Code clean and readme file commit

This commit is contained in:
Vivek Shankar Varadharajan 2016-10-08 18:09:32 -04:00
parent a9b1a7598a
commit 5e9b6df1ad
14 changed files with 331 additions and 384 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
## Find catkin macros and libraries
## if COMPONENTS list like find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS xyz)
## is used, also find other catkin packages
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
@ -13,186 +8,33 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
## System dependencies are found with CMake's conventions
# find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS system)
## Declare ROS messages, services and actions ##
## To declare and build messages, services or actions from within this
## package, follow these steps:
## * Let MSG_DEP_SET be the set of packages whose message types you use in
## your messages/services/actions (e.g. std_msgs, actionlib_msgs, ...).
## * In the file package.xml:
## * add a build_depend tag for "message_generation"
## * add a build_depend and a run_depend tag for each package in MSG_DEP_SET
## * If MSG_DEP_SET isn't empty the following dependency has been pulled in
## but can be declared for certainty nonetheless:
## * add a run_depend tag for "message_runtime"
## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt):
## * add "message_generation" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to
## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...)
## * add "message_runtime" and every package in MSG_DEP_SET to
## catkin_package(CATKIN_DEPENDS ...)
## * uncomment the add_*_files sections below as needed
## and list every .msg/.srv/.action file to be processed
## * uncomment the generate_messages entry below
## * add every package in MSG_DEP_SET to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES ...)
## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder
# add_message_files(
# neighbour_pos.msg
# Message2.msg
# )
## Generate services in the 'srv' folder
# add_service_files(
# Service1.srv
# Service2.srv
# )
## Generate actions in the 'action' folder
# add_action_files(
# Action1.action
# Action2.action
# )
## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here
# generate_messages(
# sensor_msgs
# )
## Declare ROS dynamic reconfigure parameters ##
## To declare and build dynamic reconfigure parameters within this
## package, follow these steps:
## * In the file package.xml:
## * add a build_depend and a run_depend tag for "dynamic_reconfigure"
## * In this file (CMakeLists.txt):
## * add "dynamic_reconfigure" to
## find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...)
## * uncomment the "generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options" section below
## and list every .cfg file to be processed
## Generate dynamic reconfigure parameters in the 'cfg' folder
# generate_dynamic_reconfigure_options(
# cfg/DynReconf1.cfg
# cfg/DynReconf2.cfg
# )
## catkin specific configuration ##
## The catkin_package macro generates cmake config files for your package
## Declare things to be passed to dependent projects
## INCLUDE_DIRS: uncomment this if you package contains header files
## LIBRARIES: libraries you create in this project that dependent projects also need
## CATKIN_DEPENDS: catkin_packages dependent projects also need
## DEPENDS: system dependencies of this project that dependent projects also need
#CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime
# INCLUDE_DIRS include
# LIBRARIES buzzros
# CATKIN_DEPENDS Buzz roscpp st_msgs
# DEPENDS system_lib
## Build ##
## Specify additional locations of header files
## Your package locations should be listed before other locations
# include_directories(include)
## Declare a C++ library
# add_library(buzzros
# src/${PROJECT_NAME}/buzzros.cpp
# )
## Add cmake target dependencies of the library
## as an example, code may need to be generated before libraries
## either from message generation or dynamic reconfigure
# add_dependencies(buzzros ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
## Declare a C++ executable
# add_executable(buzzros_node src/buzzros_node.cpp)
## Add cmake target dependencies of the executable
## same as for the library above
# add_dependencies(buzzros_node ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
## Specify libraries to link a library or executable target against
# target_link_libraries(buzzros_node
# ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
# )
# Executables
add_executable(rosbuzz_node src/rosbuzz.cpp
target_link_libraries(rosbuzz_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ -lpthread)
#add_dependencies(rosbuzz_node rosbuzz_generate_messages_cpp)
## Install ##
# all install targets should use catkin DESTINATION variables
# See
## Mark executable scripts (Python etc.) for installation
## in contrast to, you can choose the destination
# install(PROGRAMS
# scripts/my_python_script
# )
## Mark executables and/or libraries for installation
# Executables and libraries for installation to do
install(TARGETS rosbuzz_node
## Mark cpp header files for installation
# install(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME}/
# )
## Mark other files for installation (e.g. launch and bag files, etc.)
# install(FILES
# # myfile1
# # myfile2
# )
## Testing ##
## Add gtest based cpp test target and link libraries
# catkin_add_gtest(${PROJECT_NAME}-test test/test_buzzros.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}-test ${PROJECT_NAME})
# endif()
## Add folders to be run by python nosetests
# catkin_add_nosetests(test)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<description>The rosbuzz package</description>
<!-- One maintainer tag required, multiple allowed, one person per tag -->
<!-- Example: -->
<!-- <maintainer email="">Jane Doe</maintainer> -->
<maintainer email="vivek@todo.todo">vivek</maintainer>
<maintainer email="">vivek</maintainer>
<!-- One license tag required, multiple allowed, one license per tag -->
<!-- Commonly used license strings: -->
<!-- BSD, MIT, Boost Software License, GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPLv2.1, LGPLv3 -->
<!-- Url tags are optional, but mutiple are allowed, one per tag -->
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<!-- Author tags are optional, mutiple are allowed, one per tag -->
<!-- Authors do not have to be maintianers, but could be -->
<!-- Example: -->
<!-- <author email="">Jane Doe</author> -->
<author email="">vivek</author>
<!-- The *_depend tags are used to specify dependencies -->

