# We need this for 2D vectors # Make sure you pass the correct include path to "bzzc -I ..." include "vec2.bzz" #################################################################################################### # Updater related # This should be here for the updater to work, changing position of code will crash the updater #################################################################################################### updated="update_ack" update_no=0 function updated_neigh(){ neighbors.broadcast(updated, update_no) } TARGET_ALTITUDE = 5.0 # Executed once at init time. function init() { } # Executed at each time step. function step() { if(flight.rc_cmd==22) { flight.rc_cmd=0 uav_takeoff(TARGET_ALTITUDE) } else if(flight.rc_cmd==21) { flight.rc_cmd=0 uav_land() } else if(flight.rc_cmd==16) { flight.rc_cmd=0 uav_goto() } # test moveto cmd #if( flight.status == 2 and position.altitude >= TARGET_ALTITUDE-TARGET_ALTITUDE/20.0) # uav_moveto(0.5, 0.5) } # Executed once when the robot (or the simulator) is reset. function reset() { } # Executed once at the end of experiment. function destroy() { }