function checkusers() { # Read a value from the structure if(size(users)>0) log("Got a user!") # log(users) #users_print(users.dataG) # if(size(users.dataG)>0) # vt.put("p", users.dataG) # Get the number of keys in the structure #log("The vstig has ", vt.size(), " elements") # users_save(vt.get("p")) # table_print(users.dataL) } function users_save(t) { if(size(t)>0) { foreach(t, function(id, tab) { #log("id: ",id," Latitude ",, "Longitude ", tab.lo) add_user_rb(id,,tab.lo) }) } } # printing the contents of a table: a custom function function table_print(t) { if(size(t)>0) { foreach(t, function(u, tab) { log("id: ",u," Range ", tab.r, "Bearing ", tab.b) }) } }