#pragma once #include #include #include #include "mavros_msgs/GlobalPositionTarget.h" #include "mavros_msgs/CommandCode.h" #include "mavros_msgs/CommandLong.h" #include "mavros_msgs/CommandBool.h" #include "mavros_msgs/ExtendedState.h" #include "mavros_msgs/SetMode.h" #include "mavros_msgs/State.h" #include "mavros_msgs/BatteryStatus.h" #include "mavros_msgs/Mavlink.h" #include "mavros_msgs/PositionTarget.h" #include "sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus.h" #include "mavros_msgs/WaypointPush.h" #include "mavros_msgs/Waypoint.h" #include "mavros_msgs/PositionTarget.h" #include "mavros_msgs/StreamRate.h" #include "mavros_msgs/ParamGet.h" #include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h" #include "std_msgs/Float64.h" #include #include #include #include #include "buzz_utility.h" #include "uav_utility.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "buzzuav_closures.h" #define UPDATER_MESSAGE_CONSTANT 987654321 #define XBEE_MESSAGE_CONSTANT 586782343 #define XBEE_STOP_TRANSMISSION 4355356352 #define TIMEOUT 60 #define BUZZRATE 10 #define CMD_REQUEST_UPDATE 666 using namespace std; namespace rosbzz_node { class roscontroller { public: roscontroller(ros::NodeHandle& n_c, ros::NodeHandle& n_c_priv); ~roscontroller(); //void RosControllerInit(); void RosControllerRun(); static const string CAPTURE_SRV_DEFAULT_NAME; private: struct num_robot_count { uint8_t history[10]; uint8_t index = 0; uint8_t current = 0; num_robot_count(){} }; typedef struct num_robot_count Num_robot_count ; // not useful in cpp struct gps { double longitude=0.0; double latitude=0.0; float altitude=0.0; }; typedef struct gps GPS ; // not useful in cpp GPS target, home, cur_pos; double cur_rel_altitude; uint64_t payload; std::map< int, buzz_utility::Pos_struct> neighbours_pos_map; std::map< int, buzz_utility::Pos_struct> raw_neighbours_pos_map; //std::map< int, buzz_utility::Pos_struct> pub_neigh_pos; int timer_step=0; int robot_id=0; std::string robot_name = ""; //int oldcmdID=0; int rc_cmd; float fcu_timeout; int armstate; int barrier; int message_number=0; uint8_t no_of_robots=0; /*tmp to be corrected*/ uint8_t no_cnt=0; uint8_t old_val=0 ; std::string bzzfile_name; std::string fcclient_name; std::string armclient; std::string modeclient; std::string rcservice_name; std::string bcfname,dbgfname; std::string out_payload; std::string in_payload; std::string obstacles_topic; std::string stand_by; std::string xbeesrv_name; std::string capture_srv_name; std::string setpoint_name; std::string stream_client_name; std::string relative_altitude_sub_name; std::string setpoint_nonraw; bool rcclient; bool xbeeplugged = false; bool multi_msg; Num_robot_count count_robots; ros::ServiceClient mav_client; ros::ServiceClient xbeestatus_srv; ros::ServiceClient capture_srv; ros::Publisher payload_pub; ros::Publisher MPpayload_pub; ros::Publisher neigh_pos_pub; ros::Publisher localsetpoint_nonraw_pub; ros::ServiceServer service; ros::Subscriber current_position_sub; ros::Subscriber users_sub; ros::Subscriber battery_sub; ros::Subscriber payload_sub; ros::Subscriber flight_estatus_sub; ros::Subscriber flight_status_sub; ros::Subscriber obstacle_sub; ros::Subscriber Robot_id_sub; ros::Subscriber relative_altitude_sub; std::string local_pos_sub_name; ros::Subscriber local_pos_sub; double local_pos_new[3]; ros::ServiceClient stream_client; int setpoint_counter; double my_x = 0, my_y = 0; std::ofstream log; /*Commands for flight controller*/ //mavros_msgs::CommandInt cmd_srv; mavros_msgs::CommandLong cmd_srv; std::vector m_sMySubscriptions; std::map m_smTopic_infos; mavros_msgs::CommandBool