include "vec2.bzz" include "update.bzz" include "barrier.bzz" # don't use a stigmergy id=80 (auto-increment up) with this header. include "uavstates.bzz" # require an 'action' function to be defined here. include "vstigenv.bzz" function action() { uav_storegoal(-1.0,-1.0,-1.0) set_goto(picture) } # Executed once at init time. function init() { statef=turnedoff UAVSTATE = "TURNEDOFF" uav_initstig() TARGET_ALTITUDE = 15.0 } # Executed at each time step. function step() { uav_rccmd() statef() log("Current state: ", UAVSTATE) } # Executed once when the robot (or the simulator) is reset. function reset() { } # Executed once at the end of experiment. function destroy() { }