hullPts = {} hullC = 0 # When called returns a list of points that forms a convex hull around # the listPts Given ( function QuickHull(focalpts) { listPts = {} hullPts = {} jp = 0 foreach(focalpts, function(key, pt) { ip = 0 while(ip<6){ listPts[jp*6+ip]=math.vec2.add(pt,math.vec2.newp(20, ip*math.pi/3)) #log("Created new pt: ", listPts[j*6+i].x, listPts[j*6+i].y, "(", pt.x, pt.y, ")") ip=ip+1 } jp=jp+1 }) # get the min, and max from the list of points min_max = get_min_max_x(listPts) hullPts = quickhull_rec(listPts, min_max.min, min_max.max) hullPts = quickhull_rec(listPts, min_max.max, min_max.min) return hullPts } # Does the sorting for the quick hull sorting algorithm function quickhull_rec(listPts, minp, maxp) { left_of_line_pts = get_points_left_of_line(minp, maxp, listPts) ptC = point_max_from_line(minp, maxp, left_of_line_pts) if(size(ptC) < 1){ hullPts[hullC] = maxp # max hullC = hullC +1 return hullPts #log("Add pt:", maxp.x, maxp.y) } hullPts = quickhull_rec(left_of_line_pts, minp, ptC) hullPts = quickhull_rec(left_of_line_pts, ptC, maxp) return hullPts } # Returns all points that are LEFT of a line start->end function get_points_left_of_line(minp, maxp, listPts) { pts = {} ih = 0 foreach(listPts, function(key, pt) { if(isCCW(minp, maxp, pt)){ pts[ih]=pt ih=ih+1 } }) return pts } # Returns the maximum point from a line start->end function point_max_from_line(minp, maxp, points) { max_dist = 0 max_point = {} foreach(points, function(key, point) { if((not(math.vec2.equal(point, minp))) and (not(math.vec2.equal(point, maxp)))) { #log("Get distance of pt: ", point.x, point.y) dist = distance_toline(minp, maxp, point) if(dist > max_dist) { max_dist = dist max_point = point } } }) return max_point } function get_min_max_x(list_pts) { min_x = 100000 max_x = 0 min_y = 0 max_y = 0 foreach(list_pts, function(key, point) { if(point.x < min_x){ min_x = point.x min_y = point.y } if(point.x > max_x){ max_x = point.x max_y = point.y } }) return {, min_y),, max_y)} } # Given a line of start->end, will return the distance that # point, pt, is from the line. function distance_toline(start, end, pt) { # pt is the point x1 = start.x y1 = start.y x2 = end.x y2 = end.y x0 = pt.x y0 = pt.y nom = math.abs((y2 - y1) * x0 - (x2 - x1) * y0 + x2 * y1 - y2 * x1) denom = math.vec2.length(math.vec2.sub(end,start)) result = nom / denom return result } # Tests whether the turn formed by A, B, and C is ccw function isCCW(A, B, C){ return (B.x - A.x) * (C.y - A.y) > (B.y - A.y) * (C.x - A.x) }