m_cmdBool; ros::ServiceClient arm_client; mavros_msgs::SetMode m_cmdSetMode; ros::ServiceClient mode_client; /*Initialize publisher and subscriber, done in the constructor*/ void Initialize_pub_sub(ros::NodeHandle& n_c); std::string current_mode; // SOLO SPECIFIC: just so you don't call the switch to same mode /*Obtain data from ros parameter server*/ void Rosparameters_get(ros::NodeHandle& n_c_priv); /*compiles buzz script from the specified .bzz file*/ std::string Compile_bzz(std::string bzzfile_name); /*Flight controller service call*/ void flight_controller_service_call(); /*Neighbours pos publisher*/ void neighbours_pos_publisher(); void send_MPpayload(); /*Prepare messages and publish*/ void prepare_msg_and_publish(); /*Refresh neighbours Position for every ten step*/ void maintain_pos(int tim_step); /*Puts neighbours position inside neigbours_pos_map*/ void neighbours_pos_put(int id, buzz_utility::Pos_struct pos_arr ); /*Puts raw neighbours position in lat.,long.,alt. inside raw_neigbours_pos_map*/ void raw_neighbours_pos_put(int id, buzz_utility::Pos_struct pos_arr ); /*Set the current position of the robot callback*/ void set_cur_pos(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude); /*convert from spherical to cartesian coordinate system callback */ float constrainAngle(float x); void gps_rb(GPS nei_pos, double out[]); void gps_ned_cur(float &ned_x, float &ned_y, GPS t); void gps_ned_home(float &ned_x, float &ned_y); void gps_convert_ned(float &ned_x, float &ned_y, double gps_t_lon, double gps_t_lat, double gps_r_lon, double gps_r_lat); /*battery status callback */ void battery(const mavros_msgs::BatteryStatus::ConstPtr& msg); /*flight extended status callback*/ void flight_extended_status_update(const mavros_msgs::ExtendedState::ConstPtr& msg); /*flight status callback*/ void flight_status_update(const mavros_msgs::State::ConstPtr& msg); /*current position callback*/ void current_pos(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::ConstPtr& msg); void users_pos(const rosbuzz::neigh_pos msg); /*current relative altitude callback*/ void current_rel_alt(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& msg); /*payload callback callback*/ void payload_obt(const mavros_msgs::Mavlink::ConstPtr& msg); /* RC commands service */ bool rc_callback(mavros_msgs::CommandLong::Request &req, mavros_msgs::CommandLong::Response &res); /*robot id sub callback*/ void set_robot_id(const std_msgs::UInt8::ConstPtr& msg); /*Obstacle distance table callback*/ void obstacle_dist(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan::ConstPtr& msg); /*Get publisher and subscriber from YML file*/ void GetSubscriptionParameters(ros::NodeHandle& node_handle); /*Arm/disarm method that can be called from buzz*/ void Arm(); /*set mode like guided for solo*/ void SetMode(std::string mode, int delay_miliseconds); /*Robot independent subscribers*/ void Subscribe(ros::NodeHandle& n_c); void local_pos_callback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& pose); //void WaypointMissionSetup(float lat, float lng, float alt); void fc_command_setup(); void SetLocalPosition(float x, float y, float z, float yaw); void SetLocalPositionNonRaw(float x, float y, float z, float yaw); void SetStreamRate(int id, int rate, int on_off); void get_number_of_robots(); void GetRobotId(); bool GetDequeFull(bool &result); bool GetRssi(float &result); bool TriggerAPIRssi(const uint8_t short_id); bool GetAPIRssi(const uint8_t short_id, float &result); bool GetRawPacketLoss(const uint8_t short_id, float &result); bool GetFilteredPacketLoss(const uint8_t short_id, float &result); void get_xbee_status(); }; }