removed unused functions and variables
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ add_executable(rosbuzz_node src/rosbuzz.cpp
target_link_libraries(rosbuzz_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} buzz buzzdbg pthread)
add_dependencies(rosbuzz_node rosbuzz_generate_messages_cpp)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include <buzz/buzzvm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "uav_utility.h"
#include "mavros_msgs/CommandCode.h"
#include "mavros_msgs/Mavlink.h"
#include "ros/ros.h"
@ -46,8 +45,6 @@ void parse_gpslist();
int buzzuav_takepicture(buzzvm_t vm);
/* Returns the current command from local variable*/
int getcmd();
/*Sets goto position */
void set_goto(double pos[]);
/*Sets goto position from rc client*/
void rc_set_goto(int id, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude);
/*Sets gimbal orientation from rc client*/
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
#include "mavros_msgs/ParamGet.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h"
#include "std_msgs/Float64.h"
#include "std_msgs/String.h"
#include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h>
#include <rosbuzz/neigh_pos.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <buzz/buzzasm.h>
#include "buzz_utility.h"
#include "uav_utility.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ private:
typedef struct num_robot_count Num_robot_count; // not useful in cpp
typedef struct num_robot_count Num_robot_count;
Num_robot_count count_robots;
struct gps
@ -115,13 +117,13 @@ private:
bool rcclient;
bool xbeeplugged = false;
bool multi_msg;
Num_robot_count count_robots;
ros::ServiceClient mav_client;
ros::ServiceClient xbeestatus_srv;
ros::ServiceClient capture_srv;
ros::Publisher payload_pub;
ros::Publisher MPpayload_pub;
ros::Publisher neigh_pos_pub;
ros::Publisher uavstate_pub;
ros::Publisher localsetpoint_nonraw_pub;
ros::ServiceServer service;
ros::Subscriber current_position_sub;
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ private:
/*Initialize publisher and subscriber, done in the constructor*/
void Initialize_pub_sub(ros::NodeHandle& n_c);
std::string current_mode; // SOLO SPECIFIC: just so you don't call the switch to same mode
std::string current_mode;
/*Obtain data from ros parameter server*/
void Rosparameters_get(ros::NodeHandle& n_c_priv);
@ -174,6 +176,10 @@ private:
/*Neighbours pos publisher*/
void neighbours_pos_publisher();
/*UAVState publisher*/
void uavstate_publisher();
/*BVM message payload publisher*/
void send_MPpayload();
/*Prepare messages and publish*/
@ -190,11 +196,11 @@ private:
/*Set the current position of the robot callback*/
void set_cur_pos(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude);
/*convert from spherical to cartesian coordinate system callback */
float constrainAngle(float x);
void gps_rb(GPS nei_pos, double out[]);
void gps_ned_cur(float& ned_x, float& ned_y, GPS t);
void gps_ned_home(float& ned_x, float& ned_y);
void gps_convert_ned(float& ned_x, float& ned_y, double gps_t_lon, double gps_t_lat, double gps_r_lon,
double gps_r_lat);
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
extern void uav_setup();
extern void uav_done();
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
2017-01-08-14-24-24 enter TranslateFunc
2017-01-08-14-24-24 start to read frames!
@ -75,37 +75,41 @@ Run
To run the ROSBuzz package using the launch file, execute the following:
$ roslaunch rosbuzz rosbuzzm100.launch
$ roslaunch rosbuzz rosbuzz.launch
Note : Before launching the ROSBuzz node, verify all the parameter in the launch file.
Note : Before launching the ROSBuzz node, verify all the parameters in the launch file. A launch file using gdb is available also (rosbuzzd.launch).
* Buzz scripts: Several behavioral scripts are included in the "buzz_Scripts" folder, such as "graphformGPS.bzz" uses in the ICRA publication below and the "testaloneWP.bzz" to control a single drone with a ".csv" list of waypoints. The script "empty.bzz" is a template script.
* Messages from Buzz (BVM):
The package publishes mavros_msgs/Mavlink message with a topic name of "outMavlink".
The package publishes mavros_msgs/Mavlink message "outMavlink".