85 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
ROS Implemenation of Buzz
What is Buzz?
Buzz is a novel programming language for heterogeneous robots swarms.
Buzz advocates a compositional approach, by offering primitives to define swarm behaviors both in a bottom-up and in a top-down fashion.
Bottom-up primitives include robot-wise commands and manipulation of neighborhood data through mapping/reducing/filtering operations.
Top-down primitives allow for the dynamic management of robot teams, and for sharing information globally across the swarm.
Self-organization results from the fact that the Buzz run-time platform is purely distributed.
The language can be extended to add new primitives (thus supporting heterogeneous robot swarms) and can be laid on top of other frameworks, such as ROS.
More information is available at
Downloading ROS Package
$ git clone
* Buzz : You can download the development sources through git:
$ git clone buzz
* ROS binary distribution (Indigo or higher) with catkin
You need the following package:
* mavros_msgs : You can install using apt-get:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-"distro"-mavros ros-"distro"-mavros-extras
To compile the ros package, execute the following:
$ cd catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun rosbuzz rosbuzz_node
* Messages from Buzz (BVM):
The package publishes mavros_msgs/Mavlink message with a topic name of "outMavlink".
* Current position of the Robot:
The package subscribes' to sensor_msgs/NavSatFix message with a topic name of "current_pos".
* Messages to Buzz (BVM):
The package subscribes' to mavros_msgs/Mavlink message with a topic name of "inMavlink".
* Battery status:
The package subscribes' to mavros_msgs/BatteryStatus message with a topic name of "battery_state".
* Remote Controller command:
The package offers service using mavros_msgs/CommandInt service with name "djicmd_rc".
* Flight controller client:
This package is a client of mavros_msgs/CommandInt service with name "djicmd".

