# Write to matrix robot_marker = "X" # copy a full matrix row function mat_copyrow(out,ro,in,ri){ out[ro] = {} var icr = 1 while(icr <= size(in[ri])) { out[ro][icr]=in[ri][icr] icr = icr + 1 } } function getvec(t,row){ return math.vec2.new(t[row][1],t[row][2]) } function init_test_map(len){ map = {} var indexR = 1 while(indexR <= len) { map[indexR] = {} var indexC = 1 while(indexC <= len) { map[indexR][indexC] = 1.0 indexC = indexC + 1 } indexR = indexR + 1 } # DEBUG\TEST: puts an obstacle right in the middle map[5][5] = 0.0 map[6][5] = 0.0 map[4][5] = 0.0 log("Occupancy grid initialized (",size(map),"x",size(map[1]),") with obstacles.") } function init_map(len){ map = {} var indexR = 1 while(indexR <= len) { map[indexR] = {} var indexC = 1 while(indexC <= len) { map[indexR][indexC] = 1.0 indexC = indexC + 1 } indexR = indexR + 1 } log("Occupancy grid initialized (",size(map),"x",size(map[1]),").") } function add_obstacle(pos, off, inc_trust) { var xi = math.round(pos.x) var yi = math.round(pos.y) if(xi <= size(map) and yi <= size(map[1]) and xi > 0 and yi > 0) { # log("Add obstacle in cell: ", xi, " ", yi) var old=map[xi][yi] if(old-inc_trust > 0.0) map[xi][yi] = old-inc_trust else map[xi][yi] = 0.0 } } function remove_obstacle(pos, off, dec_trust) { var xi = math.round(pos.x) var yi = math.round(pos.y) if(xi <= size(map) and yi <= size(map[1]) and xi > 0 and yi > 0) { # log("Remove obstacle in cell: ", xi, " ", yi) var old=map[xi][yi] if(old + dec_trust < 1.0) #x,y map[xi][yi] = old+dec_trust else map[xi][yi] = 1.0 } } function get_occupied_cells(cur_cell){ var i = 1 var occupied_cells = {} occupied_cells[0] = cur_cell occupied_cells[1] = math.vec2.new(cur_cell.x + 1, cur_cell.y) occupied_cells[2] = math.vec2.new(cur_cell.x - 1, cur_cell.y) occupied_cells[3] = math.vec2.new(cur_cell.x, cur_cell.y + 1) occupied_cells[4] = math.vec2.new(cur_cell.x, cur_cell.y - 1) return occupied_cells } function is_in(dictionary, x, y){ var i = 0 while(i < size(dictionary)){ if(dictionary[i].x == x and dictionary[i].y == y){ return 1 } i = i + 1 } return 0 } function table_print(t) { foreach(t, function(key, value) { log(key, " -> ", value) }) } function table_copy(t) { var t2 = {} foreach(t, function(key, value) { t2[key] = value }) return t2 } function print_pos(t) { var ir=1 while(ir <= size(t)) { log(ir, ": ", t[ir][1], " ", t[ir][2]) ir = ir + 1 } } function print_map(t) { var ir=size(t) log("Printing a ", size(t), " by ", size(t[1]), " map") while(ir > 0) { logst=string.concat("\t", string.tostring(ir), "\t:") ic = size(t[ir]) while(ic > 0) { if(ir==cur_cell.x and ic==cur_cell.y) logst = string.concat(logst, " XXXXXXXX") else logst = string.concat(logst, " ", string.tostring(t[ir][ic])) ic = ic - 1 } log(logst) ir = ir - 1 } export_map(map) }