* Command to the flight controller:
The package publishes geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message "setpoint_position/local".
* Current position of the Robot:
The package subscribes' to sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message with a topic name of "current_pos".
The package subscribes to sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message "global_position/global", to a std_msgs/Float64 message "global_position/rel_alt" and to a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message "local_position/pose".
* Messages to Buzz (BVM):
The package subscribes' to mavros_msgs/Mavlink message with a topic name of "inMavlink".
The package subscribes to mavros_msgs/Mavlink message with a topic name of "inMavlink".
* Battery status:
The package subscribes' to mavros_msgs/BatteryStatus message with a topic name of "battery_state".
* Status:
The package subscribes to mavros_msgs/BatteryStatus message "battery" and to either a mavros_msgs/ExtendedState message "extended_state" or a mavros_msgs/State message "state".
* Remote Controller command:
The package offers service using mavros_msgs/CommandInt service with name "rc_cmd".
* Remote Controller:
The package offers a mavros_msgs/CommandLong service "buzzcmd" to control its state.
* ROS and Buzz : consensus-based behaviors for heterogeneous teams. Submitted to the Internaional Conference on Robotics and Automation (September 2017). 6pgs. St-Onge, D., Shankar Varadharajan, V., Li, G., Svogor, I. and Beltrame, G. arXiv :
* Flight controller client:
This package is a client of mavros_msgs/CommandInt service with name "fc_cmd".
* Over-The-Air Updates for Robotic Swarms. Accepted by IEEE Software (September 2017 - pending minor revision). 8pgs. Shankar Varadharajan, V., St-Onge, D., Guß, C. and Beltrame, G.
@ -450,44 +450,6 @@ struct buzzswarm_elem_s
typedef struct buzzswarm_elem_s* buzzswarm_elem_t;
void check_swarm_members(const void* key, void* data, void* params)
buzzswarm_elem_t e = *(buzzswarm_elem_t*)data;
int* status = (int*)params;
if (*status == 3)
fprintf(stderr, "CHECKING SWARM :%i, member: %i, age: %i \n", buzzdarray_get(e->swarms, 0, uint16_t), *(uint16_t*)key,
if (buzzdarray_size(e->swarms) != 1)
fprintf(stderr, "Swarm list size is not 1\n");
*status = 3;
int sid = 1;
if (!buzzdict_isempty(VM->swarms))
if (*buzzdict_get(VM->swarms, &sid, uint8_t) && buzzdarray_get(e->swarms, 0, uint16_t) != sid)
fprintf(stderr, "I am in swarm #%d and neighbor is in %d\n", sid, buzzdarray_get(e->swarms, 0, uint16_t));
*status = 3;
if (buzzdict_size(VM->swarms) > 1)
sid = 2;
if (*buzzdict_get(VM->swarms, &sid, uint8_t) && buzzdarray_get(e->swarms, 0, uint16_t) != sid)
fprintf(stderr, "I am in swarm #%d and neighbor is in %d\n", sid, buzzdarray_get(e->swarms, 0, uint16_t));
*status = 3;
/*Step through the buzz script*/
void update_sensors()
@ -94,22 +94,6 @@ void setWPlist(string path)
WPlistname = path + "include/graphs/waypointlist.csv";
/ Compute GPS destination from current position and desired Range and Bearing
void gps_from_rb(double range, double bearing, double out[3])
double lat = RAD2DEG(cur_pos[0]);
double lon = RAD2DEG(cur_pos[1]);
out[0] = asin(sin(lat) * cos(range / EARTH_RADIUS) + cos(lat) * sin(range / EARTH_RADIUS) * cos(bearing));
out[1] = lon + atan2(sin(bearing) * sin(range / EARTH_RADIUS) * cos(lat),
cos(range / EARTH_RADIUS) - sin(lat) * sin(out[0]));
out[0] = RAD2DEG(out[0]);
out[1] = RAD2DEG(out[1]);
out[2] = height; // constant height.