View File

@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
/** @file buzz_utility.cpp
* @version 1.0
* @date 27.09.2016
* @brief Buzz Implementation as a node in ROS for Dji M100 Drone.
* @author Vivek Shankar Varadharajan
* @copyright 2016 MistLab. All rights reserved.
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include "buzz_utility.h"
#include "buzzuav_closures.h"
#include <buzz/buzzdebug.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
@ -33,15 +29,13 @@ static int TCP_COMM_STREAM = -1;
static uint8_t* STREAM_SEND_BUF = NULL;
/*adds neighbours position*/
void neighbour_pos_callback(std::map< int, Pos_struct> neighbours_pos_map){
/* Reset neighbor information */
/* Reset neighbor information */
/* Get robot id and update neighbor information */
map< int, Pos_struct >::iterator it;
map< int, Pos_struct >::iterator it;
for (it=neighbours_pos_map.begin(); it!=neighbours_pos_map.end(); ++it){
@ -49,10 +43,10 @@ map< int, Pos_struct >::iterator it;
/*Reinterprets uint64_t into 4 uint16_t*/
uint16_t* u64_cvt_u16(uint64_t u64){
uint16_t* out = new uint16_t[4];
uint32_t int32_1 = u64 & 0xFFFFFFFF;
@ -63,9 +57,12 @@ uint16_t* u64_cvt_u16(uint64_t u64){
out[3] = (int32_2 & (0xFFFF0000) ) >> 16;
//cout << " values " <<out[0] <<" "<<out[1] <<" "<<out[2] <<" "<<out[3] <<" ";
return out;
/*Appends obtained messages to buzz in message Queue*/
void in_msg_process(uint64_t* payload){
/* Go through messages and add them to the FIFO */
@ -74,10 +71,10 @@ void in_msg_process(uint64_t* payload){
delete[] data;
uint8_t* pl =(uint8_t*)malloc(size);
memset(pl, 0,size);
/* Copy packet into temporary buffer */
/* Copy packet into temporary buffer */
memcpy(pl, payload ,size);
size_t tot = sizeof(uint32_t);
size_t tot = sizeof(uint32_t);
/* Go through the messages until there's nothing else to read */
uint16_t unMsgSize;
@ -96,15 +93,18 @@ void in_msg_process(uint64_t* payload){
/* Process messages */
/*Obtains messages from buzz out message Queue*/
uint64_t* out_msg_process(){
uint8_t* buff_send =(uint8_t*)malloc(MSG_SIZE);
memset(buff_send, 0, MSG_SIZE);
ssize_t tot = sizeof(uint16_t);
/* Send robot id */
/* Send robot id */
*(uint16_t*)(buff_send+tot) = (uint16_t) VM->robot;
tot += sizeof(uint16_t);
tot += sizeof(uint16_t);
/* Send messages from FIFO */
do {
/* Are there more messages? */
@ -135,16 +135,18 @@ uint64_t* out_msg_process(){
int total_size =(ceil((float)tot/(float)sizeof(uint64_t)));
*(uint16_t*)buff_send = (uint16_t) total_size;
uint64_t* payload_64 = new uint64_t[total_size];
uint64_t* payload_64 = new uint64_t[total_size];
memcpy((void*)payload_64, (void*)buff_send, total_size*sizeof(uint64_t));
memcpy((void*)payload_64, (void*)buff_send, total_size*sizeof(uint64_t));
/*for(int i=0;i<total_size;i++){
cout<<" payload from out msg "<<*(payload_64+i)<<endl;
/* Send message */
return payload_64;
/*Buzz script not able to load*/
static const char* buzz_error_info() {
@ -170,6 +172,7 @@ static const char* buzz_error_info() {
/*Buzz hooks that can be used inside .bzz file*/
static int buzz_register_hooks() {
@ -192,7 +195,7 @@ static int buzz_register_hooks() {
/*Sets the .bzz and .bdbg file*/
int buzz_script_set(const char* bo_filename,
@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ int buzz_script_set(const char* bo_filename,
gethostname(hstnm, 30);
/* Make numeric id from hostname */
/* NOTE: here we assume that the hostname is in the format Knn */
int id =0; // strtol(hstnm + 1, NULL, 10);
int id = strtol(hstnm + 1, NULL, 10);
cout << " Robot ID" << id<< endl;
/* Reset the Buzz VM */
if(VM) buzzvm_destroy(&VM);
@ -260,6 +263,7 @@ int buzz_script_set(const char* bo_filename,
/*Swarm struct*/
struct buzzswarm_elem_s {
@ -297,11 +301,9 @@ void check_swarm_members(const void* key, void* data, void* params) {
