######################################## # # FLIGHT-RELATED FUNCTIONS # ######################################## include "utils/vec2.bzz" include "act/barrier.bzz" include "utils/conversions.bzz" include "utils/quickhull.bzz" include "act/naviguation.bzz" include "act/CA.bzz" include "act/neighborcomm.bzz" include "taskallocate/discomp.bzz" TARGET_ALTITUDE = 15.0 # m. BVMSTATE = "TURNEDOFF" PICTURE_WAIT = 20 # steps WP_STIG = 8 path_it = 0 pic_time = 0 g_it = 0 homegps = {} # Core state function when on the ground function turnedoff() { BVMSTATE = "TURNEDOFF" } # Core state function when hovering function idle() { BVMSTATE = "IDLE" } # Core state function to launch the robot: takeoff and wait for others, or stop (land) function launch() { BVMSTATE = "LAUNCH" neighbors.broadcast("cmd", 22) log("AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE: ", AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE) if(V_TYPE == 0 or V_TYPE == 1) { # flying vehicle so TAKE_OFF homegps = {.lat=pose.position.latitude, .lng=pose.position.longitude} log("Recorded home point: ",homegps.lat, homegps.lng) if(pose.position.altitude >= TARGET_ALTITUDE-TARGET_ALTITUDE/20.0) { barrier_set(ROBOTS, AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE, "STOP", 22) barrier_ready(22) } else { log("Altitude: ", pose.position.altitude) uav_takeoff(TARGET_ALTITUDE) } } else { barrier_set(ROBOTS, AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE, "STOP", 22) barrier_ready(22) } } # Launch function version without the timeout and stop state. function launch_switch() { BVMSTATE = "LAUNCH_SWITCH" if(V_TYPE == 0 or V_TYPE == 1) { # flying vehicle so TAKE_OFF homegps = {.lat=pose.position.latitude, .lng=pose.position.longitude} if(pose.position.altitude >= TARGET_ALTITUDE-TARGET_ALTITUDE/20.0) { barrier_set(ROBOTS, AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE, AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE, 22) barrier_ready(22) } else { log("Altitude: ", pose.position.altitude) neighbors.broadcast("cmd", 22) uav_takeoff(TARGET_ALTITUDE) } } else { barrier_set(ROBOTS, AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE, AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE, 22) barrier_ready(22) } } gohomeT=100 # State function to go back to ROSBuzz recorded home GPS position (at takeoff) function goinghome() { BVMSTATE = "GOHOME" if(V_TYPE == 0 or V_TYPE == 1) { # flying vehicle so TAKE_OFF m_navigation = vec_from_gps(homegps.lat, homegps.lng, 0) #print(" has to move ", math.vec2.length(m_navigation), math.vec2.angle(m_navigation)) if(math.vec2.length(m_navigation) < GOTODIST_TOL){ # reached destination BVMSTATE = AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE } else { m_navigation = LimitSpeed(m_navigation, 3.0) #m_navigation = LCA(m_navigation) goto_abs(m_navigation.x, m_navigation.y, cur_goal.altitude - pose.position.altitude, 0.0) } } else BVMSTATE = AUTO_LAUNCH_STATE } # Core state function to stop and land. function stop() { BVMSTATE = "STOP" neighbors.broadcast("cmd", 21) if(V_TYPE == 0 or V_TYPE == 1) { # flying vehicle so LAND uav_land() if(pose.position.altitude <= 0.2) { BVMSTATE = "STOP" barrier_set(ROBOTS,"TURNEDOFF","STOP", 21) barrier_ready(21) } } else { BVMSTATE = "STOP" barrier_set(ROBOTS,"TURNEDOFF","STOP", 21) barrier_ready(21) } } # State functions for individual waypoint control wpreached = 1 function indiWP() { BVMSTATE = "WAYPOINT" check_rc_wp() wpi = v_wp.get(id) if(wpi!=nil) { wp = unpackWP2i(wpi) if(wp.pro == 0) { wpreached = 0 storegoal(wp.lat, wp.lng, pose.position.altitude) var ls = packWP2i(wp.lat, wp.lng, 1) v_wp.put(id,ls) return } } if(wpreached!=1) goto_gps(indiWP_done) } function indiWP_done() { BVMSTATE = "WAYPOINT" wpreached = 1 } # State function to take a picture from the camera server (developed by HS) function take_picture() { BVMSTATE="PICTURE" setgimbal(0.0, 0.0, -90.0, 20.0) if(pic_time==PICTURE_WAIT/2) { # wait for the drone to stabilize takepicture() } else if(pic_time>=PICTURE_WAIT) { # wait for the picture BVMSTATE="IDLE" pic_time=0 } pic_time=pic_time+1 } # State function to follow a moving attractor (GPS sent from a user phone) function follow() { if(size(targets)>0) { BVMSTATE = "FOLLOW" attractor=math.vec2.newp(0,0) foreach(targets, function(id, tab) { force=(0.05)*(tab.range)^4 attractor=math.vec2.add(attractor, math.vec2.newp(force, tab.bearing)) }) goto_abs(attractor.x, attractor.y, 