float constrainAngle(float x)
x = fmod(x, 2 * M_PI);
@ -118,6 +102,9 @@ float constrainAngle(float x)
return x;
/ Compute Range and Bearing from 2 GPS set of coordinates
void rb_from_gps(double nei[], double out[], double cur[])
double d_lon = nei[1] - cur[1];
@ -129,11 +116,6 @@ void rb_from_gps(double nei[], double out[], double cur[])
out[2] = 0.0;
// Hard coded GPS position in Park Maisonneuve, Montreal, Canada for simulation tests
double hcpos1[4] = { 45.564489, -73.562537, 45.564140, -73.562336 };
double hcpos2[4] = { 45.564729, -73.562060, 45.564362, -73.562958 };
double hcpos3[4] = { 45.564969, -73.562838, 45.564636, -73.563677 };
void parse_gpslist()
// Open file:
@ -468,7 +450,6 @@ float* getgimbal()
string getuavstate()
static buzzvm_t VM = buzz_utility::get_vm();
std::stringstream state_buff;
buzzvm_pushs(VM, buzzvm_string_register(VM, "UAVSTATE", 1));
buzzobj_t uav_state = buzzvm_stack_at(VM, 1);
@ -481,13 +462,6 @@ int getcmd()
return cur_cmd;
void set_goto(double pos[])
goto_pos[0] = pos[0];
goto_pos[1] = pos[1];
goto_pos[2] = pos[2];
int bzz_cmd()
int cmd = buzz_cmd;
@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ roscontroller::~roscontroller()
/* Cleanup */
/* Stop the robot */
@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ used
void roscontroller::GetSubscriptionParameters(ros::NodeHandle& node_handle)
std::string gps_topic, gps_type;
std::string gps_topic;
if (node_handle.getParam("topics/gps", gps_topic))
@ -452,6 +451,7 @@ void roscontroller::Initialize_pub_sub(ros::NodeHandle& n_c)
payload_pub = n_c.advertise<mavros_msgs::Mavlink>(out_payload, 5);
MPpayload_pub = n_c.advertise<mavros_msgs::Mavlink>("fleet_status", 5);
neigh_pos_pub = n_c.advertise<rosbuzz::neigh_pos>("neighbours_pos", 5);
uavstate_pub = n_c.advertise<std_msgs::String>("uavstate", 5);
localsetpoint_nonraw_pub = n_c.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>(setpoint_name, 5);
/* Service Clients*/
@ -549,6 +549,16 @@ void roscontroller::neighbours_pos_publisher()
/ Publish current UAVState from Buzz script
void roscontroller::uavstate_publisher()
std_msgs::String uavstate_msg;
|||| = buzzuav_closures::getuavstate();
/ Functions handling the local MAV ROS flight controller
@ -877,11 +887,6 @@ void roscontroller::gps_ned_cur(float& ned_x, float& ned_y, GPS t)
gps_convert_ned(ned_x, ned_y, t.longitude, t.latitude, cur_pos.longitude, cur_pos.latitude);
void roscontroller::gps_ned_home(float& ned_x, float& ned_y)
gps_convert_ned(ned_x, ned_y, cur_pos.longitude, cur_pos.latitude, home.longitude, home.latitude);
void roscontroller::gps_convert_ned(float& ned_x, float& ned_y, double gps_t_lon, double gps_t_lat, double gps_r_lon,
double gps_r_lat)
@ -931,13 +936,6 @@ void roscontroller::current_pos(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::ConstPtr& msg)
// ROS_INFO("Altitude out: %f", cur_rel_altitude);
fcu_timeout = TIMEOUT;
// double lat = std::floor(msg->latitude * 1000000) / 1000000;
// double lon = std::floor(msg->longitude * 1000000) / 1000000;
set_cur_pos(msg->latitude, msg->longitude, cur_rel_altitude); // msg->altitude);
buzzuav_closures::set_currentpos(msg->latitude, msg->longitude, cur_rel_altitude); // msg->altitude);
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#include "uav_utility.h"
#include "stdio.h"
/*To do !*/
void uav_setup()
/*To do !*/
void uav_done()
fprintf(stdout, "Robot stopped.\n");
Reference in New Issue