/*Step through the buzz script*/
void buzz_script_step() {
* Update sensors
@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ void buzz_script_step() {
/* Print swarm */
buzzswarm_members_print(stdout, VM->swarmmembers, VM->robot);
/* Check swarm state */
/* int status = 1;
/* int status = 1;
buzzdict_foreach(VM->swarmmembers, check_swarm_members, &status);
if(status == 1 &&
buzzdict_size(VM->swarmmembers) < 9)
@ -330,13 +332,10 @@ void buzz_script_step() {
/*Destroy the bvm and other resorces*/
void buzz_script_destroy() {
/* Get rid of stream buffer */
/* Get rid of virtual machine */
if(VM) {
if(VM->state != BUZZVM_STATE_READY) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: execution terminated abnormally: %s\n\n",
@ -353,6 +352,7 @@ void buzz_script_destroy() {
/*Execution completed*/
int buzz_script_done() {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
struct pos_struct
@ -13,19 +12,21 @@ typedef struct pos_struct Pos_struct ;
uint16_t* u64_cvt_u16(uint64_t u64);
extern int buzz_listen(const char* type,
int buzz_listen(const char* type,
int msg_size);
void neighbour_pos_callback(std::map< int, Pos_struct> neighbours_pos_map);
void in_msg_process(uint64_t* payload);
uint64_t* out_msg_process();
extern int buzz_script_set(const char* bo_filename,
int buzz_script_set(const char* bo_filename,
const char* bdbg_filename);
extern void buzz_script_step();
void buzz_script_step();
extern void buzz_script_destroy();
void buzz_script_destroy();
extern int buzz_script_done();
int buzz_script_done();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
/** @file buzzuav_closures.cpp
* @version 1.0
* @date 27.09.2016
* @brief Buzz Implementation as a node in ROS for Dji M100 Drone.
* @author Vivek Shankar Varadharajan
* @copyright 2016 MistLab. All rights reserved.
//#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include "buzzuav_closures.h"
#include "uav_utility.h"
@ -56,16 +63,17 @@ int buzzros_print(buzzvm_t vm) {
int buzzuav_goto(buzzvm_t vm) {
buzzvm_lnum_assert(vm, 3);
buzzvm_lload(vm, 1); /* Lattitude */
buzzvm_lload(vm, 1); /* Altitude */
buzzvm_lload(vm, 2); /* Longitude */
buzzvm_lload(vm, 3); /* Altitude */
buzzvm_lload(vm, 3); /* Latitude */
buzzvm_type_assert(vm, 3, BUZZTYPE_FLOAT);
buzzvm_type_assert(vm, 2, BUZZTYPE_FLOAT);
buzzvm_type_assert(vm, 1, BUZZTYPE_FLOAT);
goto_pos[2]=buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->f.value * 10.0f;
goto_pos[1]=buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 2)->f.value * 10.0f;
goto_pos[0]=buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 3)->f.value * 10.0f;
goto_pos[2]=buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 1)->f.value;
goto_pos[1]=buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 2)->f.value;
goto_pos[0]=buzzvm_stack_at(vm, 3)->f.value;
printf(" Buzz requested Go To, to Latitude: %15f , Longitude: %15f, Altitude: %15f \n",goto_pos[0],goto_pos[1],goto_pos[2]);
return buzzvm_ret0(vm);
@ -95,24 +103,27 @@ cur_cmd=rc_cmd;
int buzzuav_takeoff(buzzvm_t vm) {
printf(" Buzz requested Take off !!! \n");
return buzzvm_ret0(vm);
int buzzuav_land(buzzvm_t vm) {
printf(" Buzz requested Land !!! \n");
return buzzvm_ret0(vm);
int buzzuav_gohome(buzzvm_t vm) {
printf(" Buzz requested gohome !!! \n");
return buzzvm_ret0(vm);
void set_battery(float voltage,float current,float remaining){
@ -137,10 +148,11 @@ int buzzuav_update_battery(buzzvm_t vm) {
/*To do !!!!!*/
int buzzuav_update_prox(buzzvm_t vm) {
static char PROXIMITY_BUF[256];
/* static char PROXIMITY_BUF[256];
int i;
//kh4_proximity_ir(PROXIMITY_BUF, DSPIC);
buzzvm_pushs(vm, buzzvm_string_register(vm, "proximity_ir", 1));
@ -161,7 +173,7 @@ int buzzuav_update_prox(buzzvm_t vm) {
return vm->state;
return vm->state;*/

