change gps mgt
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,12 +21,6 @@ struct pos_struct
#define function_register(TABLE, FNAME, FPOINTER) \
buzzvm_push(VM, (TABLE)); \
buzzvm_pushs(VM, buzzvm_string_register(VM, (FNAME), 1)); \
buzzvm_pushcc(VM, buzzvm_function_register(VM, (FPOINTER))); \
typedef struct pos_struct Pos_struct ;
uint16_t* u64_cvt_u16(uint64_t u64);
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
void RosControllerRun();
struct num_robot_count
struct num_robot_count
uint8_t history[10];
uint8_t index=0;
@ -61,18 +61,16 @@ private:
}; typedef struct num_robot_count Num_robot_count ;
// WGS84 constants
double equatorial_radius = 6378137.0;
double flattening = 1.0/298.257223563;
double excentrity2 = 2*flattening - flattening*flattening;
// default reference position
double target[3];
double cur_pos[3];
double home[3];
struct gps
double longitude=0.0;
double latitude=0.0;
float altitude=0.0;
}; typedef struct gps GPS ;
GPS target, home, cur_pos;
double cur_rel_altitude;
uint64_t payload;
std::map< int, buzz_utility::Pos_struct> neighbours_pos_map;
std::map< int, buzz_utility::Pos_struct> raw_neighbours_pos_map;
@ -159,13 +157,17 @@ private:
/*Puts raw neighbours position in lat.,long.,alt. inside raw_neigbours_pos_map*/
void raw_neighbours_pos_put(int id, buzz_utility::Pos_struct pos_arr );
/*Set the current position of the robot callback*/
/*Set the current position of the robot callback*/
void set_cur_pos(double latitude,
double longitude,
double altitude);
/*convert from spherical to cartesian coordinate system callback */
void cvt_rangebearing_coordinates(double neighbours_pos_payload [], double out[], double pos[]);
void cvt_ned_coordinates(double neighbours_pos_payload [], double out[], double pos[]);
void gps_rb(GPS nei_pos, double out[]);
void gps_ned_cur(float &ned_x, float &ned_y, GPS t);
void gps_ned_home(float &ned_x, float &ned_y);
void gps_convert_ned(float &ned_x, float &ned_y,
double gps_t_lon, double gps_t_lat,
double gps_r_lon, double gps_r_lat);
/*battery status callback*/
void battery(const mavros_msgs::BatteryStatus::ConstPtr& msg);
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ private:
/*current position callback*/
void current_pos(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::ConstPtr& msg);
void users_pos(const rosbuzz::neigh_pos msg);
void users_pos(const rosbuzz::neigh_pos msg);
/*current relative altitude callback*/
void current_rel_alt(const std_msgs::Float64::ConstPtr& msg);
@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
roscontroller::roscontroller(ros::NodeHandle& n_c, ros::NodeHandle& n_c_priv)
/*Obtain parameters from ros parameter server*/
@ -348,7 +344,8 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
uint64_t* payload_out_ptr= buzz_utility::obt_out_msg();
uint64_t position[3];
/*Appened current position to message*/
memcpy(position, cur_pos, 3*sizeof(uint64_t));
double tmp[3];tmp[0]=cur_pos.latitude;tmp[1]=cur_pos.longitude;tmp[2]=cur_pos.altitude;
memcpy(position, tmp, 3*sizeof(uint64_t));
mavros_msgs::Mavlink payload_out;
@ -440,8 +437,8 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
armstate = 1;
// Registering HOME POINT.
home[0] = cur_pos[0];home[1] = cur_pos[1];home[2] = cur_pos[2];
// Registering HOME POINT.
