beltrame, G.

Visual Studio Code

To activate highlights of the code in Visual Studio Code or Roboware add the following to settings.json:

    "files.associations": {