View File

@ -17,15 +17,13 @@ int buzzros_print(buzzvm_t vm);
int buzzuav_goto(buzzvm_t vm);
/* Returns the current command from local variable*/
int getcmd();
/*Sets goto position could be used for bypassing*/
void set_goto(double pos[]);
/*sets rc requested command */
void rc_call(int rc_cmd);
/* sets the battery state to the local variable
/* sets the battery state */
void set_battery(float voltage,float current,float remaining);
/*retuns the current go to position from local variable*/
/*retuns the current go to position */
double* getgoto();
* Commands the UAV to takeoff
@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ int buzzuav_update_battery(buzzvm_t vm);
* Updates IR information in Buzz
* Proximity and ground sensors
* Proximity and ground sensors to do !!!!
int buzzuav_update_prox(buzzvm_t vm);

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
@ -20,20 +18,23 @@
'elevation =
pushs 0
pushcn @__label_1
pushs 5
pushs 6
pushcn @__label_2
pushs 21
pushcn @__label_4
pushs 22
pushcn @__label_5
pushcn @__label_8
pushs 23
pushcn @__label_9
@ -47,67 +48,103 @@
pushi 0 |3,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gstore |3,3,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 2 |4,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 3 |4,13,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |4,13,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 4 |4,14,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |4,20,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |4,21,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |4,23,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |4,23,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gstore |4,23,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |6,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 3 |4,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |4,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 4 |4,10,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |4,16,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 10 |4,17,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |4,20,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |4,20,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gstore |4,20,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 2 |5,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |5,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 5 |5,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |5,6,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 0 |5,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |5,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |7,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 6 |10,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 7 |10,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |10,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 4 |10,10,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |10,16,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 10 |10,17,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |10,20,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |10,20,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gstore |10,20,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 6 |11,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |11,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 8 |11,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |11,6,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 0 |11,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |11,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 9 |13,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |13,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 10 |13,10,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |13,17,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushl @__label_3 |14,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |18,42,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |18,42,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |30,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 7 |12,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |12,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 8 |12,10,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |12,17,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushl @__label_3 |13,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |17,42,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |17,42,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 1 |18,4,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |18,4,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |18,6,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
eq |18,7,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
jumpz @__label_4 |18,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 2 |19,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |19,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 19 |19,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |19,6,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushl @__label_6 |19,7,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |19,34,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |19,34,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 1 |20,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 0 |20,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gstore |20,3,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
jump @__label_5 |22,4,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
@__label_4 |22,4,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 2 |23,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |23,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 19 |23,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |23,6,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushl @__label_7 |23,7,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |23,51,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |23,51,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 1 |24,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 1 |24,2,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gstore |24,3,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
@__label_5 |25,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |35,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 11 |15,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |15,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 12 |15,10,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
lload 1 |15,23,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 13 |15,25,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 14 |16,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 9 |14,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |14,9,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 10 |14,10,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
lload 1 |14,23,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 11 |14,25,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 12 |15,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
lload 2 |15,28,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 13 |15,29,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |15,37,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 14 |15,39,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 15 |16,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
lload 2 |16,28,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 15 |16,29,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |16,37,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 16 |16,39,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 16 |16,29,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |16,36,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 14 |16,38,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 17 |17,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
lload 2 |17,28,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 18 |17,29,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |17,36,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 16 |17,38,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 19 |18,8,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
lload 2 |18,28,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 20 |18,29,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |18,38,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 11 |18,40,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |18,40,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |18,41,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
tget |17,38,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 11 |17,40,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |17,40,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |17,41,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |34,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 20 |19,30,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |19,30,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 0 |19,32,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |19,32,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |19,33,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |38,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushs 21 |23,27,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
gload |23,27,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushf 1.1234 |23,28,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushf 2.2345 |23,35,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushf 3.3456 |23,42,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
pushi 3 |23,49,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
callc |23,49,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |23,50,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |39,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz
ret0 |43,1,/home/vivek/catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/test.bzz