home = cur_pos;
if(current_mode != "GUIDED")
SetMode("GUIDED", 2000); // for real solo, just add 2000ms delay (it should always be in loiter after arm/disarm)
@ -521,9 +518,9 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
void roscontroller::set_cur_pos(double latitude,
double longitude,
double altitude){
cur_pos [0] =latitude;
cur_pos [1] =longitude;
cur_pos [2] =altitude;
cur_pos.latitude =latitude;
cur_pos.longitude =longitude;
cur_pos.altitude =altitude;
@ -564,48 +561,10 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
void roscontroller::cvt_rangebearing_coordinates(double nei[], double out[], double cur[]){
// calculate earth radii
/*double temp = 1.0 / (1.0 - excentrity2 * sin(DEG2RAD(DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LATITUDE)) * sin(DEG2RAD(DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LATITUDE)));
double prime_vertical_radius = equatorial_radius * sqrt(temp);
double radius_north = prime_vertical_radius * (1 - excentrity2) * temp;
double radius_east = prime_vertical_radius * cos(DEG2RAD(DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LATITUDE));*/
/*double d_lon = nei[1] - cur[1];
double d_lat = nei[0] - cur[0];
double ned[3];
ned[0] = DEG2RAD(d_lat) * radius_north;//EARTH_RADIUS;
ned[1] = -DEG2RAD(d_lon) * radius_east; //EARTH_RADIUS
double ecef[3];
double llh[3];llh[0]=DEG2RAD(cur[0]);llh[1]=DEG2RAD(cur[1]);llh[2]=cur[2];
double d = WGS84_E * sin(llh[0]);
double N = WGS84_A / sqrt(1. - d*d);
ecef[0] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * cos(llh[1]);
ecef[1] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * sin(llh[1]);
ecef[2] = ((1 - WGS84_E*WGS84_E)*N + llh[2]) * sin(llh[0]);
double ref_ecef[3];
d = WGS84_E * sin(llh[0]);
N = WGS84_A / sqrt(1. - d*d);
ref_ecef[0] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * cos(llh[1]);
ref_ecef[1] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * sin(llh[1]);
ref_ecef[2] = ((1 - WGS84_E*WGS84_E)*N + llh[2]) * sin(llh[0]);
double M[3][3];
ecef2ned_matrix(ref_ecef, M);
double ned[3];
matrix_multiply(3, 3, 1, (double *)M, ecef, ned);
out[0] = sqrt(ned[0]*ned[0]+ned[1]*ned[1]);
out[0] = std::floor(out[0] * 1000000) / 1000000;
out[1] = atan2(ned[1],ned[0]);
out[1] = std::floor(out[1] * 1000000) / 1000000;
out[2] = 0.0;*/
double d_lon = nei[1] - cur[1];
double d_lat = nei[0] - cur[0];
double ned_x = DEG2RAD(d_lat) * EARTH_RADIUS;
double ned_y = DEG2RAD(d_lon) * EARTH_RADIUS * cos(DEG2RAD(nei[0]));
void roscontroller::gps_rb(GPS nei_pos, double out[])
float ned_x=0.0, ned_y=0.0;
gps_ned_cur(ned_x, ned_y, nei_pos);
out[0] = sqrt(ned_x*ned_x+ned_y*ned_y);
//out[0] = std::floor(out[0] * 1000000) / 1000000;
out[1] = atan2(ned_y,ned_x);
@ -613,48 +572,30 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
out[2] = 0.0;
void roscontroller::cvt_ned_coordinates(double nei[], double out[], double cur[]){
// calculate earth radii
/*double temp = 1.0 / (1.0 - excentrity2 * sin(DEG2RAD(DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LATITUDE)) * sin(DEG2RAD(DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LATITUDE)));
double prime_vertical_radius = equatorial_radius * sqrt(temp);
double radius_north = prime_vertical_radius * (1 - excentrity2) * temp;
double radius_east = prime_vertical_radius * cos(DEG2RAD(DEFAULT_REFERENCE_LATITUDE));
double d_lon = nei[1] - cur[1];
double d_lat = nei[0] - cur[0];
out[0] = DEG2RAD(d_lat) * radius_north;//EARTH_RADIUS;
out[0] = std::floor(out[0] * 1000000) / 1000000;
out[1] = -DEG2RAD(d_lon) * radius_east; //EARTH_RADIUS
out[1] = std::floor(out[1] * 1000000) / 1000000;
out[2] = cur[2];
// Using functions of the library Swift Nav (
double ecef[3];
double llh[3];llh[0]=DEG2RAD(cur[0]);llh[1]=DEG2RAD(cur[1]);llh[2]=cur[2];
double d = WGS84_E * sin(llh[0]);
double N = WGS84_A / sqrt(1. - d*d);
ecef[0] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * cos(llh[1]);
