include "update.bzz" # don't use a stigmergy id=11 with this header, for barrier # it requires an 'action' function to be defined here. include "act/states.bzz" include "plan/rrtstar.bzz" include "taskallocate/graphformGPS.bzz" include "vstigenv.bzz" #State launched after takeoff AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE = "FORMATION" TARGET = 9.0 EPSILON = 30.0 ##### # Vehicule type: # 0 -> outdoor flying vehicle # 1 -> indoor flying vehicle # 2 -> outdoor wheeled vehicle # 3 -> indoor wheeled vehicle V_TYPE = 0 goal_list = { .0={.x = 45.5088103899, .y = -73.1540826153, .z = 2.5} } # Executed once at init time. function init() { init_stig() init_swarm() TARGET_ALTITUDE = 10 + id*2.0 # m loop = 1 # start the swarm command listener nei_cmd_listen() # Starting state: TURNEDOFF to wait for user input. BVMSTATE = "TURNEDOFF" } # Executed at each time step. function step() { # listen to Remote Controller rc_cmd_listen() # update the vstig (status/net/batt/...) # uav_updatestig() # # State machine # if(BVMSTATE=="TURNEDOFF") statef=turnedoff else if(BVMSTATE=="STOP") # ends on turnedoff statef=stop else if(BVMSTATE=="LAUNCH") # ends on AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE statef=launch else if(BVMSTATE=="GOHOME") # ends on AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE statef=goinghome else if(BVMSTATE=="IDLE") statef=idle else if(BVMSTATE=="AGGREGATE") statef=aggregate else if(BVMSTATE=="FORMATION") statef=formation else if(BVMSTATE=="PURSUIT") statef=pursuit else if(BVMSTATE=="TASK_ALLOCATE") # or bidding ? statef=resetGraph else if(BVMSTATE=="GRAPH_FREE") statef=DoFree else if(BVMSTATE=="GRAPH_ASKING") statef=DoAsking else if(BVMSTATE=="GRAPH_JOINING") statef=DoJoining else if(BVMSTATE=="GRAPH_JOINED") statef=DoJoined else if(BVMSTATE=="GRAPH_TRANSTOLOCK") statef=TransitionToLock else if(BVMSTATE=="GRAPH_LOCK") # move all together (TODO: not tested), but auto-loop in graph list statef=DoLock else if(BVMSTATE=="PATHPLAN") # ends on navigate, defined in rrtstar statef=rrtstar else if(BVMSTATE=="NAVIGATE") # ends on idle, defined in rrtstar statef=navigate else if(BVMSTATE == "FOLLOW") #TODO: not tested in new structure statef=follow else if(BVMSTATE == "PICTURE") #TODO: not tested in new structure statef=take_picture statef() log("Current state: ", BVMSTATE) } # Executed once when the robot (or the simulator) is reset. function reset() { } # Executed once at the end of experiment. function destroy() { }