0.0, 0.0) } else { log("No target in local table!") BVMSTATE = "IDLE" } } # State function to converge to centroid function aggregate() { BVMSTATE="AGGREGATE" centroid = neighbors.reduce(function(rid, data, centroid) { centroid = math.vec2.add(centroid, math.vec2.newp(data.distance, data.azimuth)) return centroid }, {.x=0, .y=0}) if(neighbors.count() > 0) centroid = math.vec2.scale(centroid, 1.0 / neighbors.count()) cmdbin = math.vec2.sub(centroid, math.vec2.newp(3.0, id * 2 * math.pi / ROBOTS)) cmdbin = LimitSpeed(cmdbin, 1.0/2.0) goto_abs(cmdbin.x, cmdbin.y, 0.0, 0.0) } # State fucntion to circle all together around centroid function pursuit() { BVMSTATE="PURSUIT" rd = 20.0 pc = 3.2 vd = 15.0 r_vec = neighbors.reduce(function(rid, data, r_vec) { r_vec = math.vec2.add(r_vec, math.vec2.newp(data.distance, data.azimuth)) return r_vec }, {.x=0, .y=0}) if(neighbors.count() > 0) r_vec = math.vec2.scale(r_vec, 1.0 / neighbors.count()) r = math.vec2.length(r_vec) var sqr = (r-rd)*(r-rd)+pc*pc*r*r gamma = vd / math.sqrt(sqr) dr = -gamma * (r-rd) dT = gamma * pc vfg = math.vec2.newp(r+dr*0.1, math.vec2.angle(r_vec)+dT*0.1) vfg = LimitSpeed(vfg, 2.0) goto_abs(vfg.x, vfg.y, 0.0, 0.0) } # Lennard-Jones interaction magnitude TARGET = 8.0 EPSILON = 30.0 #30 GAIN_ATT = 50.0 GAIN_REP = 30.0 function lj_magnitude(dist, target, epsilon) { lj = -(epsilon / dist) * ((target / dist)^4 - (target / dist)^2) #repulse only to avoid each other return lj } # Neighbor data to LJ interaction vector function lj_vector(rid, data) { return math.vec2.newp(lj_magnitude(data.distance, TARGET, EPSILON), data.azimuth) } # Accumulator of neighbor LJ interactions function lj_sum(rid, data, accum) { return math.vec2.add(data, accum) } # State function that calculates and actuates LJ flocking interaction with vstig targets (attractor/repulsors) function lennardjones() { BVMSTATE="POTENTIAL" check_rc_wp() if(V_TYPE == 2) # NOT MOVING! return # Calculate accumulator accum_lj = neighbors.map(lj_vector).reduce(lj_sum, math.vec2.new(0.0, 0.0)) if(neighbors.count() > 0) accum_lj = math.vec2.scale(accum_lj, 1.0 / neighbors.count()) # Add attractor/repulsor effects log(v_wp.size()) accum_t = math.vec2.new(0.0, 0.0); v_wp.foreach( function(key, value, robot){ wp = unpackWP2i(value) dvec = vec_from_gps(wp.lat, wp.lon, 0) Tdist = math.vec2.length(dvec) if(key > 99 and Tdist < 40) accum_t = math.vec2.sub(accum_t, math.vec2.newp(GAIN_REP*(TARGET/Tdist)^4, math.vec2.angle(dvec))) else if(key > 49 and Tdist > 10) accum_t = math.vec2.add(accum_t, math.vec2.newp(GAIN_ATT*(TARGET/Tdist)^2, math.vec2.angle(dvec))) }) if(v_wp.size() > 0) accum_t = math.vec2.scale(accum_t, 1.0 / v_wp.size()) #log(math.vec2.length(accum_t),math.vec2.length(accum_lj)) accum_lj = LimitSpeed(math.vec2.add(accum_t,accum_lj), 1.0) #1/3 goto_abs(accum_lj.x, accum_lj.y, 0.0, 0.0) } # State function that calculates and actuates Voronoi Centroidal tessellation coverage (attractor/repulsors) counter = 0 function voronoicentroid() { BVMSTATE="DEPLOY" check_rc_wp() wptab = v_wp.get(WPtab_id) if(wptab==nil) return else if(not(size(wptab) > 0)) return log("WP table size:", size(wptab)) if(V_TYPE == 2) return it_pts = 0 att = {} foreach(wptab, function(key, value){ wp = unpackWP2i(value) if(key > 99) log("Nothing planed for the repulsors yet....") else if(key > 49) att[it_pts]=vec_from_gps(wp.lat, wp.lng, 0) it_pts = it_pts + 1 }) # Boundaries from Geofence #it_pts = 0 #foreach(GPSlimit, function(key, value) { # bounds[it_pts]=vec_from_gps(value.lat, value.lng, 0) # it_pts = it_pts + 1 #}) # Boundaries from user attractors #att = {.0=vec_from_gps(45.510283, -73.609633, 0), .1=vec_from_gps(45.510398, -73.609281, 0)} bounds = QuickHull(att) if(size(bounds)<3 ) return if(counter==0) { pts = {.np=size(bounds)} it_pts = 0 foreach(bounds, function(key, value) { pts[it_pts]=value it_pts = it_pts + 1 }) pts[it_pts] = {.x=0, .y=0} #add itself it_pts = it_pts + 1 if(neighbors.count() > 0) { neighbors.foreach(function(rid, data) { if(rid!=0){ #remove GS (?) pts[it_pts]=math.vec2.newp(data.distance,data.azimuth) it_pts = it_pts + 1 } }) #table_print(pts) voronoi(pts) } counter=4 } counter=counter-1 goto_gps(voronoicentroid_done) } function voronoicentroid_done() { BVMSTATE="DEPLOY" } # Custom state function for the developer to play with firstincus = 1 function cusfun(){ BVMSTATE="CUSFUN" if(firstincus) { discomp_init() firstincus = 0 } discomp_step() }