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
/** @file rosbuzz.cpp
* @version 1
* @version 1.0
* @date 27.09.2016
* @brief Buzz Implementation as a node in ROS.
* @brief Buzz Implementation as a node in ROS for Dji M100 Drone.
* @author Vivek Shankar Varadharajan
* @copyright 2016 MistLab. All rights reserved.
@ -27,21 +28,28 @@
#include <map>
using namespace std;
* This program implements Buzz node in ros using mavros_msgs, Developed for Dji M100.
static int done = 0;
static double cur_pos[3];
static uint64_t payload;
static std::map< int, Pos_struct> neighbours_pos_map;
static int timer_step=0;
* This program implements Buzz node in ros.
/*Refresh neighbours Position for every ten step*/
void maintain_pos(int tim_step){
if(timer_step >=10){
/*Maintain neighbours position*/
void neighbours_pos_maintain(int id, Pos_struct pos_arr ){
map< int, Pos_struct >::iterator it = neighbours_pos_map.find(id);
@ -49,22 +57,15 @@ neighbours_pos_map.erase(it);
neighbours_pos_map.insert(make_pair(id, pos_arr));
/*print usage information not needed at the moment*/
void usage(const char* path, int status) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\t%s <stream> <msg_size> <> <file.bdb>\n\n", path);
fprintf(stderr, "== Options ==\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, " stream The stream type: tcp or bt\n");
fprintf(stderr, " msg_size The message size in bytes\n");
fprintf(stderr, " The Buzz bytecode file\n");
fprintf(stderr, " file.bdbg The Buzz debug file\n\n");
/*Set the current position of the robot callback*/
void set_cur_pos(double latitude,
double longitude,
double altitude){
/* set the current position of the robot*/
cur_pos [0] =latitude;
cur_pos [1] =longitude;
cur_pos [2] =altitude;
@ -73,8 +74,8 @@ cur_pos [2] =altitude;
/*convert from catresian to spherical coordinate system callback */
double* cvt_spherical_coordinates(double neighbours_pos_payload []){
double latitude,longitude,altitude;
//for(int i=0;i<pos_vect.size();i++){
longitude = neighbours_pos_payload[1];
@ -99,39 +100,35 @@ set_cur_pos(msg->latitude,msg->longitude,msg->altitude);
/*payload callback callback*/
void payload_obt(const mavros_msgs::Mavlink::ConstPtr& msg)
uint64_t message_obt[(msg->payload64.end())-(msg->payload64.begin())];
uint64_t message_obt[msg->payload64.size()];
int i = 0;
// print all the remaining numbers
/* Go throught the obtained payload*/
for(std::vector<long unsigned int>::const_iterator it = msg->payload64.begin(); it != msg->payload64.end(); ++it)
message_obt[i] =(uint64_t) *it;
cout<<" obtaind message "<<message_obt[i]<<endl;
//cout<<"[Debug:] obtaind message "<<message_obt[i]<<endl;
/* Extract neighbours position from payload*/
double neighbours_pos_payload[3];
memcpy(neighbours_pos_payload, message_obt, 3*sizeof(uint64_t));
//cout<<"neighbours pos recived "<<" lat " << (double)neighbours_pos_payload[0]<<" long "<<(double)neighbours_pos_payload[1] <<" alti "<<(double)neighbours_pos_payload[2]<<endl;
/*Convert obtained position to relative position*/
double* cvt_neighbours_pos_payload = cvt_spherical_coordinates(neighbours_pos_payload);
//cout<<" neighbours pos cvt " <<" lat " << cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[0]<<" long "<<cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[1] <<" alti "<<cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[2]<<endl;
uint16_t* out = u64_cvt_u16((uint64_t)*(message_obt+3));
//cout << " values " <<out[0] <<" "<<(int)out[1] <<" "<<out[2] <<" "<<out[3] <<" "<<endl;
struct pos_struct n_pos;
/*Extract robot id of the neighbour*/
uint16_t* out = u64_cvt_u16((uint64_t)*(message_obt+3));
/*pass neighbour position to local maintaner*/
Pos_struct n_pos(cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[0],cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[1],cvt_neighbours_pos_payload[2]);
delete[] out;
/*Dji RC commands service */
int oldcmdID=0;
int rc_cmd;
bool rc_callback(mavros_msgs::CommandInt::Request &req,
@ -181,7 +178,7 @@ if(req.command==oldcmdID)
/*controlc handler callback*/
/*control c handler callback*/
static void ctrlc_handler(int sig) {
done = 1;
@ -227,9 +224,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* The bytecode filename */
char* bcfname = "../catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/"; //argv[1];
char* bcfname = (char*)"../catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/"; //argv[1];
/* The debugging information file name */
char* dbgfname = "../catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/out.bdbg"; //argv[2];
char* dbgfname = (char*)"../catkin_ws/src/rosbuzz/src/out.bdbg"; //argv[2];
/* Set CTRL-C handler */
signal(SIGTERM, ctrlc_handler);
signal(SIGINT, ctrlc_handler);
@ -239,8 +236,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(buzz_script_set(bcfname, dbgfname)) {
fprintf(stdout, "Bytecode file found and set\n");
/*Commands for dji flight controller*/
mavros_msgs::CommandInt cmd_srv;
int count = 0;
while (ros::ok() && !done && !buzz_script_done())
@ -262,19 +260,27 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* diji client call*/
if ({ ROS_INFO("Reply: %ld", (long int)cmd_srv.response.success); }
else{ ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service 'djicmd'"); }
/*Prepare Pay load to be sent*/
/*obtain Pay load to be sent*/
uint64_t* payload_out_ptr= out_msg_process();
uint64_t position[3];
/*Appened current position to message*/
memcpy(position, cur_pos, 3*sizeof(uint64_t));
mavros_msgs::Mavlink payload_out;
/*Append Buzz message*/
uint16_t* out = u64_cvt_u16(payload_out_ptr[0]);
for(int i=0;i<out[0];i++){
int i=0;
for(std::vector<long unsigned int>::const_iterator it = payload_out.payload64.begin(); it != payload_out.payload64.end(); ++it)
//message_obt[i] =(uint64_t) *it;
//cout<<" [Debug:] sent message "<<*it<<endl;
/*publish prepared messages in respective topic*/
delete[] out;
@ -286,13 +292,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* cout<<"time step"<<timer_step<<endl;
map< int, Pos_struct >::iterator it;
for (it=neighbours_pos_map.begin(); it!=neighbours_pos_map.end(); ++it){
std::cout << it->first << " => " << (it->second).x <<" " << (it->second).y <<" " << (it->second).z<<endl;
/* Cleanup */

