include "vec2.bzz" include "update.bzz" include "barrier.bzz" # don't use a stigmergy id=11 with this header. include "uavstates.bzz" # require an 'action' function to be defined here. include "vstigenv.bzz" TARGET_ALTITUDE = 10.0 # Lennard-Jones parameters TARGET = 12.0 EPSILON = 14.0 # Lennard-Jones interaction magnitude function lj_magnitude(dist, target, epsilon) { return -(epsilon / dist) * ((target / dist)^4 - (target / dist)^2) #return -(4 * epsilon) * ((target / dist)^12 - (target / dist)^6) } # Neighbor data to LJ interaction vector function lj_vector(rid, data) { return math.vec2.newp(lj_magnitude(data.distance, TARGET, EPSILON), data.azimuth) } # Accumulator of neighbor LJ interactions function lj_sum(rid, data, accum) { return math.vec2.add(data, accum) } function user_attract(t) { fus =, 0.0) if(size(t)>0) { foreach(t, function(u, tab) { #log("id: ",u," Range ", tab.r, "Bearing ", tab.b) fus = math.vec2.add(fus, math.vec2.newp(lj_magnitude(tab.r, 3 * TARGET / 4.0, EPSILON * 2.0), tab.b)) }) math.vec2.scale(fus, 1.0 / size(t)) } #print("User attract:", fus.x," ", fus.y, " [", size(t), "]") return fus } # Calculates and actuates the flocking interaction function action() { statef=action # Calculate accumulator var accum =,, 0.0)) if(neighbors.count() > 0) accum = math.vec2.scale(accum, 1.0 / neighbors.count()) accum = math.vec2.add(accum, user_attract(users.dataL)) accum = math.vec2.scale(accum, 1.0 / 2.0) if(math.vec2.length(accum) > 1.0) { accum = math.vec2.scale(accum, 1.0 / math.vec2.length(accum)) } # Move according to vector print("Robot ", id, "must push ", math.vec2.length(accum) )#, "; ", math.vec2.angle(accum)) uav_moveto(accum.x, accum.y) UAVSTATE = "LENNARDJONES" # if(timeW>=WAIT_TIMEOUT) { #FOR MOVETO TESTS # timeW =0 # statef=land # } else if(timeW>=WAIT_TIMEOUT/2) { # UAVSTATE ="GOEAST" # timeW = timeW+1 # uav_moveto(0.0,5.0) # } else { # UAVSTATE ="GONORTH" # timeW = timeW+1 # uav_moveto(5.0,0.0) # } } ######################################## # # MAIN FUNCTIONS # ######################################## # Executed once at init time. function init() { uav_initswarm() vt = stigmergy.create(5) t = {} vt.put("p",t) } # Executed at each time step. function step() { uav_rccmd() uav_neicmd() statef() log("Current state: ", UAVSTATE) log("Swarm size: ",ROBOTS) # Read a value from the structure # log(users) #users_print(users.dataG) if(size(users.dataG)>0) vt.put("p", users.dataG) # Get the number of keys in the structure #log("The vstig has ", vt.size(), " elements") users_save(vt.get("p")) table_print(users.dataL) } # Executed once when the robot (or the simulator) is reset. function reset() { } # Executed once at the end of experiment. function destroy() { }