ecef[1] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * sin(llh[1]);
ecef[2] = ((1 - WGS84_E*WGS84_E)*N + llh[2]) * sin(llh[0]);
double ref_ecef[3];
d = WGS84_E * sin(llh[0]);
N = WGS84_A / sqrt(1. - d*d);
ref_ecef[0] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * cos(llh[1]);
ref_ecef[1] = (N + llh[2]) * cos(llh[0]) * sin(llh[1]);
ref_ecef[2] = ((1 - WGS84_E*WGS84_E)*N + llh[2]) * sin(llh[0]);
double M[3][3];
ecef2ned_matrix(ref_ecef, M);
matrix_multiply(3, 3, 1, (double *)M, ecef, out);*/
double d_lon = nei[1] - cur[1];
double d_lat = nei[0] - cur[0];
out[0] = DEG2RAD(d_lat) * EARTH_RADIUS;
//out[0] = std::floor(out[0] * 1000000) / 1000000;
out[1] = DEG2RAD(d_lon) * EARTH_RADIUS * cos(DEG2RAD(nei[0]));
//out[1] = std::floor(out[1] * 1000000) / 1000000;
out[2] = 0.0;
void roscontroller::gps_ned_cur(float &ned_x, float &ned_y, GPS t)
gps_convert_ned(ned_x, ned_y,
t.longitude, t.latitude,
cur_pos.longitude, cur_pos.latitude);
void roscontroller::gps_ned_home(float &ned_x, float &ned_y)
gps_convert_ned(ned_x, ned_y,
cur_pos.longitude, cur_pos.latitude,
home.longitude, home.latitude);
void roscontroller::gps_convert_ned(float &ned_x, float &ned_y,
double gps_t_lon, double gps_t_lat,
double gps_r_lon, double gps_r_lat)
double d_lon = gps_t_lon - gps_r_lon;
double d_lat = gps_t_lat - gps_r_lat;
ned_x = DEG2RAD(d_lat) * EARTH_RADIUS;
ned_y = DEG2RAD(d_lon) * EARTH_RADIUS * cos(DEG2RAD(gps_t_lat));
/ Update battery status into BVM from subscriber
@ -713,9 +654,7 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
us[0] = data.pos_neigh[it].latitude;
us[1] = data.pos_neigh[it].longitude;
us[2] = data.pos_neigh[it].altitude;
double out[3];
cvt_rangebearing_coordinates(us, out, cur_pos);
//buzzuav_closures::set_userspos(out[0], out[1], out[2]);
buzz_utility::add_user(data.pos_neigh[it].position_covariance_type,data.pos_neigh[it].latitude, data.pos_neigh[it].longitude, data.pos_neigh[it].altitude);
@ -748,15 +687,15 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
moveMsg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
moveMsg.header.seq = setpoint_counter++;
moveMsg.header.frame_id = 1;
double local_pos[3];
float ned_x, ned_y;
gps_ned_home(ned_x, ned_y);
// ROS_INFO("[%i] ROSBuzz Home: %.7f, %.7f", robot_id, home[0], home[1]);
// ROS_INFO("[%i] ROSBuzz LocalPos: %.7f, %.7f", robot_id, local_pos[0], local_pos[1]);
/*prepare the goto publish message ATTENTION: ENU FRAME FOR MAVROS STANDARD (then converted to NED)*/
target[0]+=y; target[1]+=x;
moveMsg.pose.position.x = target[0];//local_pos[1]+y;
moveMsg.pose.position.y = target[1];//local_pos[0]+x;
//target[0]+=y; target[1]+=x;
moveMsg.pose.position.x = ned_y+y;
moveMsg.pose.position.y = ned_x+x;
moveMsg.pose.position.z = z;
moveMsg.pose.orientation.x = 0;
@ -850,9 +789,13 @@ namespace rosbzz_node{
double neighbours_pos_payload[3];
memcpy(neighbours_pos_payload, message_obt, 3*sizeof(uint64_t));
buzz_utility::Pos_struct raw_neigh_pos(neighbours_pos_payload[0],neighbours_pos_payload[1],neighbours_pos_payload[2]);
// cout<<"Got" << neighbours_pos_payload[0] <<", " << neighbours_pos_payload[1] << ", " << neighbours_pos_payload[2] << endl;
GPS nei_pos;
double cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[3];
cvt_rangebearing_coordinates(neighbours_pos_payload, cvt_neighbours_pos_payload, cur_pos);
// cout<<"Got" << neighbours_pos_payload[0] <<", " << neighbours_pos_payload[1] << ", " << neighbours_pos_payload[2] << endl;
gps_rb(nei_pos, cvt_neighbours_pos_payload);
/*Extract robot id of the neighbour*/
uint16_t* out = buzz_utility::u64_cvt_u16((uint64_t)*(message_obt+3));
cout << "Rel Pos of " << (int)out[1] << ": " << cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[0] << ", "<< cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[1] << ", "<< cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[2] << endl;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user