View File

@ -1,31 +1,36 @@
# Executed once at init time.
function init() {
v = stigmergy.create(1)
#v.put("a", 6)
s = swarm.create(10)
# Executed at each time step.
function step() {
s = swarm.create(10)
# print all the neighbours position
function(rid, data) {
print("robot ", rid, ": ",
"distance = ", data.distance, ", ",
"azimuth = ", data.azimuth, ", ",
"elevation = ", data.elevation) })
s.exec(function() {uav_takeoff()})
s.exec(function() {uav_goto(1.1234,2.2345,3.3456)})
#print("Distance to source:", mydist, neighbors.count())
#i = i + 1

View File

@ -4,50 +4,20 @@
//knet_dev_t* DSPIC;
static const int ACC_INC = 3;
static const int ACC_DIV = 0;
static const int MIN_SPEED_ACC = 20;
static const int MIN_SPEED_DEC = 1;
static const int MAX_SPEED = 400; /* mm/sec */
/*To do !*/
void uav_setup() {
/* Set the libkhepera debug level */
// initiate libkhepera and robot access
if(kh4_init(0, NULL) !=0)
printf("\nERROR: could not initialize the khepera!\n\n");
/* open robot socket and store the handle in their respective pointers
DSPIC = knet_open("Khepera4:dsPic", KNET_BUS_I2C, 0, NULL);
/* Set speed profile
kh4_SetSpeedProfile(ACC_INC, /* Acceleration increment
ACC_DIV, /* Acceleration divider
MIN_SPEED_ACC, /* Minimum speed acc
MIN_SPEED_DEC, /* Minimum speed dec
MAX_SPEED, /* Maximum speed
kh4_SetMode(kh4RegSpeedProfile, DSPIC);
/* Mute ultrasonic sensor
kh4_activate_us(0, DSPIC);*/
/*To do !*/
void uav_done() {
/* /* Stop wheels
kh4_set_speed(0, 0, DSPIC);
/* Set motors to idle
kh4_SetMode(kh4RegIdle, DSPIC);
/* Clear rgb leds because they consume energy
kh4_SetRGBLeds(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, DSPIC); */
fprintf(stdout, "Robot stopped.\n");

View File

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
//#include <khepera/khepera.h>
extern void uav_setup();
extern void uav_done();
//extern knet_dev_t* DSPIC;